October Horror Challenge


Day of the Dead (1985)

Directed by: George A. Romero

Romero has never been one of my favorite directors, but the praise this movie was getting online peaked my interest. It was not a bad movie. Some of the acting was good, but a lot of it was awfully wooden. Cardille was a decent lead, and Pilato was not a bad villain. I liked the dynamics between the survivors, civilians and soldiers quarreling, trying to get alone, testing each other, and vying for power. Richard Liberty was an interesting mad scientist. Overall it was a pretty entertaining movie.

Category: George Romero

The Tingler(1959)

Directed By: William Castle

The Tingler is a load of fun. I had never seen a Castle film before but after this I will probably watch many more. The premise is wild and very creative, the plot kinda got a little messy at the end but all in all I had a fun time watching. Also doing some research about Castles well known "gimmicks" I wish I could've seen this when it was released in theateres.

I'll give it 7 bloddy bathtub hands out of 9 Vincent Price acid trips.

Category: Castle FIlm

They Live (1988)

Directed by: John Carpenter
Starring: Roddy Piper and Keith David

What a piece of crap. Cheesy and boring with terrible acting, plastic guns, and a 16-year-old fanfiction plot. This movie was hard to get through, cringe-worthy, and had me checking my watch and face palming. I didn't have high expectations, but I was hoping it would be a little more entertaining. Also, it was just about the furthest thing from a horror movie, so I regret choosing it. It was really more of an action movie. Meg Foster was terrible. She looked stoned out of her mind or something, like her face was frozen. I really hope none of my other picks turn out this bad. At least it's over with. This was one of the worst movies I've seen in my life. Usually movies this bad have some unintentional humor, but this even failed at that and was just utterly boring. Oh and the music... My goodness did the music ever torture me. I felt so conflicted because the music set such a weird tone that often wouldn't transition with the scenes, but just made things feel flat and awkward. I almost turned the movie off twice, but slugged through it reluctantly.

Category: John Carpenter

Poltergeist (1982)

Directed by: Tobe Hooper
Starring: JoBeth Williams and Craig T. Nelson

That was refreshing. Spielberg produced and co-wrote it. The acting was decent and I really enjoyed both leads. Williams and Nelson made a great couple. I'm not always a fan of ghost stories, but I didn't mind that aspect in this one at all. It was genuinely frightening at times, so I have a good lingering feeling of excitement and adrenaline. I'm glad to have finally seen it, because it's quite a well-known film. I wasn't familiar with Hooper before. I haven't seen The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and I don't think I've seen any of his other films either. So this was a first for me. Spontaneous Combustion sounds interesting. I might watch that when I'm done the October Horror Challenge.

Category: Tobe Hooper

The People Under The Stairs

Liked this alot more than i thought i would've. Actually really respect how serious it was played for most of it and yet i didn't think it was a flaw it actually worked. So many horror films die on their lack of humour, this didn't for me even though a fair amount of it was unintentionally goofy. My favourite goof was when one of the people under the stairs pounced out of a cupboard to attack the mother and you could clearly see the mask from the back of its head . The social commentary was just okay but i did think some of this was pretty horrifying; the cannibal cellar, the boiling bath punishment, just how unhinged in general the mother was. My biggest surprise was easily the performances, no one was great, the only person i thought was pretty bad was the dad though; he was supposed to come across very sinister and alot of the time he came across silly; i mean why was he in a gimp suit? haha. Anyway not a favourite but a nice watch.

for wes craven category

The Cabin In The Woods

Not got that much to say about this. Glad i went into it not knowing anything, it was fun but i don't think i enjoyed it as much as most people. It's a clever film and must have been so much fun to write. Truth is i didn't find it that funny think i only laughed out loud once, some of the action got a little tiresome too, also i preferred how goofy and playful Behind The Masks meta commentary and messing around with Horror Conventions was even though it was simpler. Solid fun but not a favourite.
for horror/comedy category


Will have more to say for later films, just watched both of these one after another and i felt similarly about them in that i didn't feel strongly either positively or negatively about either.

Welcome to the human race...
Oof, I like They Live much more than either of you two but I wouldn't have considered it a horror movie in the slightest so I'm baffled that you settled on it when stuff like The Fog and Prince of Darkness exists (though I'd wager Zotis would still have turned his nose up at them anyway). Now that I think about it, I might watch Body Bags since it's a Carpenter/Hooper anthology movie so it nails three categories in one.

As for me...

Day 1

Inferno (Dario Argento, 1980) -

A sequel to Suspiria that repeats a lot of what made that film great (lurid visuals, cacophonous soundtrack, feverish displays of occultism) but falls prey to characteristically haphazard giallo plotting that jumps from character to character without much care for anything beyond the immediacy of whatever's happening in one scene at a time (plus Mark isn't as good a protagonist as Suzy). I do like how it builds upon the world of Suspiria and Argento is nothing if not a master aestheticist that makes this a great visual experience, but it rings a little hollow. Still, I can't say that I didn't enjoy it.

Opera (Dario Argento, 1987) -

More of the typical "murder mystery" kind of giallo but with some extra-lavish production value thanks to the opera setting. It definitely has some discomforting approaches to violence and the hell that it puts its heroine through (if you have a thing about eye trauma then this probably isn't for you), but it's able to feature some solid set-pieces and images in the process.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah me neither. Didn't want to bring it up because as i mentioned earlier i think the what is and isn't horror debate is really tedious.
Fair enough. Now I want to see if I can rank the Carpenter filmography from most to least horrific - Starman would obviously be at the bottom of the list.

Not commenting on the Zotis part but that's definitely not what i did. I just really wasn't into it which is why i turned it off and didn't cross it off the lists, i'm planning on giving it another shot in the future so that's not my final opinion or anything: obviously not since i didn't even watch the whole film.

Glad you are posting your horror watches in this thread. If you want me to count those for the challenge i will just tell me the categories; there's: watch an Argento, a Slasher, and a film from another Country (Italy) that those would fit into. Possibly others i haven't seen either.
Very well. I was going to ask if they double up in categories so I guess that answers that. I could knock them all over a lot quicker that way. I don't really think of these types of movies as slashers, though that might just be a perspective thing.

Chypmunk joins me in the first post challenge count. Pretty sure Zotis, Iro and Jay have as well, just need to know their categories.

Remember if you want your watchlist linked in the first post like me and Chypmunk ask me to do it.
I PM'd you and I added my category to The Tingler post

The Funhouse (1981)

Directed By:Toby Hooper

Kind of a dissapointment. The poster and the opening credit scroll made its seem like this was gonna be a movie about creepy animatronics which I was totally hyped for. Without giving anything away this movie is very much not about anything new or interesting. It's just a kind of run of the mill slasher movie with a horribly disfigured, mask wearing killer. In slasher movies I always wanna see creative kills and in this one I didnt think there were any really that jumped out at me. It was definatley watchable and the plot kinda made sense but nothing outstanding. Another thing I always like is the final fight with the killer but in this movie its kinda boring honestly. The acting wasn't terrible. Last thing I wanna say is the main girls boyfriend is like 80's hot to the max its amazing.

Just look at this guy
WARNING: "SPOILERS" spoilers below
I really like the little thing they did where the girl tries to screamto her parents but they can't hear her through the fan, it's actually quite an emotionally impactful scene admist a lot of nothing.

I give it 3 handjobs from a plam reader out of 7 laughing animatronic fat ladies.

Category: Hooper Film

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Tingler(1959)

Directed By: William Castle

The Tingler is a load of fun. I had never seen a Castle film before but after this I will probably watch many more. The premise is wild and very creative, the plot kinda got a little messy at the end but all in all I had a fun time watching. Also doing some research about Castles well known "gimmicks" I wish I could've seen this when it was released in theateres.

I'll give it 7 bloody bathtub hands out of 9 Vincent Price acid trips.

Category: Castle Film
Liked what you wrote there, especially that last line, ha. I watched The Tingler a couple of weeks ago, and it got me hooked on William Castle. I've seen 8 of his films so far, and each is very different in his approach to horror and each is fun in it's own way.

I loved the B&W in The Tingler, especially when you get the red blood coming out of the sink, that looked so cool...and hey no freakin CG!...And the concept of fear in humans being controlled by a near invisible creature on the spine called the Tingler, very original. Oh yeah and Vincent Price drops acid....good stuff!

I loved the B&W in The Tingler, especially when you get the red blood coming out of the sink, that looked so cool...and hey no freakin CG!...
You probably know this but for anyone who doesn't he actually shot that scene in colour and just painted the whole set and the actress black and white so that the blood would be red but everything else would look the same. I think thats is some next level stuff.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You probably know this but for anyone who doesn't he actually shot that scene in colour and just painted the whole set and the actress black and white so that the blood would be red but everything else would look the same. I think thats is some next level stuff.
I read that too, after I watched the movie, but I couldn't figure out how they made the blood red in a B&W movie while I was watching it. Pretty stunning really.

The People Under the Stairs (1991)

Directed By: Wes Craven

What a weird movie. I didn't read or watch aything about this movie before watching it so I was pleasntly surprised actually. I really liked the whole premise it's really demented but it was really enjoyable to watch. Nothing to really hate about it or really get to worked up about. The one complaint I have, I share with @Camo when he said the "Daddy" character was clearly supposed to be menacing but came of a little too goofy. I really like the humor, it played really well along side a really serious plot, wether it was intentional or not I don't know, but it worked. It was a fun ride and I was cheering for the kid to kick some ass the whole time.

I give it 5 shotgun weilding gimps out of 8 "Get em' Daddy"s

Category: Craven Film

The Last House on the Left(1972)

Directed By:Wes Craven
When the credits started rolling at the end of this movie I said outloud to myself "what the ****". Honest to god I have never been so uncomfortable watching a film. Some really messed up stuff happens in this movie, and throught it all its cut togehter with silly cop antics, and cute mom and dad love. It's really different. The final fight at the end of the movie feels way to slow and dull realsing a lot of tension and excitement. There is nothing too bad structure wise, some of the acting is a little bit off. There are things that dont make any sense but it's small stuff I wont bring up. I'm fairly sure the scene that got the film banned in Britan for a period of time, is one where a girl is froced to pee herself, but it's honestly quite tame. I don't know if I liked the movie or not really just that it made me uncomfortable. Its not bad but I don't think I'll watch it again unless I'm showing it to someone.

I give it 2 bumbling cops out of 2 VERY angry parents
(my ratings don't mean anything, so this is techincally 100% of nothing. So its still nothing)

Category: Banned Film

Jeepers Creepers 2
dir: Victor Salva

I was looking forward to this, but it bored me pretty quickly. But had more fun once i noticed one lookalike, and more started to become apparent. Budget Rick Moranis, Ralph Macchio and a blonde Ben Affleck. This isn't really a movie I can get all wordy about.

Category: Watch 2 sequels (part1)
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Was anybody here watching The Old Dark House (William Castle, 1963)? That's the one I watched last night, I enjoyed it, it's a comedy-mystery-horror. Well made.

I won't post my entire review here, but if interested here is a link to it
review The Old Dark House

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Forgive me if already answered, but we can't do two birds with one stone right?

If a film fits more than one criteria.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews