Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Faust (1926) by F.W. Murnau

Il Bidone (1955) by Federico Fellini

Ici et ailleurs (1976) by Jean-Luc Godard

Austerlitz (2016) by Sergey Loznitsa
vy nice selection
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Not bad. Edited strangely. E.g., 2 minutes of The Who & 10 minutes of Ravi Shankar. Oy.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

The Revenant (2015) -
(Tom Hardy was pretty great though)
Locke (2014) -

Enemy (2014) -
(funny in how stupid it is)

One of the contestants on Jeopardy lost money last night because she said the name of the movie was Scrooge instead of Scrooged.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

It was OK on a rain y evening with nothing else on but nothing to write home about unless you love schmaltz with a spoon *cue the angelic music and jennifer's misty eyes*

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
The Dark Knight (2008) -

The Revenant (2015) -

Prisoners (2010) -

Locke (2014) -

Enemy (2014) -

Lights Out (2015) -

Scrooged (1988) -
Prisoners is one of the best films I've seen this decade.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU

The Shape of Water

Overall I enjoyed this movie. The score and Sally Hawkins's performance was a nice treat. I'd say this movie is on par with Pan's Labyrinth.

Where did you see it may i ask? I can't find it anywhere in my area yet

Originally Posted by Stirchley
Not bad. Edited strangely. E.g., 2 minutes of The Who & 10 minutes of Ravi Shankar. Oy.
Totally agree. While I love the movie, even if they'd switched it and Ravi at 2 minutes that would be to much of him. I like my sitar music in small doses. Just a small link to Ravi---in 1974 a friend and I went to see George Harrison and Ravi Shankar and get this---they alternated songs so the whole concert was mixed with good George music and...Ravi's looonnnngggg songs. We left before the concert was over. Can't believe I left a George Harrison concert, but there it is. Anyway, back on subject, the movie and music was fine but I wish every artist had more songs in the movie. It seemed like it was evenly split between the artists and the people in and around the concert grounds doing their art. I really liked Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and especially Otis Redding. What a performance! There's a DVD boxed-set with extra performance time, and I believe Hendrix's entire concert. I'd get it just for that.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Atomic Blonde
The fact that it is from the same director as the John Wick definitely explains the brutal fighting going on in the graphic novel production of spies; lies, sex and plot twists.

The Physician
++ Surprisingly enjoyable faire from Netflix. Some truly beautiful compositions throughout.

The Last Jedi (2017)

On one hand much better than the prequels, on the other hand about an hour of the film is pointless detritus. Kylo Ren is right and the rebellion is wrong and they wasted Luke Skywalker. Also they pretty much destroyed the franchise. I'll give Rian Johnson credit though it's takes a skilled hand to ruin the Original trilogy and A New Hope and make a decent entertaining but also terrible film.

bring on the retcon

Trouble with a capital "T"
YES it is!!
LOVED your review of it
Thanks....The credit goes to MovieGal who told me about The Physician. I wish she was still around, we had some good convos and she told me about some good films too.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Thanks....The credit goes to MovieGal who told me about The Physician. I sure wish she was still around, we had some good convos and she told me about some good films too.
I've never heard of that. Looks stunning.

Thanks....The credit goes to MovieGal who told me about The Physician. I sure wish she was still around, we had some good convos and she told me about some good films too.
I do too. I was such an ass to her before she left.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Thanks....The credit goes to MovieGal who told me about The Physician. I sure wish she was still around, we had some good convos and she told me about some good films too.
Getting this for tonight to have after spotlight. Thanks CR.

I wish moviegal was here as well and I never knew her but feel like I do from her film tastes.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Thanks....The credit goes to MovieGal who told me about The Physician. I sure wish she was still around, we had some good convos and she told me about some good films too.
curious to see what other movies she suggested to you.
I've never heard of that. Looks stunning.
It definitely is.