Polish Corner


So imagine, what opinion I had had before I saw this film
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I'm not sorry as much, but you could be, if you saw my pic.
mean and stubborn, very well then

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
mean and stubborn, very well then
That's why you don't love me as much as MovieGal, Dani8, cat_sidhe,..........................................................................................
..................................I guess.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Polish main prizes for movies are called Golden Eagles. Few hours ago the main prize for the best picture went to Silent Night, which won in majority of categories. As the best European Movie won The Square.

Saw this on the internet today titled, "If Poland were a TV show".
I understand the last two pics (after WW1 and after WW2, no?) and comments like "explosive season finale"; but don't know the earlier ones - can anyone explain the comments on those?


The critically acclaimed first season is Poland from 960 to 992 just when Mieszko I became the first historical prince of Poland (before that the facts are mixed with legends). In 966 the Baptism of Poland took place which made the country count internationally since it was recognized by the papacy.

The second season with a changed formula is Poland from 1333 to 1370. In 1333 Casimir III the Great was crowned. A king often considered the greatest. There's a famous saying that he upgraded Poland from a wooden fortress to a stone one. He also funded Jagiellonian University. He died in 1370.

The amazing third season with a guest star is Poland from 1371 to 1635. That's a large span of time, but the gist of it is that Poland and Lithuania created the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Union of Krewo, the Union of Horodło and the Union of Lublin being the most important events in uniting them. Many important events took place during that time, like Poland and Lithuania totally wrecking Teutonic Knights in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, or Prussian Homage in 1525 that finished many, many wars between Poland and Teutonic Order (the latter becoming Poland's fief).

Series cancelled, assets bought by rivaling studios refers to the First Partition of Poland in 1772. The Russian Empire, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austria-Hungary partitioned Poland. Poland ceased to be a sovereign country for 123 years. In case you're wondering, there also was the Second Partition of Poland in 1793 and the Third Partition of Poland in 1795.

The failed fan-made reboot refers to 1807 when Napoleon created The Duchy of Warsaw. It was said to be free, but de facto it was dependent on French Empire. The Duchy ceased to exist in 1815 when Napoleon was defeated.

Series back due to popular demand, explosive season finale, almost cancelled refers to Poland from 1922 to 1939. In fact Poland regained independence in 1918, but it was 1922 that was formative for the borders. Also in 1922 the first president of Poland - Gabriel Narutowicz - was chosen. He was shot dead the same year by Eligiusz Niewiadomski, though. I think "almost cancelled" refers to the Battle of Warsaw that took place in 1920. Basically, Poland miraculously destroyed the Soviet Russia right before they entered the capital. It stopped Soviet March to the West and basically saved the entire Europe from the Reds.

Ongoing season, back to the roots with mixed reviews refers to Poland from 1945 to the present. After World War Two Poland lost many lands in the East, but gained some in the West. The East border for example was set by Stalin who decided the Curzon Line will be the border.



The critically acclaimed first season is Poland from 960 to 992 just when Mieszko I became the first historical prince of Poland (before that the facts are mixed with legends). In 966 the Baptism of Poland took place which made the country count internationally since it was recognized by the papacy.
Wow, that's fantastic! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that.
A further question: When you say "Baptism of Poland" in 966, is that seen as the important foundation date (like when Americans talk of 1776)? And did people in the 1960s in Poland celebrate 1000 years of their country?


The answer is yes to both, but I don't have time to elaborate right now.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

To my Polish brothers and sisters. Thank you so much for your heritage, and your cooking culture in Poland. I was just telling Mr Min that I went to the Aldi saturday sale two weekends ago and bought a massive jar each of Polski Ogorki and artichoke hearts. Oh my goodness, I was in heaven with those and vintage cheese. Some of you know I've been in hospital for a month and I totally lost my appetite so to be able to finally eat something i remember from years and years ago put the spring back in my step. I have been in search of these for so long but there arent any Euro style Delis near me that I go to regularly, although now that I'm back to drivng I suddenly realised a suburb where I might be able to find them. So heavenly!

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Glad to hear Dani, that something what comes from Poland makes you feel better. I eat a lot of Polskie Ogorki, which are very good for health and this is what I wish you - to getting better

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Glad to hear Dani, that something what comes from Poland makes you feel better. I eat a lot of Polskie Ogorki, which are very good for health and this is what I wish you - to getting better
You're so adorable, Mrs Min. Thankyou so much for your support all this time, cheeky lil thing. it was always nic3 to see your posts.

and Hail the Ogorki. Dayum, now i need some with my tea. LOL I'm serious. The best thing since sliced bread. OK, maybe not all sliced bread.

Shaken like a leaf.

A system of cells interlinked
My Polish wife approves of this thread!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Why not? I am cheeky! You know that.

They dont make lens cleaners like they used to, Mr M. I simply cannot get my glasses clean and I cant type for Larry when they're so fogged up.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
My Polish wife approves of this thread!
and I shall rep that!

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
You're so adorable, Mrs Min. Thankyou so much for your support all this time, cheeky lil thing. it was always nic3 to see your posts.
You meant Mr's Min auntie
Kiss for you, Dani
Take care, sweety.