Tons of rep to anyone that...


A system of cells interlinked
You mention Evenescense, so I am wondering if distortion is playing a part in all this. There is something to be said for a well distorted guitar or synth. Sends a chill up the ol' spine. I am not a big fan of Evenescense myself (bad riffs, cheese soloing, poor writing overall), but I love a lot of chunky guitar-type music, and the heavy, tense distortion is a big reason...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

In the Beginning...
Some people feel content to be depressed sometimes, either consciously or subconsciously. They don't enjoy it, and they certainly don't prefer it - but sometimes, it feels right to just be down, to just let yourself be emotional (when everyone else seems to be cold all the time), and let those emotions connect with books you read, songs you hear, movies you watch, etc.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Sleezy
Some people feel content to be depressed sometimes, either consciously or subconsciously. They don't enjoy it, and they certainly don't prefer it - but sometimes, it feels right to just be down, to just let yourself be emotional (when everyone else seems to be cold all the time), and let those emotions connect with books you read, songs you hear, movies you watch, etc.
It's what connects us to being alive and human. Some are afraid to be happy... because they know that the happiness could possibly be disrupted and taken away.

I don't know where I get this from. Please ignore.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

f*** it, i'm just giving everyone rep, cause i can't decide who's closest

You've got these receptors in your beak (nose), and in there are millions of other receptors. Okay? So each of these smaller receptors are kind of like a shape. Remember that game where you tried to put the cube in the square and cylinder in the circle? Everything you smell is made of tiny molecules (or whatever they are, they're just some tiny sh*t) and when you breathe in these things floatin' around, certain shapes will fit into certain receptors in your nose. Okay, so now you just breathed in the scent of a fart, so here's what's happenin'. Millions of micro sized things just went into your nose and they fit into only a certain type of receptors, more of a combination of them. So once they touch their proper receptor, they trigger an electrical impulse that goes straight to a certain part of your brain (don't remember which one, I smoked a lot of weed when I was a psych student). So a rose has a certain combination of receptors they fit in, therefor the ability of perfume, even if it doesn't have actual rose in it, the perfume is able to duplicate the ability to touch the proper receptors, causing you to think of a rose. And what makes this so darn groovy is that the path the electrical signals take is supposedly the most direct of any path to the brain. So smelling has the biggest ability to be translated and accepted without being filtered. Hence, it triggering some good stuff.

Be aware of this knew knowledge. Smelling a fart now means that millions of tiny turd particles have floated into your nose. They aren't as funny anymore are they?

Oh yeah, if you want some chick to think of you and stuff, once you've got her slip on some widely used cologne after you've been seeing her for awhile. So, if you break up, everytime some other guy is wearing it, she'll smell it and think of you. Just some imature mind tricks that my Professor thought would be useful.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
You've got these receptors in your beak (nose), and in there are millions of other receptors. Okay? So each of these smaller receptors are kind of like a shape. Remember that game where you tried to put the cube in the square and cylinder in the circle? Everything you smell is made of tiny molecules (or whatever they are, they're just some tiny sh*t) and when you breathe in these things floatin' around, certain shapes will fit into certain receptors in your nose. Okay, so now you just breathed in the scent of a fart, so here's what's happenin'. Millions of micro sized things just went into your nose and they fit into only a certain type of receptors, more of a combination of them. So once they touch their proper receptor, they trigger an electrical impulse that goes straight to a certain part of your brain (don't remember which one, I smoked a lot of weed when I was a psych student). So a rose has a certain combination of receptors they fit in, therefor the ability of perfume, even if it doesn't have actual rose in it, the perfume is able to duplicate the ability to touch the proper receptors, causing you to think of a rose. And what makes this so darn groovy is that the path the electrical signals take is supposedly the most direct of any path to the brain. So smelling has the biggest ability to be translated and accepted without being filtered. Hence, it triggering some good stuff.

Be aware of this knew knowledge. Smelling a fart now means that millions of tiny turd particles have floated into your nose. They aren't as funny anymore are they?

Oh yeah, if you want some chick to think of you and stuff, once you've got her slip on some widely used cologne after you've been seeing her for awhile. So, if you break up, everytime some other guy is wearing it, she'll smell it and think of you. Just some imature mind tricks that my Professor thought would be useful.

My cranially-attached conjoined fetus and I have found this post quite amusing... thanks.
-On a different note-...
Does it appear as though I have enough time to slip into something a little less...complicated?

I know lederhosen was a bad idea...oh well, it does showcase my thighs, and ya can’t fault me for trying.