What book(s) would you like to see made into movies?


I was wondering what books would you like to see made into movies or, if you would like to see a book that has already received a movie adaptation receive a re-boot/additional adaptation, why?

Personally, I would like to see additional installments from the 'Master & Commander' series, of which there are 21 novels, adapted into movies, hopefully with the same cast that appeared in 'Master & Commander'. This series would not likely yield 21 movies however, since the first movie actually used elements from at-least the first three novels (Master & Commander, Post Captain, & HMS Surprise). There actually may have been elements from the 4th novel as well, but I'd have to re-read them to see if those elements were actually in the 4th book and not the 3rd...

Additionally, I would like to see a prophetic political thriller entitled the 'Age of Tolerance' adapted into a movie.

This past paced thriller, which was written in 2001 and published in early 2002 has (Bill) Clinton resigning amid the 'Monica Lewinsky Scandal' after evidence of his much more violent assault of Juanita Broaddrick was given the media attention it deserved. Following Clinton's resignation, Al Gore served the remainder of his term, before winning the election in 2000, forcing him to deal with the effects of 9/11.

What makes this novel 'spooky' is that it has very accurately predicted many of the political and social events following 9/11 including the rise to prominence of the SJW's, the 'Arab Spring' (though under a different name), the 'Occupy Movement' (again, different name), subsequent terror attacks, the change in US/Iranian relations under a Democrat, etc. and the political reactions to these events.

The novel actually continues making predictions into the 2100's and things become much more interesting as the events of 2001 and today effect the future.

It examines these changes through the eyes of characters who including a College Professor/'Social Agitator', his SJW students, small business owners, larger business owners, soldiers, etc.

This would make for a very interesting movie and I would like to see it in theaters some day...

Even if not, it's still an interesting book if any of you have time to read...
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. ~Ayn Rand

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis!!! Si vis pacem, para bellum!!!

The unwanted series would be pretty cool. Tho i hope they don't make it like the rest of the ya movies
Mad Max Fury road is trash

Go ask Alice

that sounds really interesting! Though im not sure how i feel about
the book using real people-but the rest of it sounds great.

Yeah DAnconiaLead before making a thread always do a search on the topic to make sure it hasnt been pounded to death.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, I mean one of those threads I linked to literally got locked by a mod who posted links to older threads on the same topic. This is an old subject and it's obviously got enough threads about it.

[quote=Topsy;1533046]Go ask Alice [quote]


There is another modern adaptation of 'Alice in Wonderland' which I saw recently, entitled 'What Alice Found' which addresses truck-stop prostitution.

While it's a decent movie, I have to call bs on several of it's elements;

1.) While 'old-timers' have told me that some of the events depicted would have been reasonably accurate in the '70's & '80's, the movie is set in the current era (as evident by both the fashion and musical tastes of the main character and the models of trucks). Today, 'lot lizards' (truckstop prostitutes) sneak into truck stops and must avoid the lot-security present at nearly all truckstops. I've never witnessed a brothel/RV, as is featured in the movie, operating anywhere near a truckstop because, unlike a lone 'working-girl' an RV couldn't run into the woods to avoid the police/security.

2.) Emily Grace (the title character 'Alice') has perfect teeth in the movie, which is something I've never seen on these girls, and is physically clean, again, something I've never seen.

3.) In the movie, 'Alice' is only turned-down by truckers who cannot afford her services whereas in reality, we make fun of the 'lot lizards' when they're out and make fun of anyone who patronizes them over the CB. Furthermore, most of us are trying to sleep before we start driving again and will yell at these individuals to stop them from rasping on our windows and waking us up (if they wake one of us a second time, we'll usually call lot security). Most of us will turn these lizards down because a.) they're riddled with diseases, b.) they're physically unappealing, & c.) we need to sleep...

However, if you forget that the movie is about a prostitute and pretend that she is just a girl who is exploring her sexuality and enjoying multiple partners in quick succession for the first time (which would have worked better if they'd set it in a college atmosphere) and see how the director put this in an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme, then the movie sort-of works....

i would like jean sasson's 'princess' to be made into a movie . but is it for real or is does this princess sultana really exist ?

It's been done before, but not by Hollywood (except for Disney), but I think the ancient story of Hua Mulan would make a great live-action film if done seriously (i.e. no talking dragons or anthropomorphic crickets).

The Company she keeps

its basically the 70s mob from the female perspective (not females in the mob but as the girlfriend)
Britney is my favorite

Foundation series by Issac Asimov.
You know the thing about a shark? He's got lifeless eyes; black eyes, like a doll's eye.

~ Quint

The Company she keeps

its basically the 70s mob from the female perspective (not females in the mob but as the girlfriend)


I've never read that book, but it sounds very interesting and a subject for a potentially great movie

In the Beginning...

Brian Jacques' classic is ripe for a Dreamworks film adaptation, especially given how popular the fantasy genre is among kids and teens right now. I re-read Redwall recently and it still holds up. It's silly, it's adventurous, and it's got all the moral platitudes and third-act warm fuzzies you'd want already cooked into it. All it needs is a little update magic.

And Jacques was nice enough to write many additional books in the series, so there's plenty of fodder to feed the franchise.

I also want Talisman by Stephen King because of it has a very interesting plot. I hope to see it in cinema.

Would love to see faithful versions of Terry Brooks' "Shannara" series of books. The Elfstones of Shannara, the second book in the series was adapted into a mini-series for MTV early this year but it was horrendous. Everything was changed for no reason, even though the lead actress was great. But they jumped over the first book, which was unfairly reviled as a "Lord of the Rings" clone, although there were some similaraties. There is a plethora of material to choose from, I think twenty books so far, so if MTV doesn't have a lock on them, it would be great to see them on the big screen.

I'd also like to see an adaptation of Stephen King's Doctor Sleep which is his sequel to The Shining and a terrific book, continuing the story of Danny Torrance, the now-grown man who has the "shine," which, with fans of the Kubrick movie in abundance here, I'm sure I don't have to explain what that is. It is not about the Overlook Hotel but a different local with a different villain/villains and Danny's power at its peak.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."