HOF Organization Thread


Here it is here if that's cool:

Animated Shorts Hall of Fame:

Winner: The Great Piggy Bank Robbery (1946, Bob Clampett)

Nominations: Der Fuehrer's Face, King-Size Canary, The Cat Concerto, Steven Universe: Last One Out of Beach City, The Monk & The Monkey, A Tale of Two Kitties, Little Rural Riding Hood, Transylvania 6-5000, Hair-Raising Hare, Big House Bunny, Ballot Box Bunny, Captain Hareblower, Donald's Golf Game, Cobweb Hotel, StoryCorps - Danny & Annie

Me and Silent Vamp are going to do our Musical Hofs, they will be separate Hofs with different themes, both will run at the same time. We should have those up by the 24th and the deadline to get the noms in is March 1st.
Sorry for bumping your post Citizen. Quoted it so people can see it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Alright, I added Monster Crossover and 12th to the first post. Updated winners with animated shorts. Citizen and Silent will be going next.

All nice and organized now. I may be giving my password to Camo so he can take over this.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
you are SUCH a slacker, sean
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Thanks for the bump, I have to head back to work, now. But Vamp will pop in at some point and post about the Twin Musical Hofs.
Well, there will be a difference in the two HoF's. CR's Live Action Musical will be more traditional song and dance type of stuff (i.e. where the musical numbers replace the dialogue).

Mine will be one with films that aren't necessarily musicals (although if a film fits the description of what my HoF will be, a musical would be accepted). Basically, I know when the Musical HoF was first introduced back in 2015 there was some confusion as to what would/wouldn't be eligible (hence, that is why the Animated Musical HoF came about). There were questions as to whether films like "The Blues Brothers" or "A Hard Day's Night" would be eligible. Technically, they aren't traditional musicals. But they have characters who revolve around music. So my HoF would accept any film that features a "musical artist". I hope what I am saying makes sense. If not, hopefully it will be a little clearer when it gets started on the 24th.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
So, Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny would be eligeble in your HoF, as the movie's story revolves around a duo of musicians? Though, I guess it would be eligeble for CR's HoF too, as the music does confire some story elements. Bad example. Let's go with...Music & Lyrics instead. Not a musical, but the story's about a musician finding a new songwriter in the girl that waters his plants and their task to write a song for a Shakira stand-in. Am I close to what you mean?
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
So, Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny would be eligeble in your HoF,

Let's go with...Music & Lyrics instead
I would allow both in mine, to be honest.

So you get the idea.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
So... do we have to pick which one we join? Are they running simultaneously? Can I even spell simultaneously? (Yes thank you spell checker. At least I can pronounce it.)

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
They will be running simultaneously. You can choose whichever one you'd like to join. Or you can join both. It is up to you.

Along with running mine, I will also be joining his. So I will be in both. But it is entirely up to each individual what each person would want to do.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Just a question; why wouldn't The Blues Brothers be considered a traditional musical?
If you consider that film to be "traditional", OK. That is fine. But I would be the one taking it as a nomination because it is based around characters that are a part of a band. But I did say this:
Mine will be one with films that aren't necessarily musicals (although if a film fits the description of what my HoF will be, a musical would be accepted).
So I would accept "The Blues Brothers" as a nomination.

I think Citizen Rules will have to elaborate a bit more on what sort of films he is considering eligible for his if you want a more specific answer. I don't know if I am doing a good job with my description.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well, there will be a difference in the two HoF's. CR's Live Action Musical will be more traditional song and dance type of stuff (i.e. where the musical numbers replace the dialogue).

Mine will be one with films that aren't necessarily musicals (although if a film fits the description of what my HoF will be, a musical would be accepted). Basically, I know when the Musical HoF was first introduced back in 2015 there was some confusion as to what would/wouldn't be eligible (hence, that is why the Animated Musical HoF came about). There were questions as to whether films like "The Blues Brothers" or "A Hard Day's Night" would be eligible. Technically, they aren't traditional musicals. But they have characters who revolve around music. So my HoF would accept any film that features a "musical artist". I hope what I am saying makes sense. If not, hopefully it will be a little clearer when it gets started on the 24th.

SV, if I understand correctly, the difference is that CR's HoF will be movies where the characters "break out into song and dance", (not something that would happen in real life), but your HoF is movies where the songs actually make sense to the characters in the movie as a normal part of their story. (For example, movies like The Blues Brothers where the characters are actually musical performers.)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I'm not going to be in those HoFs, and I wouldn't nominate The Blues Brothers if I did. It's more of a general question. Besides the scenes where they perform a gig as a band, there are multiple other scenes that make me wonder if it's a traditional musical.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Are people interested on a spaghetti western HoF? I could host it!
I would be interested at a latter date, right now I couldn't join as my plate is too full. But great idea

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A spaghetti western HoF sounds VERY intriguing. Start getting some interest and then pick a date to fits in between the others, get sean to post it on the first page of this thread and let us all know, neiba. That would be a really good 'un and I'm pretty sure there are a number of folks who would join in on it.

I think gbg has a good insight of the two HoFs.
CR's would be the "break out in song" like Oklahoma, Jesus Christ Superstar and the like.
SV's would be filled with music that takes an integral part of the story; as mentioned Blues Brothers and in the past, Hard Day's Night and the like.
Did I get that right, SV?

Both of which I do believe I'll be joining and both of which, I'm sure we all can narrow down the definition with both Hosts' guidance.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A spaghetti western HoF sounds VERY intriguing. Start getting some interest and then pick a date to fits in between the others, get sean to post it on the first page of this thread and let us all know, neiba. That would be a really good 'un and I'm pretty sure there are a number of folks who would join in on it.
I'd sure like to join sounds fun, cue the spaghetti western music....come to think of it, I might have spaghetti for dinner... e-y-e-talian Spaghetti (an old joke)

I think gbg has a good insight of the two HoFs.
CR's would be the "break out in song" like Oklahoma, Jesus Christ Superstar and the like.

Both of which I do believe I'll be joining and both of which, I'm sure we all can narrow down the definition with both Hosts' guidance.
Thank you Ed! I expect both mine and Vamps Hofs to be tiny. But hey sometimes the funnest parties are the small ones...We're going to launch our Hof threads on this Friday with full details...it'll be copacetic (I just learned that word the other day and this is the first chance I had to use it!)