What purpose does film serve in your life?


What purpose does film serve in your life?
7 votes
An important blueprint for the reality I want to create
19 votes
10 votes
Inspiration for my own creativity
9 votes
Purely film interest
5 votes
Something to socialize around, more than anything
8 votes
Other - discuss below
32 votes. You may not vote on this poll

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Escapism I think is the big one for me. Forgetting the bad stuff in the real world for an hour or two.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Escapism for sure. This is also the reason I tend to prefer older films, so I can escape to a world that existed before I was even born, it helps to make my life problems, depression and anxiety seem so insignificant for a small slice of time.

Secondarily would be to appreciate beauty, great lighting, sets and photography is enough to make me drool.

I voted for purely film interest. Now escapism is still a big motivation for me, but it is not the primary reason I watch movies. I jut really love film. I can dive into a popcorn flick easy and have a good time, but I also will watch a film to appreciate the art and the story telling.

I voted for a few things, and one of them was "Other." The other is engagement. I differentiate this from "Escapism", as you listed in the poll, and even entertainment. Films engage my mind beyond mere entertainment (at least, the ones I like do). They feel like puzzles, and not just the ones with plot twists or mysteries: they feel like emotional and narrative puzzles, where you're sussing out what the film is trying to say. I find trying to do that really enjoyable.

Different films will, of course, serve different purposes, but absent special circumstances, this is the main reason I watch most films.

I would say all of the above and "other" too, but I chose "inspiration for my own creativity" because I would say that is most significant. The movies I like most are always the ones that inspire me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Purely Film Interest for me. I rarely watch a film to escape. Which is one reason that I hardly ever watch a film more than twice.

Good thread idea! I've asked people this question before. In fact just today. Perhaps I inspired you to make this thread? Or maybe it's just a coincidence

I voted Escapism but thinking about it afterwards that's only really true if I'm watching a prison or kidnap movie. Sorry if I've screwed the poll up in any way

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
this is a very tricky question. I'd say every one and none.

I admire the visual effect of story telling. I take great satisfaction seeing ideas unfold.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Good thread idea! I've asked people this question before. In fact just today. Perhaps I inspired you to make this thread? Or maybe it's just a coincidence
Although I've read large parts of your cinamaesque chat-n-review thread, which I freakin' adore, it is in fact the latter.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Although I've read large parts of your cinamaesque chat-n-review thread, which I freakin' adore, it is in fact the latter.
Thanks Deathly, that made my day

I sometimes try to ask people why they love a film, because it gives me insight into how they film movies. I've learned that people have vastly different reasons and usually their reason for loving a specific movie is much different than mine. Of course there's no right or wrong answer as we're all individuals. I do hope we get some more responses here...and I hope people will elaborate some too.

Granted that all might play a role - they certainly do for me - which function dominates in your eyes?
I voted for three things, but escapism is paramount.

The other boxes I ticked were inspiration and the social aspect.

Growth. Movies are psychological vitamins that help you grow and change and adapt. They are strange dreams we can make ourselves have while awake. I honestly do believe that's their deepest purpose -- to be dreams we have while awake. And I do think that the movies we're drawn to are no accident. We watch what we watch to become what we will become. They are meant to stimulate the mind and the emotions and our whole selves. I do think it's important to choose wisely with what you watch. Watch what you desire to watch, I say, for the fullest, deepest impact. Then it will be like awakening from a wonderful dream you've just had. Boring movies, or unwanted movies, are boring and unwanted dreams. But all will serve a purpose.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Growth. Movies are psychological vitamins that help you grow and change and adapt. They are strange dreams we can make ourselves have while awake. I honestly do believe that's their deepest purpose -- to be dreams we have while awake. And I do think that the movies we're drawn to are no accident. We watch what we watch to become what we will become. They are meant to stimulate the mind and the emotions and our whole selves. I do think it's important to choose wisely with what you watch. Watch what you desire to watch, I say, for the fullest, deepest impact. Then it will be like awakening from a wonderful dream you've just had. Boring movies, or unwanted movies, are boring and unwanted dreams. But all will serve a purpose.
well now. Those were some great words

well now. Those were some great words
I kinda got the idea that "movies are dreams" from Jake Gyllenhaal, of all people. I stumbled upon something he said in an interview once:

Originally Posted by Jake Gyllenhaal
I look at movies like dreams in a way. We have them. There’s something to be learned there. Some people might say they are these things at night that ultimately just keep your neurons going and keep your brain warm. Other people might say they’re open for interpretation. Other people have many ideas. But, to me, I think movies are like that. When you wake up from a dream sometimes you’re moved, sometimes you’re terrified, sometimes you have no idea what happened. And I like all of those things that happen during it. But most of the time you wake up and go, “Wait a second. This just happened when I was asleep. But I don’t know what it’s about.” And I like that about movies and I think you sit in the dark, much like you do when you’re dreaming and you experience something.

Registered User
Granted that all might play a role - they certainly do for me - which function dominates in your eyes?
For me, I can't narrow it down to just one. Both inspiration and escapism are mine. The inspiration portion inspires me to think about certain things in life that I either haven't thought about much, if at all, or haven't discussed in a while. It also inspires discussion between my wife and I about plot points and allows for fun conversations.

Escapism is the other reason. In film land you get this surreal feeling. Anything is possible. In many ways, the film world can depict the world in a better light:

-Bad people get their comeuppance

-Good people can actually win in life

-Assurance of an afterlife

Pretty much whatever tickles your fancy. It's magic, really.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
I kinda got the idea that "movies are dreams" from Jake Gyllenhaal, of all people. I stumbled upon something he said in an interview once:
He comes around as a guy who has his ideas well in place. Also dig his acting a lot.