Is Hollywood Jewish?


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I only read the first page -- will get to it after the basketball game (reminder, reminder!)

The human side of me feels a patronizing kind of racism disguised as condescending guilt, elitist attitudes of what is kosher... Not here, but in everyday stuff. I can't stand when someone antagonizes Trump voters with the "redneck" bull. Nepotism exists everywhere, and people hiring their family or someone who looks like them isn't new. Bob Hope isn't Jewish. You left off Mort Sahl... and Sammy Davis Jr.

I notice no Arabs in movies. Omar Sharif. As for today, they all seem to be terrorists, which I think is pretty racist, BUT, I rather a director have his vision on display, and let it sink or swim on it's own merit. You can have a freedom of speech and avoid being a jerk.. The rest of the Arabs on screen were probably played by Jews and Italians, whose dark looks might be a reason they are a bit over-represented...

Also, some jobs are my location. Ever notice Jews and Arabs have an over-representation as merchants, but I think a lot of that is geography.. They are the in the Middle-East, where everything had to pass through in trade.... Someone was talking about looks - black people (and others) can't hide and though some might not want to be aligned with a certain group, people perceive you as that way, and it's different than a gay man or a Jewish woman who don't have defining characteristics. Personally, I judge people on their actions, and if I had to ask questions, it wouldn't be where someone's parents had sex.. I'd ask their favorite movies, see what they laugh at.

I was listening to Ralph Nader's radio show, and there were some studies, of how the elimination of ethnic jokes actually hurt the cause.. Just like busing did in the US.

Here's the link down below... Ralph Nader is Arab.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ashraf barhom is an Arab. OK admittedly he mostly does Israeli productions but he was in the very Hollywood clash of the Titans. Riz Ahmed is not an Arab but he seems the flavour of the month in Hollywood after the success of the night of. Haven't read the rest of the thread yet. Just briefly responding to my mate Matt.

Why is this already 4 pages? Thought this would be a recently made troll thread that would be quickly deleted.
In large part because the person who started it was a very well-regarded, thoughtful member, so everyone understood it wasn't trolling and was meant as a serious question.

In large part because the person who started it was a very well-regarded, thoughtful member, so everyone understood it wasn't trolling and was meant as a serious question.
Yeah, i didn't read the first post. And i hate being offended for other people so just ignore my posts there, i still think the premise/thread title is pretty offensive especially in the 14 years since the thread was made but it's not really my place to say that.

I think it's not inherently offensive, but can veer that way very, very easily, to be sure. The first page or two is mostly just thoughtful discussion. Some troublemakers pop up, but get banned.

Don't blame anyone for seeing the title and thinking "Oh boy," though.

I mean it's not every day you get an 'are jews the source of all the world problems' thread on this site which is a major reason i stick around.

Obviously i took the original intent wrong but i think whoever bumped it is probably awful.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I mean it's not every day you get an 'are jews the source of all the world problems' thread on this site which is a major reason i stick around.

Obviously i took the original intent wrong but i think whoever bumped it is probably awful.
Who bumped the thread? was the post deleted?

Who bumped the thread? was the post deleted?
It was Matt. Think he just searched "jews" and planted it here. He could put more effort into his threads and bumps but yeah obviously i know that wasn't his intention it was an overreaction on my part.

You ready? You look ready.
In large part because the person who started it was a very well-regarded, thoughtful member, so everyone understood it wasn't trolling and was meant as a serious question.
While I would tend to agree with you I do find the first sentence to be a red-flag to future trouble: "I hope this thread doesn't offend anyone."

Anytime someone says I hope this [blank] doesn't offend know you're in choppy waters.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

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Is there a problem with under/over-representation? I believe everyone should have a chance, but I wouldn't want the government to dictate possible problems that aren't there. Some occupations just work out a certain way.

Also, people tend have a tendency to possibly follow the footsteps of a family member... The only question worth asking is "Does this person have talent?" -- I recently saw a movie with a female-only cast, and it was a fine movie. Tokenism is an empty gesture, and I think brings more problems... If white people for example feel everyone else gets help from government mandates, they feel marginalized, and the one thing society shouldn't do is alternate the victim and oppressor.

In the US society, I keep hearing people constantly say we need a dialogue, and we do, but it's just talk, it's swept under the rug, and there is no corrective condition; and social problems will go away on their own. Just think of the rights we enjoy.. Well, they didn't fall from the sky. It started with dialogue. But many people want others to start it (dialogue).

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I mean it's not every day you get an 'are jews the source of all the world problems' thread on this site which is a major reason i stick around.

Obviously i took the original intent wrong but i think whoever bumped it is probably awful.
Awful? I did a search for "Harry and Tonto" (body included) and saw a post "Jewish man who travels the country with his cat" and led to this post.

Awful? I did a search for "Harry and Tonto" (body included) and saw a post "Jewish man who travels the country with his cat" and led to this post.
Wait, you came across this through searching for "harry and tonto"? That doesn't even sound possible, but whatever. Yeah, keep reading when i found out it was you i said i know you wouldn't have been doing that.

I mean how did you find this by searching "harry and tonto"?

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"Harry and Tonto">"Jewish man who travels the country with his cat"

Oh now i see!

Nah, i don't. I'm sorry i don't see the connection. Guess i'm just dumb .
Before I could answer Gideon... look at the Newest Posts..

Not that it matters, but I AM Semitic... Those kinds of phrases annoy me, as an evasion of social responsibility, that "I can say whatever I want because I am ________."

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Not that it matters, but I AM Semitic... Those kinds of phrases annoy me, as an evasion of social responsibility, that "I can say whatever I want because I am ________."
My bro's girlfriend is a producer and happens to be Jewish. Her only concern is not agendas, stereotypes or what god an actor believes in but getting the financing.