Directed By Women Countdown?


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Just an FYI that I probably won't partake. I haven't seen enough to do so and I'll be concentrating on other films in the near future.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Is Iros still on board as host? He hasn't said much about this lately. Is he going to make a countdown thread like the other host did. I sure would like to see this idea workout.

Welcome to the human race...
I'm thinking March 31st is as good a deadline as any. That should give people a good four months or so to figure out their lists.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I'm thinking March 31st is as good a deadline as any. That should give people a good four months or so to figure out their lists.
Cool. That's plenty of time and i already have 25 i could vote for right now so i'll probably space my viewings out.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm thinking March 31st is as good a deadline as any. That should give people a good four months or so to figure out their lists.
That's sound good, 4 months is perfect. Are you going to make a Directed by Women Countdown thread? It might help to drum up supporters, and I do hope MoFos will make an effort and watch some movies for this.

I have a list of the best of what I've seen by women directors, but I'm not sure where to post it, to do the most good? That's why I was wondering if you were making an official thread?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm thinking March 31st is as good a deadline as any. That should give people a good four months or so to figure out their lists.
You decide anytthing on co-directed films?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm really attached to the two-ballot idea I floated a while back - one with co-directed films and one without.
I am up for that.

For the record i stayed out of everything involving trans people, i have a trans friend and most of your posts were revolting to me, i was going to not take part in this if Iro decided against gender since birth.

to him for doing so

I still feel grossed out about it and about the site in general

For the record i stayed out of everything involving trans people, i have a trans friend and most of your posts were revolting to me, i was going to not take part in this if Iro decided against gender since birth.

to him for doing so

I still feel grossed out about it and about the site in general
Ah, well I have trans friends, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying offensive humor.

Call me thick but I'm just not getting the point of two lists, one with and one without co-directees?
Surely they're either gonna count or they're not, just need to know which it is.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Yeah, I'm not sure I understand either. It's such a small proportion of films that it will be essentially the same list with two or three films allowed in one and not in the other. How will that work with the countdown?

Welcome to the human race...
As has been noted, I don't want to discount co-directed films because it seems unfair to the women involved that their cinematic contribution would be disregarded because of a technicality - then again, it's hard to gauge the size of their individual contribution in comparison to a solo director being 100% responsible for their film. There's also the matter of how this list is drawing less interest (or a refusal to be interested) than the usual decade/genre lists so it may also function as a backup plan in case a solo-only list doesn't make up the necessary numbers.

Besides, if there's not likely to be a significant difference between the two lists then it shouldn't be that much trouble to make them.