The Resident Bitch's New Top 100 Favorite Films

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I think 1 will be Quills and 2 will be Gladiator.
For the possible Joaquin Phoenix performances list? Nah. Love them and him in them, but if I'm judging solely by his performances then they won't be at the top.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've only seen the first Lilo & Stitch sequel. It was better than I expected but nowhere near as good as the original. Haven't seen the show.
None of the sequels were as good as the original, but the first sequel was the best of them. The series is worth watching because each episode introduced us to a different one of Stitch's cousins, and Lilo and Stitch had to catch them and find the right place for them. I don't think the series was ever released on DVD, but there used to be a bunch of episodes on YouTube, but I don't know of they're still there.

WALL·E is the only movie that I love from the last few movies you posted, but it's right up near the very top of my favorites list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Wreck-It Ralph
(Rich Moore, 2012)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - N/A, 2013 - 28

I've loved animation for quite some time but my movie watching attention has really focused on the medium in recent years. I adored this movie when it was first released and I feel like I appreciate it more and more with each rewatch. Disney's history with CG animation is a bit spotty (Chicken Little or The Wild, anyone?) but this stands out to me as being incredibly well done. Gorgeous animation, a fantastic voice cast, wonderful humor and an endearing story of friendship and redemption make for a movie that I never grow tired of.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
(Michel Gondry, 2004)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 6, 2013 - 6

A poignant and touching examination of love and relationships presented in a very original way. Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet both turn in amazing performances and help to make this quirky concept feel very real.

Being John Malkovich
(Spike Jonze, 1999)
Previous Rankings: 2010 - 11, 2013 - 8

With Spike Jonze directing a Charlie Kaufman screenplay you know you're going to get something highly original, incredibly bizarre, and massively entertaining. And that's exactly what happened here.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Being John Malkovich

Those are two really good ones and both kind of similar themed. I remember liking
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, but can't remember a thing about it, I must have been tired.

Being John Malkovich however is a movie that has always staid with me. Very unique concept for a movie!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Top ten starts with a bang. Three that I love. One from my 100, one that I considered very strongly for it. Love Kauffman. He is very Anderson-esque. Kidding...but he is.

Wreck -It-Ralph is tons of fun, my favorite animated movie in a very long time. I never mind when my boys pop it on.

@Citizen They do have similar themes, which is not surprising, considering they were written by the same guy.

@Sean There's a huge difference between Kaufman and Anderson: Kaufman knows how to write characters that feel real.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@Sean There's a huge difference between Kaufman and Anderson: Kaufman knows how to write characters that feel real.
I find Kaufman to be all fantasy, just with a muted color palette and no minatures. His characters are written as very broken and complete narcissists, just like Anderson. I think there humor is playing in the same sandbox as well. The one exception is probably Anomalisa.

I find Kaufman to be all fantasy, just with a muted color palette and no minatures. His characters are written as very broken and complete narcissists, just like Anderson. I think there humor is playing in the same sandbox as well. The one exception is probably Anomalisa.
I think you are reaching. They are straight-up nothing alike!

I certainly wouldn't call Joel from Eternal Sunshine a narcissist. Also Anderson's characters are very one dimensional to me. Both writers build their worlds with lots of quirk and offbeat humor, but Anderson's characters just don't feel human to me.

I should also add that Anderson's characters aren't so much broken as they are incomplete.
Broken I can connect with. Incomplete just leaves me cold.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I think you are reaching. They are straight-up nothing alike!
Aesthetically they are nothing alike. As far as writing and character goes, I think they have very similar sensibilities. I can understand people not liking Anderson. The fact that people don't like his characters baffles me.