Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring -

Watched this earlier but didn't get a chance to write anything because i was going to a halloween party. If you haven't seen it don't read as there's spoiler here.

Oh, man this film was effective. For as simple as it was the Spring tied stones part at the beginning really got to me; the fish being dead was enough but the snake and then the kid crying! Think it was the being forced to confront your actions/mistakes thing makes you think of some silly stuff you may have done in your life that you never had to think about the consequences of (obviously not harming animals or even anything serious) because it was done you moved on; but this kid was actually forced to see what his actions resulted in. That and just the fact that the master could've stopped him as soon as he started doing it to the fish; obviously he was teaching him a lesson but he clearly let it go overnight because he knew chances were at least 1/3 would be dead or seriously harmed. And i'm not ruling out that sick maniac going out in the middle of the night to kill the snake himself !

Summer was good too, but pretty awkward. It wasn't easy watching him have to deal with sexual attraction at first, mainly because it was obviously something he had never really had to think about or deal with because he'd been alone with his master there since he was a kid, he was just so clueless and weirdly forceful at first that it was a bit cringey. There were some great things about this part though; particularly seeing him acting like a normal teenager or whatever age he was supposed to be like when he put the cricket on the girls shoulder and was messing around with her. The thing that annoyed me most about this part was their recklessness; there was no need for them to sneak into each others beds or out at night, i get that there had to be a way for them to get caught and the best way that suited the film was for his desire to be so strong, still was annoying though.

One thing i found funny about Fall was the fact that the master first heard about the murder from a newspaper. Such a minor thing but i kind of cracked up at the idea of a paperboy rowing through this river to deliver the paper . Obviously that doesn't have to be how he got it, but i still don't even see why it was needed at all; i mean 10 seconds later he arrived and clearly said he killed her, it's not important enough to bother me but i did find it funny. All of Fall was pretty weird; it included the oddest suicide attempt i've ever seen and the master finally showing some emotion by angrily beating him with a stick. Not to mention the omnious music playing. It was very good though. For how angry and emotional it started it ended on a very peaceful note even though it kind of broke me; the masters suicide was a beautiful scene.

Winter (and Spring) was just gorgeous. Throughout the other parts the weather seemed to be only changing slightly every time so the drastic change to snow/ice was so noticeable and welcome. That first shot of him walking across the frozen lake to the house was sublime. The actual story of Winter was good too. I thought it would just be a full part of him becoming the master which i was all for; when the woman come though i had no idea what was going on. I couldn't tell if her baby was sick or if it was her (possibly neither) i can't tell you how paranoid i was about her taking off her headscarf and having a really mangled face. From the moment she brought the kid there it was obvious that he'd take the new masters role as the student which was fine, got to admit though i wasn't a fan of the 'circle of life' look he's making the exact same mistakes ending; well they changed it from tying a rock to the back to putting a rock in the animals mouth but they even did it with a fish, frog and snake again.

Great film. It is a bit uneven but it isn't a big problem since it was always going to be with it basically being four (technically five but i don't really count And Spring because it was only a few minutes long and was basically a repeat of the first story) separate stories. I think it goes without saying that it was stunning; they picked one of the most picturesque places imaginable to film and with a very capable cinematographer it is greatly amplified. Very beautiful, soothing score as well that gels perfectly with most scenes.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Day of the Dead (1985)

I got this one in just in time. Great to see such wonderful effects and make-up, without CGI. Tom Savini is a multi-talented man.


After today it's November, so, in other words, a great month to switch over to war movies, wear a poppy and remember.
Click image for larger version

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"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)

Pizza dude's got 30 seconds
Four teenage turtles meet a milf, and they are trained as ninjas by a rat, who too was growing, particularly in intellect. They face some ninja thieves called "the foot clan," led by Master Shredder. Better than most

8.0 / 10


The Bib-iest of Nickels

Killjoy’s Psycho Circus had its premiere October 30th on the El Rey Network. Believe it or not, I was looking forward to this film. The zany B-movie camp of the third film, which brought to mind the more comedic Elm Street films, made for one of the most entertaining films of modern Full Moon. Not saying a whole lot, considering Full Moon Features has found solace in releasing particularly uninspired, lazy and effortless films like the abysmal Evil Bong: High Five, which featured a shameless infomercial for its lame, cheaply made dolls. But, who am I to judge if I’m willing to keep shelling out money for them? (Finger’s crossed that Puppet Master 11 doesn’t suck! Granted, I’ve only liked 2 out of 10 so far.) Anyways, Killjoy 3 was a fun film, and Killjoy Goes to Hell at least treaded water and kept my interest afloat.
Killjoy’s Psycho Circus brings back the cast from the previous films, as well as the director from 3 and Goes to Hell, following a new narrative in-which Killjoy is a mortal on Earth that runs a talk show aptly named Psycho Circus. All is not well, however, and things take a sudden turn when Beelzebub himself is sent to Earth in an attempt to reclaim Killjoy’s soul.
The concept for Psycho Circus is completely banana sandwich, in that, it has so many cogs turning all at once and none of them seem to be headed in the same direction. Trent Haaga and cast are decent in their performances, and by that, I mean, the film itself is ridiculous, but it’s fully realized ridiculousness. I’ve become acquainted with the cast with the previous two entries, and in a lot of ways, Full Moon Features are always appreciated best for me when I look at them as episodes of a cheesy horror series, these guys are my familiar friends waiting just around the bend. I like them, they’re strangely endearing way, this is another episode in The Misadventures of Killjoy the Clown: Space Edition. It’s ridiculous, it isn’t really well-written or executed, the special effects are over-the-top, especially toward the home stretch, sometimes just downright horrid, and yet, I am entertained. Is it a “so bad, it’s good” feeling? Sort-of. It’s colorful and it appeals to my inner stupid.
The film is one of the most outlandish Full Moon has ever done, a complete conglomeration of themes and ideas thrown at the wall, few of them sticking. Most points, I didn’t know what the **** was going on, it was an incoherent, nonsensical shlock-fest, but I can’t really say I won’t watch Killjoy 6. Maybe it’s because there’s so few films with that sleazy low-budget 80s smell to them, or maybe it’s because I watch them and gawk at what I think they could be instead.
Is Killjoy’s Psycho Circus a terrible film? Probably. I mean, on most levels. But there’s still fun to be had. And it’s a film that embraces its own outlandishness. It’s an obnoxious friend I’m still friends with, for some reason.

The Exorcist -

Watch this every halloween. This has to have been my twentieth watch at least. Still my favourite horror and still one of my very favourite films.

Welcome to the human race...
The Howling -

Much more competent than its sequel, but at the cost of being less entertaining.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Children of Men (2006)


Saw this about 8 years ago with my wife and didn't think much of it. I must have been drunk because this is a great flick. It's one of the best looking movies I've ever seen, and the story feels eerily relevant. Great tension and performances, and it was smart not to make Clive Owen an action hero, although he dodged an awful lot of bullets for a while. I will say I preferred the sporadic action through most of the movie to the action packed finale.

So glad to see your high rating, cricket!

I nominated it for the Sci-Fi HoF, but perhaps you didn't join that one?

Anyways, indeed a stunning film. And what a "stunning" avatar too.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Deadpool (2016)

Adventures of an extreme anti-hero superhero.

I had a media blackout for this one before seeing, so I knew nothing of it, except it was some kind of superhero movie.

The sheer perfection of the opening scene set the tone so brilliantly. -- This film is irreverent, funny, violent, gleefully self-aware, and totally entertaining. Had to watch it a second time. Nice to see TJ Miller as comic relief too, not that it needed any.

Definitely not for younger kids, but they have their own movies....

4.75 bullets-left-in-the-magazine out of 5
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Make a better place

The Experiment (2010) -
"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

The Exorcist -

Watch this every halloween. This has to have been my twentieth watch at least. Still my favourite horror and still one of my very favourite films.
Sat down last night planning to watch this for the first time. Gone from Netflix. Hopefully get to it soon.