which is your best horror movie u ever watched


mine is exorcist.

damn its scary like hell


Sinister was really scary movie

Registered User

love that film, and barbara hershey is amazing in it, one of those forgotten horror classic

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
Some of my favorite horror movies:

The Exorcist: Didn't scare me, but it's an incredible piece of cinema in terms of story and acting.

The Shining: Was a bit more frightening but I still enjoyed it more for its visuals and buildup rather than the actual thrills.

The Silence of the Lambs: The characters are fantastic in this one, especially Hannibal Lecter. Not particularly frightening but did have some nice surprises.

The Thing: Awesome. Not even scary, just awesome.

Se7en: Terrifying in retrospect, not so much during the actual viewing. Haunting.

love that film, and barbara hershey is amazing in it, one of those forgotten horror classic
She is. Ron Silver's really good as well (like him in Blue Steel too). I found a recording of The Entity the other day and I'd forgotten just how shocking parts of it are. It's so well done and it's the most disturbing thing I can imagine.

The original Ringu.

Not the Hollywood version.
It's unusual for me but I prefer the remake in this case. I thought it was more effective to see the effects of the curse on its victims and that was extremely scary.

Halloween the original and a movie called begotten that to this day s**** me up thinking about it, it's not scary as it is disturbing.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
The Skin I Live In (2011)

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Some of my favorite horror movies:

The Exorcist: Didn't scare me, but it's an incredible piece of cinema in terms of story and acting.

The Shining: Was a bit more frightening but I still enjoyed it more for its visuals and buildup rather than the actual thrills.

The Silence of the Lambs: The characters are fantastic in this one, especially Hannibal Lecter. Not particularly frightening but did have some nice surprises.

The Thing: Awesome. Not even scary, just awesome.

Se7en: Terrifying in retrospect, not so much during the actual viewing. Haunting.
Good list, I would add rosemary’s baby, not so scary as just very good and interesting. In terms of scare factor it would have to be the Conjuring for me. Jaws is also horror, actually makes you afraid or apprehensive to go swimming, well in the case of me at least. This might be a funny one, but The original Jurassic Park can be quite frightening at times.