The Movie Forums Top 56 TV Shows Countdown


so ashamed about one's that'd slipped my mind, how could I forget South Park! Curb Your Enthusiasm should've been on it too, It's always sunny, The Newsroom was fantastic!

well done Camo!
can i have one of those buttons?

good job with the countdown @Camo

this is my list of TV shows

1. Twin Peaks
2. The X-Files
3. Band of Brothers
4. Breaking Bad
5. Dexter
6. Freaks and Geeks
7. The Wire
8. Bron/Broen (The Bridge)
9. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (TV Mini-Series (1979)
10. Star Trek
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

This was my list:

Doctor Who
Star Trek: The Original Series
Sherlock Holmes (Granada series)
Secret Army
Red Dwarf
Father Ted
Family Guy
The Crystal Maze

Most of these are favourites anyway but out of the much longer list I had I went with the most iconic programmes.

I'm always interested in the Doctor Who reactions:

You know I was never able to get into Doctor Who
I was considering putting Doctor who on my list, but there were better shows.
Don't like doctor who, despite it being filmed on my doorstep.
From what I saw of Doctor Who (I was forced to watch it), it is essentially a '90s Nickelodeon kids show for adults.
So far your favorite shows are Twin Peaks and Doctor Who.

Both shows cults are into.
Attitudes ranging from a simple matter of taste to what appears to be genuine contempt, though I appreciate Sexy Celebrity's wordplay with the last comment.

I usually wonder what period of the series provokes such a bad reaction – is it the new series? the classic series? all of it? Especially as we're told how successful the modern series is, it's quite funny to see this kind of hostility.

If it's any consolation I haven't been able to watch it for years, I dislike the way it's produced so much.

Welcome to the human race...
I missed the whole thing. Great?

Here's my list (even though I see Camo posted it himself). Ones that made it are bold, ones where I was the only vote have asterisks:

1. MST3K*
2. Seinfeld
3. Cowboy Bebop*
4. The Wire
5. Chappelle's Show
6. Daria
7. Twin Peaks
8. BoJack Horseman*
9. Freaks and Geeks
10. Gravity Falls

At the very least, I did like how Daria and Chappelle's Show made the cut this time when they didn't last time. I guess that's all the proof you need that Camo's short-list system makes sense.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Attitudes ranging from a simple matter of taste to what appears to be genuine contempt, though I appreciate Sexy Celebrity's wordplay with the last comment.

I usually wonder what period of the series provokes such a bad reaction – is it the new series? the classic series? all of it? Especially as we're told how successful the modern series is, it's quite funny to see this kind of hostility.

If it's any consolation I haven't been able to watch it for years, I dislike the way it's produced so much.
The way the show is nowadays. Specifically, when Matt Smith was the Doctor. I hated seeing that show. I did not get at all what people liked about it. I thought the evil angel statue things were kinda interesting, but nothing to write home about. It just looked like a bad kids show to me. No offense, really, to '90s Nickelodeon shows, which I grew up on and loved many of, but this was just boring and silly. I'm sure it was probably once a good show in previous decades. Or at least better than how it is now. I've seen glimpses of the old shows and I thought they looked better than what they make now.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Missed this live, but just caught up on all 30 pages. I'm just left with the abiding impression that if it's a comedy, it will be described as wacky, if it's British, a lot of people haven't heard of it and if it's sci-fi, Miss Vicky hasn't seen it but would definitely hate it. (Although Black Mirror is basically like Her without Joaquin Phoenix, MV... not sure if that's a recommendation or not...)

Anyway my hastily compiled list this time around:

1. Pride and Prejudice (1995)
2. The Mighty Boosh
3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
4. In the Flesh
5. The Office (UK)
6. Peep Show
7. People Just Do Nothing
8. Parks and Recreation
9. Spaced
10. Firefly

We've gone on holiday by mistake
good job with the countdown @Camo

this is my list of TV shows

1. Twin Peaks
2. The X-Files
3. Band of Brothers
4. Breaking Bad
5. Dexter
6. Freaks and Geeks
7. The Wire
8. Bron/Broen (The Bridge)
9. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (TV Mini-Series (1979)
10. Star Trek
So you are the other who appreciates Tinker Tailor, well played sir.

The way the show is nowadays. Specifically, when Matt Smith was the Doctor. I hated seeing that show. I did not get at all what people liked about it. I thought the evil angel statue things were kinda interesting, but nothing to write home about. It just looked like a bad kids show to me.
I know what you mean – the buzzword at the time was "dark fairytale" but I'm not sure they always pulled it off. I liked Matt Smith, and he's my favourite new series Doctor, but it was very rare that I liked the way it was written, or how it came across. The Weeping Angels are great, especially cinematically if you like, but I think become less impressive under close scrutiny.

No offense, really, to '90s Nickelodeon shows, which I grew up on and loved many of, but this was just boring and silly. I'm sure it was probably once a good show in previous decades. Or at least better than how it is now. I've seen glimpses of the old shows and I thought they looked better than what they make now.
It's been everything — it's been worse ! I did notice that IanK also put Doctor Who at number one, but stipulated the classic series, and I'd call myself a classic series fan too. I just didn't want to disown the modern programme completely as I have liked some of it.

glad to see someone else appreciates BBC gem.
If you've only seen the film I'd give the series a go, it's so much better. And Hywel Bennett has all his own hair .

If you've only seen the film I'd give the series a go, it's so much better. And Hywel Bennett has all his own hair .
i've actually seen only series and never bothered to watch the movie as i was afraid i wouldn't like it after watching the series.

i've actually seen only series and never bothered to watch the movie as i was afraid i wouldn't like it after watching the series.
Gary Oldman's good, as you'd expect. I think it's just unconvincing in creating the period to be honest.

Congrats on this, Camo. Wish I could've joined in with the rundown but at least I got to put some shows forward. A few even made the list proper. How MotD didn't make it with all the football fans here I've no idea.
5-time MoFo Award winner.


10. Star Trek The Original Series
9. American Dad
8. Father Ted
7. Quantum Leap
6. Ren And Stimpy
5. South Park
3. Star Trek The Next Generation
2. The IT Crowd
My #1. The X-Files

Thanks for organising this, @Camo.
I kinda knew those 3 would be the top 3, surprised GoT never got top spot though. Not a fan, but those who like it tend to be die-hard about it.