Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Creep 2: 2017

Mark Duplass is a gem.
100% agree. Duplass is so great
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Cinderella (Kenneth Branagh, 2015)

If the shoe fits....

Or if the dress color shifts I gave it the same rating, nice version of the classic, with the cool multi toned dress...
Yeah, read the reviews from others after I rated it here - not normally my cup of tea but it's a decent enough version that's quite sumptuous in places.

Registered User
[quote=Hey Fredrick;1843155]

Was looking through the 1001 movies to see before your dead when I came across this 1967 horror film from Russia. /QUOTE]

I cant the link (rule 25 posts), but this is The Mantle and Other Stories, by Nicholas Gogol

Sitting next to my mother, I wished the cornflakes worked better.

Enough lens flare to make JJ Abrams .

Welcome to the human race...
The Long Kiss Goodnight -

Man, my 2015 review of this movie is terrible.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

El Camino Christmas
Dir: David E. Talbert

Don't be fooled into thinking this is a unique and worthy entry into Christmas movie territory, because it is not. This has got to be the absolute worst movie I've seen in a long, long time. It crawls with its pacing, which would be fine if there were anything good to offer. The ideal location is wasted with "cinematography" that mimics only the finest of Red Epic sensors. Yeah, that's right. This looks so digitally shot that news anchor footage shows no visible difference. Jessica Alba is pregnant and wasting our time being boring and insignificant. Kurtwood Smith plays an idiot sheriff and has not one funny line. Vincent D'Onofrio completely sucks, though he does manage to act like an A-hole well enough. According to Andrew McCarthy, I'm guessing this wasn't a stretch. TIM ALLEN is in this. He gets those "profound" moments that no one has earned, least of all the writer of this turkey movie. So we have a slow burn with zero payoff and violence that is so out of left field that we spend the whole film completely lost of any tone or sense of identity. If you watch this movie, it's your own damn fault. Consider yourself warned. This is trash.

Merry Christmas, BTW.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I had never heard of it and I've certainly never seen 5 empty popcorn buckets before, but after giving myself brain damage watching the trailer I have to give it half a bucket of popcorn for being the only xmas movie I've ever seen that has no snow.

Enjoyable enough and the music choices were a blast with the hysteria scenes but something was missing. Probably would have been better without Greg McLean; and definitely needed a stronger ending. Still, I got the recommendation from here nd had never heard of it before mofo. Glad I saw it. Sure beat Jim Carrey as The Grinch.

The bad guy selection was to on the nose for me...the middle aged white dudes felt too cliche'd. Battle Royale had a variety of bad guys Mitsuko (femme fatale) and lighthouse girls I believe elevated the work

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The bad guy selection was to on the nose for me...the middle aged white dudes felt too cliche'd. Battle Royale had a variety of bad guys Mitsuko (femme fatale) and lighthouse girls I believe elevated the work
Battle Royale was great. I really need to see it again.

Still laughing at the music choices. Really made it quite fun, but something was just a bit flat. Cant put my finger on it. Still, I would watch this again just for the scene with a mob running up the stairs screaming.

This guy needs to do more standup. Story telling is my favorite style and it suits him well. Ima need about 30 pee tapes.

Ingrid Goes West (2017)

I watched this because I like Aubrey Plaza. She plays an unbalanced chick who stalks people through social media and then in person. Her new target is a famous photographer out in California played by Elizabeth Olsen. I would call this a dark comedy, but it never gets too dark, and I think that may be what prevents there being anything special about the movie. The performances and characters are all pretty good, and it's a pretty decent watch overall. My wife liked it about the same as I did.