Movie Forums Movie Fights



*Based on the YouTube series Movie Fights.

I'm your host, DalekbusterScreen5.

Basically, how it works is this: there are five rounds comprised of movie-related questions. They could be anything from 'Best Superhero Movie' to 'Pitch A Film Starring The Unusual Suspect'. Three fighters debate the challenge question and the person who delivers the best argument wins. As the host (or 'judge'), I'm the one who decides who gave the most convincing argument. The two who won the most rounds after round five go onto a sixth round - the Speed Round, where you must answer a series of questions as quickly as possible.

There's also a fact checker, who checks what the fighters are saying is correct at the end of each round before I make my ruling.

As this is a forum version, I'll give each fighter a day to argue it out. If the first three people who want to fight send me the time zone time (IE: GMT...) and when they would be available to play that would be pretty helpful.

So, who wants to play Movie Forums Movie Fights?

Judge: DalekbusterScreen5
Fighter 1:
Fighter 2:
Fighter 3:
Fact checker:


Fighter 1:
Fighter 2:
Fighter 3

I like this idea. After the Speed Round were you planning on opening the game back up to new contestants, or was this going to be a one-time thing? If you did do three sets, you could have the winners fight each other in the fourth (if they wanted to). That could be interesting.

I like this idea. After the Speed Round were you planning on opening the game back up to new contestants, or was this going to be a one-time thing? If you did do three sets, you could have the winners fight each other in the fourth (if they wanted to). That could be interesting.
I might see how the first game goes and if it works well then do it as they do sometimes on Movie Fights, with a tournament of rounds and the winners of the first few rounds go onto semi final rounds then fight in a final.

I'll have to watch some of the Movie Fight videos to see how these things usually go, but I'm leaning towards signing up even without seeing any. I really only watch Screen Junkies' Honest Trailer videos haha.

I'll have to watch some of the Movie Fight videos to see how these things usually go, but I'm leaning towards signing up even without seeing any. I really only watch Screen Junkies' Honest Trailer videos haha.
I recommend any Movie Fights episode with Alicia Malone. She's one of their best fighters.

Has anyone else shown interest in this? Maybe having 5 rounds plus the Speed round is a bit much. Perhaps just 3 rounds plus the Speed round would make it more appealing? Though I guess then it would be too hard to tell who the top two people were, especially if everyone won one round each haha.

Has anyone else shown interest in this? Maybe having 5 rounds plus the Speed round is a bit much. Perhaps just 3 rounds plus the Speed round would make it more appealing? Though I guess then it would be too hard to tell who the top two people were, especially if everyone won one round each haha.
I think that's why they have five rounds.

I'm a fan of Screen Junkies, so I know the game well, ha. I would consider joining but I'll wait to see how this first game goes before I decide. Should be interesting.