New Individual Movie Pages


Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Yeah, gonna think long and hard about the navigation. Might have to bump those font sizes down a bit. But we've already run out of colors!
May I suggest the Movies to be right above next to the "Reviews"? makes sense [to me at least]
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

I've just twigged... ^^ Devil got it as well...

The link next to Reviews is Forums... that's a dead link. It's a pointless link... and is using space that can be used by the Individual Movies Page.

To elaborate, the top bar technically has 3 separate links that take you to the main page.
The title, the MoFo Logo, and that "Forums" link...

Bin that Forums link in place of the Movies Page. That will mean only one new link is needing added, which is for the Clubs Page.

May I suggest the Movies to be right above next to the "Reviews"? makes sense [to me at least]
Which order to put it in isn't the issue. The hurdles are trying to fit things up there without making the font size too small (there's no room to add more without making the others smaller), and keeping the general association of one color per section.

I have a few ideas on this, but they require a bit of thought.

Great feature!

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Yoda slow down, I can't contain much more excitement!
Heh. There's been a bit of a cascade here, in that a lot of these things have been gestating, or even mostly done, for awhile now, and I just needed to finish one, which tied into the next, which tied into the next, etc...

You probably figured I'd do something like this...
Tbh, I don't think space will be a problem on the header if that Forums Link was replaced with Movies

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
You probably figured I'd do something like this...
Tbh, I don't think space will be a problem on the header if that Forums Link was replaced with Movies

That's exactly what I thought.

First off: nice mockup!

The tricky part is that, while there's plenty of room there for you, me, and lots of others, that extra space isn't there for people with smaller resolutions. That's why there's so much seeming empty space on either side of the content: because I keep it restrained to a 960 pixel width container in the center of the page. (Which has the side effect of giving the layout lots of pleasant negative space, anyway.)

All that said, it might be a good time to revisit the resolution market share numbers and see if those smaller widths have become rare enough that I can bump things up slightly. That'd be nice!

Aahhh, gotcha.
I don't use mobile or whatever myself so I didn't realise there's a difference when it comes to what devices can see.

Damned phones making everyone's lives more difficult

Yeah, multi-platform development is a drag sometimes. But in this case it's as much to do with older monitors and computers. You'd be amazed how long some of those hang around.

There's always going to be someone with some super tiny resolution, but once you get to the point where less than 1% of your visitors are like that, and they're seeing oversized layouts everywhere they go anyway, it's kinda "safe" to design without them in mind. So there's this window of what's safe, and it's always creeping up, but often more slowly than most developers (who are usually well above average in things like resolution) would like, and there's a constant push/pull between providing the best experience for some users without making things too difficult for a minority of others.

Don't develop websites, people. It's awful.

You can't win an argument just by being right!

The downside of rapid response.
That sounds kinky, you norty devil, you!


Now I have something to watch
That sounds kinky, you norty devil, you!
Yes, my kinky minions! TAKE OVER MOFO!!!

You know I'm diggin' this . . . Halloween (1978)

At the moment, it's mostly just putting a bunch of existing stuff in one place: links to a quiz (if there is one)
Do we have a quiz for Halloween? If not, I will make one that can be linked to the individual page, as well as the club, if that's something that happens. I'll make a John Carpenter club thread this weekend, and if need be, I can find any threads pertaining to the club, as well.