15th Hall of Fame


I watched 2046 at like 2AM while on strong painkillers, crazy experience. Starting to wonder if that even happened or if it was a hallucination
Did the same. Turned out the film was a hallucination, but Li Gong in my bed wasn't. Or the other way around. I don't know anymore.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
The only film I do not own/can't obtain is Shallow Grave. So if anyone knows of a way to watch it, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

I want to avoid paying to watch it (I know I can get it from Google Play). But if I have to pay for it, I will have to pay for it.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

I realize we have an international group here, but it still amazes me how many people haven't seen Glory. It was required viewing in a few of my history classes in junior high and high school. I own the DVD, so I may get started with that today.

Anyway, as usual, I'm putting this here for my own reference.


Aguirre, the Wrath of God (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Nominated by Siddon
Length: 1 hr, 35 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 17, 2018

American Graffiti (George Lucas, 1973)
Nominated by Citizen Rules
Length: 1 hr, 50 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 19, 2018

The Elephant Man (David Lynch, 1980)
Nominated by jiraffejustin
Length: 2 hrs, 4 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 22, 2018

Glory (Edward Zwick,1989)
Nominated by SilentVamp
Length: 2 hrs, 2 mins
Rewatch?: Yes.
Source: My collection
Review: February 13, 2018

In the Mood For Love (Wong Kar-Wai, 2000)
Nominated by ThursdayNext
Length: 1 hrs, 38 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 24, 2018

Hedwig and the Angry Inch (John Cameron Mitchell, 2001)
Nominated by Miss Vicky
Length: 1 hr, 35 mins
Rewatch?: Yes.
Source: My collection
Review: February 28, 2016

L'Avventura (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1960)
Nominated by rauldc14
Length: 2 hrs, 23 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: March 3, 2018

Out of the Blue (Dennis Hopper, 1980)
Nominated by Cricket
Length: 1 hr, 34 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Ebay DVD
Review: February 14, 2018

Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock, 1940)
Nominated by Cosmic Runaway
Length: 2 hrs, 10 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 28, 2018

Shallow Grave (Danny Boyle, 1994)
Nominated by edarsenal
Length: 1 hr, 29 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 15, 2018

The Station Agent (Tom McCarthy, 2003)
Nominated by Joel
Length: 1 hr, 29 mins
Rewatch?: No.
Source: Library
Review: February 17, 2018

American Graffiti Seen it a few times with the last time being for the 70's countdown. My opinion has changed over the years, but it's always in the positive.

Glory Saw it once a little over a year ago and thought it was terrific.

Shallow Grave Was disappointed the one time I watched it many years ago. It should be something I like so we'll see about this time.

Out of the Blue My nomination and I watched it recently. I will send everyone a link.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch Watched 3 or 4 years ago and would consider it one of my favorite musicals.

The Station Agent Have heard of it many times but have not seen it.

The Elephant Man Saw it about 4 years ago and thought it was very good.

Aguirre, The Wrath of God Saw it once about 4 years ago. Thought highly of it and I'd now consider Herzog to be one of my favorite directors.

L'Avventura Thought it was a chore the one time I watched it. However, that was when I was just starting to watch foreign arthouse. I've been wanting to try it again.

Rebecca Saw it for the second time just last year. I know I like it a lot, but I'm still not sure how much.

In the Mood for Love Been on my watchlist for a couple years now and I have high hopes.

Also, I fully intend to rewatch Hedwig, but I don't know if I'm going to write it up again. I reviewed it in my movie log in 2016 and I don't think anything I could say now would improve upon that review. So I'm going to repost that review here. If I decide I have something more to say once I rewatch it, I'll write it up again.


Hedwig and the Angry Inch (John Cameron Mitchell, 2001)

Date Watched: 02/28/16
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: Hedwig is a reason unto itself
Rewatch: Yes

Behind the glamorous wigs and glittery makeup, Hedwig and the Angry Inch is at its core a story about the search for one's identity, the need for love, and the pursuit of dreams.

Struggling to cope with the physical and emotional scars of a botched sex change operation and her abandonment by her husband, Hedwig - born a boy named Hansel - takes babysitting jobs to pay the bills and turns to music to vent her pain. And it is through one of these odd jobs that she meets and falls in love with a 17 year old boy named Tommy, who is struggling to find his own identity. But like the men who've passed through Hedwig's life before him, Tommy ultimately betrays Hedwig and she is left to pick up the pieces.

But this is no melodrama. Hedwig and the Angry Inch is ripe with hilarious dialogue, thick with innuendo, and bursting at the seams with a fantastic soundtrack of songs that entertain, enlighten and work to move the story forward. Director, writer, and star John Cameron Mitchell is glorious as Hedwig, reveling in her exaggerated and flamboyant stage persona, delivering her sarcastic lines with a razor wit, and letting her vulnerability and humanity show in the quieter moments.

But his is not the only strong performance. Miriam Shor is fantastic as Yitzhak, Hedwig's long suffering and neglected partner and band member who envies the glamorous Hedwig, while also yearning to breach the emotional wall Hedwig has built. And of course Michael Pitt is a wonder as Tommy Gnosis, the boy whose very identity was a gift from Hedwig and who repaid her by stealing her songs and claiming them as his own.

Hedwig is a movie that dazzles with its glamour, but also with its color and creativity. Everything about this film pops and moves. Nothing you see on the screen is accidental or insignificant. Its imagery is evocative and enlightening and probably not moreso than the crudely beautiful animation that accompanies the philosophical "Origin of Love."

It's also a film that shifted my ideas of what a musical can be. It has made me recognize that a musical need not feature random bursts of song with choreographed dancing. It can incorporate music in a way that compliments the story and provides exposition without feeling gimmicky or at all out of place. I still generally dislike the genre but with its great humor and emotional impact, I cannot help but love this particular musical.

The Station Agent - My own nom, one of my favorite chill out comedy dramas

American Graffiti - it's been ages but I'm looking forward to it as my memories are pretty fond

Shallow Grave -seen it, wasn't a huge fan of it but im still looking forward to seeing it fresh again

Out of the Blue - big fan, but it's been well over a deacde

In the Mood for Love - have not seen

Aguirre, The Wrath of God - haven't seen but the director and star are interesting to me so - cool!

Elephant Man - outstanding film, looking forward to experiencing it again fresh

Glory - saw this many many years ago. I rememeber very little as it was cable movie for me and I was in high school preoccupied with other things (a big blank part of my life where movies weren't too important to me)

Rebecca - heard good things, never seen

Hedwig and the Angry Inch - I saw this when it debuted as a new release on dvd. Didn't care for it then but maybe a rewatch will change my mind?

L'Avventura - haven't seen this

I realize we have an international group here, but it still amazes me how many people haven't seen Glory. It was required viewing in a few of my history classes in junior high and high school.
We only studied Canadian, British, and European History when I was in school. The War of 1812 was the only time the US was really brought up.

I learned most of my US History from what are probably highly inaccurate films. Sad, but true.

Trouble with a capital "T"
American Graffiti - My nom, I doubt anyone will relate to it like I do. I spent a lot of my teen and early 20s car cruising, just like in the movie. There was a small town out in the valley that had a two lane - one direction road that made a loop around the center of this old town and kids from all around would come to cruise the 'loop'. And it had been a popular spot since the early 1950s. I heard about it when I was young and as soon as my friends and I had cars we went and cruised and talked to girls and raced and just hung out, like you see in the movie. Car cruising was really big all over the west coast up until the mid 1980s when cities started passing anti-cruising laws. Then it was over. So much of this movie is like a time machine for me. I wish I had my old muscle car back!

Shallow Grave - not seen it

Out of the Blue - not seen it

Hedwig and the Angry Inch - not seen it, but I know Miss Vicky loves this one, it looks interesting.

The Station Agent - not seen it

The Elephant Man - I seen this once when it first came out, made a big impact on me.

Aguirre, the Wrath of God - not seen it but I'm interested as I like subject matter of the film.

L'Avventura - not seen it

Rebecca - In my top 10 movies

In the Mood For Love - not seen it, but have wanted to watch it.

Glory - not seen it, but have known about it and wanted to watch it for a long time.

Most looking forward to people's reaction to Out of the Blue. That's possibly the most nasty, depressing film i've seen especially the last 20 minutes; so great though.

The War of 1812 was the only time the US was really brought up.
No wait, this is a lie. We also learned about the underground railway. There was a whole unit focused around that back in elementary school. Yet I still managed to forget about it.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Glory Saw it once a little over a year ago and thought it was terrific.
Oh, so you have seen it? I guess I was wrong about you then. But I think that was a long time ago where I happened to have read somewhere on here that you hadn't seen it.

We only studied Canadian, British, and European History when I was in school. The War of 1812 was the only time the US was really brought up.

I learned most of my US History from what are probably highly inaccurate films. Sad, but true.
You guys didn't get much about the American Revolution? I just assumed some of that would've been taught there because of how many people stayed loyal to the British and moved up there because of that fact.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
No wait, this is a lie. We also learned about the underground railway. There was a whole unit focused around that back in elementary school. Yet I still managed to forget about it.
I was going to ask you about the Underground Railroad, but you just gave me my answer. I figured that that had to be somewhat included in one of your history classes.