The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Wise Blood (John Huston, 1979)

Date Watched: 03/04/18
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Brad Dourif, recommended by @Citizen Rules
Rewatch: No.

After much admiring his performance as Billy Bibbit in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, I was interested in seeing more of Brad Dourif. He takes the lead role here as a bitter, possibly sociopathic war veteran with a grudge against religion, who becomes a preacher for his own anti-church.

I thought the performances were mostly strong, particularly Dourifs - though it was nowhere near as impressive as his performance in Cuckoo's Nest - and I enjoyed the wry humor. However, I was very much put off by the frequent use of the N word and it kind of soured my experience. I also wasn't too keen on Dan Shor's Enoch Emory character and wasn't sure what the point of him even was.

Still an overall enjoyable film, if not one that was especially memorable.


Trouble with a capital "T"
@Miss Vicky
Wise Blood

Very cool that you watched this and liked it too. I totally agree with you that the two things I didn't like was the frequent use of the N word. I mean why? that didn't really seem to fit the movie which was about religious charlatans and zealots. That use of the N word bugged me.

I did not like Dan Shor's Enoch Emory character, either. As soon as the movie was over I was wishing I could have co-directed it (I do that a lot, ha) and I would have cut the Enoch character straight out of it.

Did you notice that it looked and felt like a period piece set in depression era 1930s, and yet there were modern clothes and cars in some of the shots? I thought that was weird. But yeah I still liked it, it's unique.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
How do you rate L'Avventura Minio?
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
If anything she rated it too highly. OK, there's no "if anything", she did.
A person whose third favourite of all time is Charlie's Angels is not too credible. Sorry.

I moderately liked Glory and American Graffiti. The Station Agent, In the Mood for Love and Wise Blood have been on my radar for awhile. Looking forward to Out of the Blue whenever I get a chance to watch it. Not looking forward to L'Avventura, but I'll watch it one day. Had never heard of Shallow Grave until it was nominated in the Hall of Fame.

I expected you to hate Aguirre, so the apathetic three-popcorn rating feels like a win. I didn't like Aguirre at all the first time I watched it, yet the movie lingered on my mind for so long afterwards that I eventually gave it another shot and loved it. Now it's one of my favorites. Such a haunting film. The on-location filming lends the film an incredible level of verisimilitude, as if Herzog traveled back a few hundred years and filmed actual conquistadors, and nobody plays a madman more convincingly than real-life madman Klaus Kinski.

You're one of the very few I've seen not be emotionally affected by The Elephant Man. Ever seen any of Lynch's other work? I thought Rebecca was mid-tier Hitchcock until I re-watched it for the 40's Countdown. Now I think it's up there with Psycho and Rear Window as one of his best.

BTW, I finally watched U Turn the other day, one of your top 100, and I have to regretfully inform you that I absolutely despised it. The film boasts an amazing cast, and I can appreciate the kookiness of the characters, but Oliver Stone's direction is so obnoxious and distractingly ostentatious that it ruined the film for me. Your boy-toy didn't have as much screen time as I would've expected, either. Billy Bob Thornton was my favorite part of the film.

Yeah I'm not surprised to see you hated U Turn. It's definitely not a movie that's going to appeal to everyone. Stone's directing didn't bother me, probably because I get too wrapped up in the crazy characters.

From Lynch, I've seen and hated Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I also rewatched Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Thursday night. Still love it and rate it
, but didn't feel a need to write it up again.
that's a beautiful write up, as they all are,and my interest is peaked by most of these movies on the last couple of pages, and by captain spaulding's and citizen rules' commentaries in reply. Thanks.

I rewatched Coco last night at a friend's house. Without having that Frozen crap to sour my mood, I enjoyed it more this time and I had better appreciation for some of the details but still didn't love it. I'd probably only upgrade it to a

I also watched a fan recording of the Hedwig and the Angry Inch stage show on YouTube from the 2015 tour. It's definitely a different experience than the movie but I really enjoyed it. I'm sad now that I chose not to catch the show when it was in my area (though the show that was near me didn't have John Cameron Mitchell in the lead). If they tour again I'll have to try to see it.

Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (David Soren 2017)

Date Watched: 03/23/18
Cinema or Home: My friend's house
Reason For Watching: My friend and I are fools who make bad decisions.
Rewatch: No.

"It's a Dreamworks movie, how bad can it be?"

Those were the words my friend spoke before pressing play on this unfunny pile of crap last night. Now, I am aware that the movie was based on a series of children's books and I don't know how much of the blame our experience last night rests with the source material. However, what I do know is that the movie tried really hard to be funny and yet not hard enough because it failed miserably.

The story was stupid. The jokes fell flat. The character designs were ugly. Oh and the notion that nobody would think anything strange of a grown-ass man in his tighty whities walking down the halls of a school (where he works as the principal) or hanging out in a tree house with a couple of little boys is pretty much the only thing laughable about this film.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Conspiracy can be laid to rest. Miss Vicky is not a ten year old boy. Rest easy Mofo.

I actually haven't sat through the whole thing MV, but my boys think it's hilarious.

I liked the books when i was a kid. I was supposed to be taking my niece and nephew to see that but something came up, looks like i dodged a bullet.

Also Dreamworks sucks.

I mostly agree but have to admit I was charmed by HTTYD a bit.
HTTYD is actually one of my favourite animated films, i also loved Prince of Egypt as a kid not sure how it would hold up now. Liked the first two Shrek's as a kid but they didn't hold up as an adult. Everything else i've seen from them is terrible though. It's baffling how weak they are compared to Disney/Pixar/Ghibli/Aardman considering the budgets they have. Like i don't believe there's anyone that exists whose favourite Animation Studio is Dreamworks haha.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
HTTYD is actually one of my favourite animated films, i also loved Prince of Egypt as a kid not sure how it would hold up now. Liked the first two Shrek's as a kid but they didn't hold up as an adult. Everything else i've seen from them is terrible though. It's baffling how weak they are compared to Disney/Pixar/Ghibli/Aardman considering the budgets they have. Like i don't believe there's anyone that exists whose favourite Animation Studio is Dreamworks haha.
I was totally bored by Prince and have always hated the Shrek movies. The Ice Age movies are horrendous as well. Of course I may have a couple years of age on you that is influencing my opinions...just a couple years.

I was totally bored by Prince and have always hated the Shrek movies. The Ice Age movies are horrendous as well. Of course I may have a couple years of age on you that is influencing my opinions...just a couple years.
I haven't seen Prince of Egypt since i was 12 or something so yeah no clue if i'll feel the same now. Just looked them up and another i liked as a kid that i don't think would hold up now is Antz, i actually liked that better than A Bug's Life then. The rest are so bad though, Shark Tale is a strong contender for worst animated film i've seen and the only worse big studio one to me is Home On The Range.