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Magnolia (1999)

My second viewing and I definitely appreciated it a lot more as I now think this is a perfect story about humanity. Will have to rewatch Punch-Drunk Love and There Will Be Blood to see how it ranks up against those
I liked this movie.. I saw it months after it came out. "There Will Be Blood" however is my 2nd favorite movie made in the last 30 years.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

Very well done and very touching. Luckily no one was sitting around me in the theatre so I could feel free to sob.

Strong acting performance all around, especially Miranda Richardson, she might be a serious candidate for Best Supporting Actress next year.

One thing I did feel unnecessary was how Jeff's family was portrayed. Why makes them a bunch of ignorant, it tries too hard to demonstrate that stereotype.

Also, the 'Thank you Jeff' scene is overly done, cringeworthy.
Sounds quite interesting. I didn't hear about it before. I hope it will be showned in Polish cinemas.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I liked this movie.. I saw it months after it came out. "There Will Be Blood" however is my 2nd favorite movie made in the last 30 years.
You both encourage me to watch it.

Lore (Cate Shortland, 2012)
A slow but interesting slice of post-WWII drama

Carnival of Souls (1962). This is incredible. I watched this last night with the lights off. Haunting. Even the daytime sequences are haunting! Candace Hilligloss ...beautiful and haunting. The organ music....more than haunting Bar some wooden-ness its a 8.5/10.

The Thin Red Line (1998)


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Carnival of Souls (1962). This is incredible. I watched this last night with the lights off. Haunting. Even the daytime sequences are haunting! Candace Hilligloss ...beautiful and haunting. The organ music....more than haunting Bar some wooden-ness its a 8.5/10.
Very different and cool film. And the only feature film the director ever made.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wow how did this one pass me by. Wht a visually spectacular movie. Keanu sure busted some moves, those actresses are absolutely stunning, and the seppukku scene was just exquisite

I won't dance. Don't ask me...

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

I honestly can't describe how much I love Wes Anderson
And I honestly can't describe how much I love Roald Dalh, who wrote the book about Fantastci Mr. Fox And I also would love to watch the movie

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Just re-watched The Big Sick. Funny, charming, intelligent, heartfelt, excellent screenplay.

I've just read that the premier of this movie is in Polish cinemas on 5 January next year
I hope I will be alive till then

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
I've just read that the premier of this movie is in Polish cinemas on 5 January next year
I hope I will be alive till then
Lol that's funny because that's exactly how I think of movies I anticipate. I hope I'm alive when _______ comes out. Especially those movies they announce like 4 years before they come out *cough* Incredibles 2 *cough*

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Lol that's funny because that's exactly how I think of movies I anticipate. I hope I'm alive when _______ comes out. Especially those movies they announce like 4 years before they come out *cough* Incredibles 2 *cough*
OMG, we have the same experiences, the same thoughts
There is a theory which says, that every man, have a twin somewhere in the world. I don't want to scare You, but might be mine

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
OMG, we have the same experiences, the same thoughts
There is a theory which says, that every man, have a twin somewhere in the world. I don't want to scare You, but might be mine
I'm pretty sure we are, it's pretty much 110% obvious at this point.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
I'm pretty sure we are, it's pretty much 110% obvious at this point.
Ha ha ha.
Only one thing makes me worrying, Your avatar isn't similar to mine. You are more acrobatic

Tango and Cash

Possibly the stupidest movie I have ever seen.

Teri Hatcher is the lone saving grace. Just read the wiki page, it is a much better experience. Really need to see Hudson Hawk after this.


Stallone plays stupid.

These supercasts rarely work out. All this talent should yield more than average. Kept waiting for Ray Liotta to yell, "Karen! That's all we...".

Good Kill (Andrew Niccol, 2014)
Hawke flies a bird, sort of

Barry Lyndon (1975)

Simply stunning. This is only my second Kubrick but I have a strong feeling that this might end up as my favourite even when I do finish his filmography.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
STUNNING is the EXACT word for Barry Lyndon, @Yam12

For me,

The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945)
++ I have always thought I had actually seen this and maybe have as a kid, but I am so very happy I did now. And yes, this would have been another new watch that knocked out another old favorite for the 40's List.
The actor who plays Dorian is ideal (Hurd Hatfield), and with George Sanders who playfully tosses about all the truly delicious Oscar Wilde lines, this was a great film to watch.
Add to that, Angela Lansbury who's beauty is angelic and a wonderful Donna Reed, not to mention a very young Peter Crawford and the painter, Lowell Gilmore who was excellent in his tragic nobility.
While the movie is VERY tame due to the date of the film and the restrictions at that time, they could only hint at the scandals of Dorian Gray; that did not hinder the story for me.
I really loved how, when showing the painting on its own, they did so in color which truly made such an amazing effect.