The Women Directors Hall of Fame


I'd like to join, but I'm afraid someone will nominate a film that's impossible for me to find a copy/stream of it.
I wouldn't worry about it. Camo found a perfect link for mine and knowing him he has all of them already.

I'd like to join, but I'm afraid someone will nominate a film that's impossible for me to find a copy/stream of it.
That's always been my primary concern with these and why I don't join any.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'd like to join this one. I'm pathologically terrible at being in time for HoF threads so I don't know if I can nominate a film though.
You are in plenty of time, Camo hasn't revealed yet. Believe he is taking new noms till Monday.

Despite my reservations about this, I have decided to join and sent in a nom

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

I'd like to join, but I'm afraid someone will nominate a film that's impossible for me to find a copy/stream of it.
The only one that we haven't 100% sorted out is Velvets, but we will have before Monday. Join if you're interested. Velvet uploaded his nom to Youtube and it was blocked instantly

That's always been my primary concern with these and why I don't join any.
Everyone helps each other with links, we have links for everything except Velvets so far but we're sorting that out. Would be glad to have you.

I'd like to join this one. I'm pathologically terrible at being in time for HoF threads so I don't know if I can nominate a film though.
As Sean said you have to Monday. Send your nom if you want in.

Yam sent his nom so that's definitely 10, and you three are more than welcome. Up to you.

Also Velvets is on Filmstruck for whoever has that.

Send me your nom when you're ready.

That's 11 then, if Jal joined i think that would be the perfect amount. We'll be around 14 weeks away from the Countdown deadline meaning we can give this an extra week or two for the holidays if any of you wants/needs it.

I'd be surprised if anyone has seen mine.
None of the members i have on Letterboxd have. So that's at least: me, Thusday Next, Sean, Yam, JJ and Velvet. They may not have checked it off but i doubt it, i hadn't heard of it.

Don't forget about me.
I don't have you on Letterboxd, do i?

Got Jal's nom Thought it would maybe be hard to find but i actually found a good copy right away. so that's 12, i imagine this will probably be the final lineup, will do the reveal tomorrow.

The last thing is Velvets nom then. He said he's letting it upload to Dailymotion overnight so we should find out in a few hours. If it doesn't work then sadly he'll have to change it again as i can't see it with subs anywhere; it's on Filmstruck but non americans can't watch that, well they can with a VPN but i know some people don't use them. So frustrating.

Checked my nomination and the only two other people have seen it. Surprised as its quite a well known film.