Movie of the Month - Take Shelter (November 2017)


Movie of the Month - Take Shelter

November 2017

Podcast should be here in a few days (with very special guest @ash_is_the_gal and not-at-all-special-because-he's-on-every-time guest @Slappydavis), but in the meantime, figured I'd open the discussion thread so people can talk a little about Take Shelter.

If you haven't seen this film, don't worry, you're not alone: it's a diamond in the rough. I didn't know anything about it until I heard some awards buzz around it (I'd misremembered this as Michael Shannon earning an Oscar nomination, but I think what I might have actually been remembering was Holden and/or Mark mentioning him as a snub in that year's Oscar podcast).

Anyway, whatever it was, that put it on the watch list...and boy, is it something. Tremendous film. Tight, restrained, and compelling. I don't want to say too much for people who haven't seen it, but the bare bones synopsis is that a man named Curtis starts having dreams about an impending storm...and that's all you need to know, or should know, to enjoy this film to its fullest. It's a great example of the way the medium can draw you in to a story that, on paper, seems simple. The secret's mostly out on MoFo, though, as it has six reviews, all of them positive.

What do you guys think about it?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
this movie is incredible btw... and there was some great discussion had on this podcast. just, not so much by me. i'm still kicking myself a wee bit over things i wish i had said/how i said them. was my first time doing a podcast though.

Nah, you did great, you'll see when I finish editing it.

But hey, here's the thread: perfect place to add anything you'd like to have said, or clarify (even preemptively) anything else.

And yeah, really great movie. Watch this one, MoFos. It's worth your time. I know I can be reticent to watch films with a vague premise, but this is one of those movies where you only need to watch for a few minutes to get sucked in.

It's an excellent film, and one of Michael Shannon's better performances (Hell, arguably his best). Very distrubing, and even sad at times. It's troubling watching a man of modest means life crumble before his eyes. I'd call it a psychological thriller with heart. For SOME reason, it almost reminded me of Frailty at times, even though I realize they're completely different films.

In any case, like you, I'd recommend it. It's an 8/10 movie in my estimation.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Believe I have watched this twice since my review and I like it more now than I did in my fairly mixed review. Definitely have grown into loving slow roll films like this one that just let you rest with what is going on with the characters. Shannon and Chastain are brilliant. Their relationship feels so organic in how a situation like this would play out.

My favorite scene is by far the one at the community dinner. I won't spoil it but it is a master class and probably one of my favorite scenes ever.

The ending is beautiful, if such a word can be used to sum up human torment.

Can't wait to hear the cast.

It's an excellent film, and one of Michael Shannon's better performances (Hell, arguably his best).
Yeah, I'd say it's definitely up there. Very restrained most of the way, but with a hint of something underneath that really pays off in some of those later moments. One, in particular, is so good that I avoided posting a GIF of it, because it's better not knowing it's coming.

For SOME reason, it almost reminded me of Frailty at times, even though I realize they're completely different films.
I dig this. As you sort of imply here, it's hard to figure out exactly why it gives off the same vibe, but it definitely does. I was starting to type up the similarities but one or two might spoil the enjoyment of the film, so...

WARNING: "Take Shelter and Frailty" spoilers below
I guess both have a rural setting, tell a restrained story, manage to look vibrant with a low budget, and ask questions with potentially supernatural answers, pitted against the possibility of mental illness. Kind of a lot of similarities, I guess, now that I think about it.

Yeah, I'd say it's definitely up there. Very restrained most of the way, but with a hint of something underneath that really pays off in some of those later moments. One, in particular, is so good that I avoided posting a GIF of it, because it's better not knowing it's coming.

I dig this. As you sort of imply here, it's hard to figure out exactly why it gives off the same vibe, but it definitely does. I was starting to type up the similarities but one or two might spoil the enjoyment of the film, so...

WARNING: "Take Shelter and Frailty" spoilers below
I guess both have a rural setting, tell a restrained story, manage to look vibrant with a low budget, and ask questions with potentially supernatural answers, pitted against the possibility of mental illness. Kind of a lot of similarities, I guess, now that I think about it.
Yeah, you actually pin pointed more similarities than I realized existed.

Love Fraility! In fact, it might be time for a rewatch this month.

ill watch it
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Ah g'wan then, just ordered a copy .... it'd better be up to snuff now though

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Straight outta compton. Husband saw this from the get go and loved it. It was on tv last night while I was snoozing and OMG. When I came to it actually frightened me about the future of the world that some authorities wont even allow young people to have voice through music.

Straight outta compton. Husband saw this from the get go and loved it. It was on tv last night while I was snoozing and OMG. When I came to it actually frightened me about the future of the world that some authorities wont even allow young people to have voice through music.
Yes. I agree. This was my favorite sub-plot of the film.

All communicated through Michael Shannon's facial expressions too. What an actor.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yes. I agree. This was my favorite sub-plot of the film.

All communicated through Michael Shannon's facial expressions too. What an actor.
I put that comment in the wrong thread nd send apologies.

Just watched this movie. I'm sorry but I didn't like it. Too long... It could have been done in 90 min. Don't get me wrong, actors are amazing but the story...

WARNING: "Take Shelter" spoilers below
If the storm didn't come at the end I would have preferred it! Seriously, I guessed the end before the beginning. It kind of ruin everything when it happens.

My favorite scene is by far the one at the community dinner. I won't spoil it but it is a master class and probably one of my favorite scenes ever.
Yah this scene is incredible. The film is excellent and Shannon's performance is one of the best this decade, Chastain is great too. Still personally prefer Shotgun Stories but this is Nichols best film so far.

Just watched this movie. I'm sorry but I didn't like it. Too long... It could have been done in 90 min. Don't get me wrong, actors are amazing but the story...

WARNING: "Take Shelter" spoilers below
If the storm didn't come at the end I would have preferred it! Seriously, I guessed the end before the beginning. It kind of ruin everything when it happens.
Not to spoil the podcast, but

WARNING: "Slight Ending Spoilers" spoilers below
Depending on your interpretation of what's actually happening during the ending, I think you can take away very different things from the film. We talk about this quite a bit, unless Yoda axes it (I doubt that he would, it's pretty important, but who knows! He's a man unhinged!).

It's possible that you may change your opinion on the ending with the different interpretations in mind. But maybe not! You might have had the same one as me and still not liked it. (I loved it though, made the whole film better in my mind)

Your criticism of it just being long though is totally valid though, and that's probably a taste thing. I liked the pace of this movie quite a bit, but I've felt like other good films could have been edited down, like how 45 Years felt like it lasted...well...

No surprise to some of you, this flick is top ten material for me, featuring my favorite female performance/character of all-time by Chastain.

This was a great film for sure! I loved the psychological horror atmosphere while still having a firm foothold in reality with the community and family-oriented situations he was dealing with. This film made an appearance on my "Best of the Decade So Far" list I did a little while back.

I also recently watched and liked Shotgun Stories. I've been thinking about checking out Mud, which is arguably Nichols' most popular film. Does anyone here recommend it?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
This was a great film for sure! I loved the psychological horror atmosphere while still having a firm foothold in reality with the community and family-oriented situations he was dealing with. This film made an appearance on my "Best of the Decade So Far" list I did a little while back.

I also recently watched and liked Shotgun Stories. I've been thinking about checking out Mud, which is arguably Nichols' most popular film. Does anyone here recommend it?
Mud is my favorite of his

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Not to spoil the podcast, but

WARNING: "Slight Ending Spoilers" spoilers below
Depending on your interpretation of what's actually happening during the ending, I think you can take away very different things from the film. We talk about this quite a bit, unless Yoda axes it (I doubt that he would, it's pretty important, but who knows! He's a man unhinged!).

It's possible that you may change your opinion on the ending with the different interpretations in mind. But maybe not! You might have had the same one as me and still not liked it. (I loved it though, made the whole film better in my mind)

Your criticism of it just being long though is totally valid though, and that's probably a taste thing. I liked the pace of this movie quite a bit, but I've felt like other good films could have been edited down, like how 45 Years felt like it lasted...well...
Can't wait to see what you guys think of the end. I love ambiguous endings.