Missing Obama


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If the national debt is a mirage then I would say Obama was fine. If it's the house of cards economists say, he couldn't have been much worse.

If the national debt is a mirage then I would say Obama was fine. If it's the house of cards economists say, he couldn't have been much worse.
True. Bush was a disaster as well, though.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
True. Bush was a disaster as well, though.

Absolutely. If the thread was missing Bush I would probably write the exact same post. I think both those presidents were true to their ideals, were doing the best they could, and were abysmal for the debt.

I think both those presidents were true to their ideals, were doing the best they could, and were abysmal for the debt.
I strongly agree. It's probably time for the US to go for another more pragmatic president instead of an idealist, in order to control the explosion of debt in an intelligent manner. Trump doesn't seem to be that guy, though.

Scary that Im seeing a much worse President than what Dubya was in my lifetime. Chilling actually.

President Pence....I could get used to saying that Wont be surprised if Trump is impeached within 2 years. Im sure he'll mewl and whine himself into a martyr role for his departure.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Scary that Im seeing a much worse President than what Dubya was in my lifetime. Chilling actually.

President Pence....I could get used to saying that Wont be surprised if Trump is impeached within 2 years. Im sure he'll mewl and whine himself into a martyr role for his departure.
What were your major beefs with Bush?

What were your major beefs with Bush?
He was pompous, overrated, and spoiled. He was abusing his power to go after Hussein too. Didnt help to start things off was the most suspiciously close election in history.

What were your major beefs with Bush?
He was pompous, overrated, and spoiled. He was abusing his power to go after Hussein too. Didnt help to start things off was the most suspiciously close election in history.
His policies besides?

He was pompous, overrated, and spoiled. He was abusing his power to go after Hussein too. Didnt help to start things off was the most suspiciously close election in history.
the iraq war was probably his worst decision . let loose horror in the middle east .

His policies besides?
For me personally, his views on gay marriage, his economic policies, his failure to adhere to global environmental standards and his overall bumbling persona and lack of "speechification techniques" were all a giant load of crap that made him sink lower and
lower and lower. Oh, and torture, but Obama's guilty of that too.
A man's got to know his limitations.

His policies besides?
For me personally, his views on gay marriage, his economic policies, his failure to adhere to global environmental standards and his overall bumbling persona and lack of "speechification techniques" were all a giant load of crap that made him sink lower and
lower and lower. Oh, and torture, but Obama's guilty of that too.
And you believe Trump is more of the same?

His policies besides?

the iraq war was probably his worst decision . let loose horror in the middle east .
For me personally, his views on gay marriage, his economic policies, his failure to adhere to global environmental standards and his overall bumbling persona and lack of "speechification techniques" were all a giant load of crap that made him sink lower and
lower and lower. Oh, and torture, but Obama's guilty of that too.
Agreed, though Im not against non-sexual torture to gain intel.

Trump has all of Dubyas shortcomings but is even more clueless, pompous, and all for big business.

What do you care Omniz? You havent stated what you believe in or even if youre a boy or a girl. Just wanting to make posts, eh?

Originally Posted by TONGO
Trump has all of Dubyas shortcomings but is even more clueless, pompous, and all for big business.
Because they're both doofus Republicans?

That seems remarkably shallow.

Obama advocated "CHANGE" and what did he do?

He continued Bush's war in the Middle East...

He failed to repeal and in fact RENEWED The Patriot Act...

He also failed to repeal No Child Left Behind (Congress replaced it with more Common Core)...

He drove up government spending, adding nearly 10 TRILLION dollars to the national deficit...

...despite insititing a deeply illiberal federal mandate to buy health insurance or else suffer a TAX PENALTY which grows exponentially every year thanks to The Affordable Care Act.

Obama can kiss my ****ing ass, **** Obama.

Trump is against virtually all of this AND has done more to deliver on his campaign promises in the first MONTH of being in office since and beyond the first Clinton.

And you guys treat him like another Bush while Obama's the retired hero. Why's the treehuggin' vegan hippie gotta tell you why this is ridiculous?

In his FIRST day in office, with his FIRST executive order, Trump proved himself a better liberal than Obama.

...and people think he's an authoritarian.

What do you care Omniz?
All I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.

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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I'm all for your Obama bashing, Omni, because it's all largely true. But...

Trump is against virtually all of this AND has done more to deliver on his campaign promises in the first MONTH of being in office since and beyond the first Clinton.

He was unable to uphold his immigration policies.
He was unable to repeal Obamacare.
Where's the wall that Mexico is going to pay for?
Where are his protectionist economic policies?
Where's the complete destruction of ISIS?

He's done nothing truly substantial in his first month as POTUS, except failing. He's a very ineffective president so far, in my opinion.

You ready? You look ready.
I'm still waiting for Trump to do something "so fast" that "[my] head will spin".
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Keep waiting. Don't hold your breath tho. You'll die.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...