Live Action Musical Movie Hall of Fame


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I will reply to your comments about THE SUIT as soon as I get my computer. In fact, it may be the first thing that I make sure to do here. But it will be along the lines of what gbgoodies said.

Yes, believe it or not, I still have more to say about that situation.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I will reply to your comments about THE SUIT as soon as I get my computer. In fact, it may be the first thing that I make sure to do here. But it will be along the lines of what gbgoodies said.

Yes, believe it or not, I still have more to say about that situation.
is it a new one or getting work done?

as for waiting. . .

What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

West Side Story

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe we have a dance off!!

This is my first time in seeing this in its entirety and I gotta repeat a common remark I've been making since I started participating in these HoF. I am SOOO thankful for ALL the movies I would normally not see or continue to put on a back burner and I have been able to see and this is very much one of those movies.

I even have a secondary thank filled remark. Which is seeing George Chakiris previously in Les Demoiselles de Rochefort . I found myself practically cheering for him every time he showed up. He was just fantastic. And partnering up with Rita Moreno? Aiiee, mommy!
Even when they argued, it was a wonderful thing.

Now, obviously, the musical score by Bernstein and Sondheim is truly incredible with memorable songs one after the other but I gotta rave about the dancing. The choreography was truly something else. The energy, the style the jazzy moves. . . totally loved it.

WARNING: "One thing that surprised me was" spoilers below
When Maria first has the gun and starts pointing it, I actually expected her to shoot herself since this is a rendition of Romeo & Juliet.

Regardless, it was a great ending to a truly great musical. Thank you, so much, @Thursday Next for nominating this!

Trouble with a capital "T"

West Side Story

...I am SOOO thankful for ALL the movies I would normally not see or continue to put on a back burner and I have been able to see and this is very much one of those movies...
Very cool Ed, glad you enjoyed this Hof and got to see some musicals you've never seen before.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
The suit.

I understand what you are saying about not having the right thing to wear, but maybe you need to try to look at it from her point of view.

He knew that this dance was happening. And it isn't like clocks didn't exist then! He was far too busy playing basketball that he forgot to make sure he left in time to get there to pick the suit up before it closed. Do I think that was inconsiderate of him? Of course! It wasn't like he couldn't play basketball some other time. And he did this on the day that they were going to this ball. This was an important thing for them to do together. It was especially important to Esther. As of that moment she was still leaving St. Louis. This was going to be their last opportunity to do this sort of thing together. It meant a lot to her, and it should've meant enough to him that he wouldn't make a mistake like what he did. And then to show up and basically tell her that the date isn't happening because he had nothing to wear! I think if he would've worn just a NICE suit, everyone would have had a nice little laugh about it and life would've gone on. This was an important night for not only Esther, but John, too (at least it should've been for him). All that mattered was that they got to spend this night together.

And besides, obviously the boy kept searchin and FOUND one and showed up, so. . .
Yeah, I know! When did THAT happen?! He should've just searched from the beginning BEFORE he told her that the date wasn't happening.

So, yes, that is my complete thought about the issue.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.

West Side Story

What can I even say about this movie? There are just too many things I love. I fell in love with the soundtrack at the age of nine when I got the cassette for my birthday long before I saw the film. It’s still probably my favourite musical of all time. Cabaret is my favourite film which happens to be a musical, but West Side Story is my favourite musical.

It’s good right from the start with the sweeping shot of New York from above moving in to the way the dance and music give you the syncopated rhythm of the gangs’ interactions. (OK, so they’re not the toughest looking street gangs in cinema history). The grey streets are illuminated with flashes of colour (mainly red, for passion, anger and blood) which looks good but also serves as an appropriate visualisation of the lives of the characters. It’s not dissimilar to the look of a Jaques Demy film, but with a layer of grime instead of a candy coated outside. Watching it this time I noticed the use of colour more.

The songs! I love the songs. If I start listing all my favourite songs it will probably be all of them, but Jet Song, Something’s Coming, America, Tonight (especially the ensemble), Gee Officer Krupke, Maria, Somewhere, Cool… But the music between songs is just as important - the dance fight at the beginning, the dance at the dance, the rumble, the whistling. The dancing and dance-related acrobatics are impressive.

The story is an old one, an updating of Romeo and Juliet. But then the Shakespeare version wasn’t the original either, and sometimes the old stories are the best. It works well, unfolding naturally with nothing shoehorned in, New York apartments working perfectly as a substitute for Juliet’s balcony . There are different emphases here, on the conflict between locals and immigrants, the sometimes well-meaning but mostly hopeless attempts of the older generation to get the youth to play nice (“You was never my age, none of ya!”), the dynamic between Maria, Anita and Bernardo.

The absence of a sensible adult voice in the film is interesting - there’s only Doc, really (“weapons? You couldn’t play basketball?” “Why do you kids live like there’s a war on?”); Maria’s parents are mentioned but notable by their absence. These themes are cleverly encapsulated, sometimes amusingly, in the songs - the different facets of the immigrant experience in the song America, the way delinquents are handled by different systems in Officer Krupke. While the outfits may be dated, a lot of the themes still have a lot of resonance today, and nothing is ever quite clear cut, nobody is without blame ("You all killed him!" - Maria's 'a plague on both your houses moment.)

While West Side Story has all of the fun of a light musical, it also packs a dramatic punch. Some of my favourite dramatic moments include the supremely insensitive police officer at Doc’s insulting everybody - and in the process reminding the Jets that a lot of their parents were immigrants too. Doc’s comment to Tony that he’s cared enough for the both of them. The two sides getting ready for the rumble. After the fight when the Jets mention Riff’s name and suddenly go quiet. Doc telling Tony that Maria is dead. Tony running through the empty streets calling for Chino to kill him and then when he sees Maria in the red dress.

The acting is mostly good, especially Rita Moreno who is effective in a more comedic role at the start, but is really good towards the end when things become more dramatic. When she fails to deliver the message, it’s heartbreaking not just because of the effect that has on what happens to Tony and Maria, but because it’s all too obvious why after the way the Jets behave and the effect it has on her (“Don’t you touch me.” delivered with such meaning). Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer are not ideal casting, but they are pretty and charming enough that their sudden romance works.

It sometimes looks a bit stagy, and there are times when the visuals go a bit sixties in their attempts at jazzy special effects which are largely unnecessary, although I do like Tony and Maria’s first meeting when the dancers behind them fade into the background leaving them in the foreground.

All in all, a classic.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
You mentioned a lot of great scenes, Thursday. I really enjoyed the first time Tony & Maria meet and everyone blurs out. That was a great effect in describing how everyone else just sorta fades out when you meet that special someone.
LOVE the review!!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The suit.

I understand what you are saying about not having the right thing to wear, but maybe you need to try to look at it from her point of view.

He knew that this dance was happening. And it isn't like clocks didn't exist then! He was far too busy playing basketball that he forgot to make sure he left in time to get there to pick the suit up before it closed. Do I think that was inconsiderate of him? Of course! It wasn't like he couldn't play basketball some other time. And he did this on the day that they were going to this ball. This was an important thing for them to do together. It was especially important to Esther. As of that moment she was still leaving St. Louis. This was going to be their last opportunity to do this sort of thing together. It meant a lot to her, and it should've meant enough to him that he wouldn't make a mistake like what he did. And then to show up and basically tell her that the date isn't happening because he had nothing to wear! I think if he would've worn just a NICE suit, everyone would have had a nice little laugh about it and life would've gone on. This was an important night for not only Esther, but John, too (at least it should've been for him). All that mattered was that they got to spend this night together.

Yeah, I know! When did THAT happen?! He should've just searched from the beginning BEFORE he told her that the date wasn't happening.

So, yes, that is my complete thought about the issue.
I am SOOO depressed now.
Because I was excited to debate with you simply because of the great knowledge and understanding; coupled with some really wonderful personal stories you bring --- I was gonna be stubborn about a suit is NOT a tux but you quite beautifully shut me down with the more in depth reason and quite frankly, I got nuttin

except. . . He's a man, it's what we do, and so--

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The suit.

I understand what you are saying about not having the right thing to wear, but maybe you need to try to look at it from her point of view.

He knew that this dance was happening. And it isn't like clocks didn't exist then! He was far too busy playing basketball that he forgot to make sure he left in time to get there to pick the suit up before it closed. Do I think that was inconsiderate of him? Of course! It wasn't like he couldn't play basketball some other time. And he did this on the day that they were going to this ball. This was an important thing for them to do together. It was especially important to Esther. As of that moment she was still leaving St. Louis. This was going to be their last opportunity to do this sort of thing together. It meant a lot to her, and it should've meant enough to him that he wouldn't make a mistake like what he did. And then to show up and basically tell her that the date isn't happening because he had nothing to wear! I think if he would've worn just a NICE suit, everyone would have had a nice little laugh about it and life would've gone on. This was an important night for not only Esther, but John, too (at least it should've been for him). All that mattered was that they got to spend this night together.
I agree with this 100%. John was inconsiderate, and he should have just worn a normal suit. This dance was too important to Esther.

And besides, obviously the boy kept searchin and FOUND one and showed up, so. . .
Yeah, I know! When did THAT happen?! He should've just searched from the beginning BEFORE he told her that the date wasn't happening.
I'm glad you said that. I thought I missed something when he showed up. I couldn't figure out where he found something to wear to the dance.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
in regards to finding a tux, I wondered: why didn't grandpa simply offer his suit so that John could go, instead of offering to take Esther; since that was the ONLY reason John couldn't make it?
Didn't quite get that lil scenario.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Grandpa was about five inches shorter for one thing.
a little sewing, a little hemming. . . LOL

Can't remember HOW many times as a kid standing impatiently as my mother or an older sister demanded I stay still before I get stabbed with a needle
(valid point, though, Mark)

I was amazed at the locations they filmed at in NYC. I lost interest in the story, BUT the background scenery kept me very interested.
Russ Tambyln? William Shatner? Sorry, I don't see it.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Russ Tambyln? William Shatner? Sorry, I don't see it.
I do! I thought he looked quite like him! Especially in a very similar yellow to Captain Kirk's command uniform

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Absolutely LOVED your review of this movie...thanks for mentioning the "Tonight"'s brilliantly written.
Thank you

I think that is my favourite musical part of this musical - both musically and the way it builds up to this crucial event that is going to change everything.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I am SOOO depressed now.
Because I was excited to debate with you simply because of the great knowledge and understanding; coupled with some really wonderful personal stories you bring --- I was gonna be stubborn about a suit is NOT a tux but you quite beautifully shut me down with the more in depth reason and quite frankly, I got nuttin
I'm sorry I took away all of your fun. But at least you can now see why I had issues with that part of the story. It is a terrible thing to be stood up. And to be stood up over something that wouldn't be that big of a deal. Not fun at all.

except. . . He's a man, it's what we do, and so--