Survivor VII: MoFo Penitentiary


Also that last line in my post was where the Wolfsbane is Suspects brother originated when he responded to it. After he said that it just all fell apart for him.

I dont know why this is a discussion,whoever wins deserve to win because they won.simple as.

you were in with dan who was in with cosmic who was in with me who was in with raul etc etc there was no specific person calling the shots here but a collective of people who saw the same player/s as /a/ threat/s. you guys put way too much pride into all of this.

anyway i think it was well deserved Raul.
Britney is my favorite

I told you to leave because you were being so unreasonable and rude to me and for no reason except you being hysterical, as always.

THEN -- then I asked you to PLEASE COME BACK TO THE GAME.

You didn't come back.... which I can understand.

But you know what?

That night I was researching all of Wolfsbane's posts and stuff and trying to see if Suspect and Wolfsbane were definitely the same people........

I private messaged you and Raul both that night, telling you guys what I was feeling about Suspect/Wolfsbane. What I was suspecting.

Raul told me -- "I think you're right. I do believe Suspect is Wolfsbane AND I THINK IT'S TIME SOMETHING'S DONE ABOUT IT." He motivated me.

What did YOU say to me?

"But Sexy.... what if you're wrong? This could make Suspect mad. Don't do anything, Sexy. I think you're probably wrong. Wolfsbane isn't Suspect........."

You can go back in this thread to where it first started -- you'll see the reactions that you and Raul had.

So thanks a lot, genius. You weren't onto anything. You think you and Cosmic and Dan were onto his alts? PLEASE. Not like how Raul and I were. Okay, perhaps Dan was, perhaps, but definitely NOT YOU.
No I wasnt onto him. I was defending TUS all the way up to the moment as Wolfsbane he confessed. Then a day later confessed more. Thats another reason I was more upset than yall. Sexy you wanted Suspect in this game. Youve been wanting Suspect in a game for do just this. You pushed it right after Rauld got voted out.

Youre trying to do deflection right now away from the fact you rigged this game. Youre also trying to say I was nasty to you, which is another lie.

No it is right. Alt accounts helped to take out Nope and Raul.

It's more right than all of your Survivor 4, to be frank. That's not to be rude -- that's truth.
No I dont believe you. Prove it.
You know, you can take the opportunity to just leave the game now if you want. You feel people don't want you here anyway. I want you here, but you're just pissy because you want Raul gone. That's all it is with you. You want Raul out of the game. Just 2 pages before you were telling Rauld yourself I targetted him out of strategy, now your lying.

I can understand why you think Raul should still be eliminated, but we have had game troubles, drama, two people turned out to be alt accounts and are now gone..... this is just what I want to do.
You never proved it and flipped out when I insisted you do.....

No, YOU want the drama rolling.



You're EXPELLED from the game.

If someone wants to take TONGO's place, speak now.
No Sexy I voted Rauld out because players used 4 immunity idols to save him in Survivor 3 - period.

There was no way to uproot him otherwise but when I did cause you loaded TUS up for bear for his return. You now fueling this belief doing a 180 from your original stance just shows you wanted to cause drama most likely because of THE SURVIVOR AWARDS and you wanted to "steal the show"

This is me dropping out of your game Sexy, or any you ever will run.

Good bye guys.
You ran a rigged game Sexy. The fact you wish to talk about it some more just shows the game, you just use it as an excuse to create drama and focus on you.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I dont know why this is a discussion,whoever wins deserve to win because they won.simple as.

you were in with dan who was in with cosmic who was in with me who was in with raul etc etc there was no specific person calling the shots here but a collective of people who saw the same player/s as /a/ threat/s. you guys put way too much pride into all of this.

anyway i think it was well deserved Raul.
Oh Topsy, you should become a scholar!

anyway i think it was well deserved Raul.
I do not want to make Rauld feel bad, Sexy is the one that reopened this discussion. The drama is more important to him rather than Raulds feelings because Sexy knew how Id respond.

well lets all spend the time finding characters for the studio 54 insted.much more fun!

I already know who iam going to be. i was going to be salma when i first heard 54 but then i remembered how much you love her so obviously i cant steal her.

Yes, I wanted Suspect in my Survivor game. Absolutely.

However, I didn't want Suspect and 40 MILLION ALTS of Suspect in my game! Actually you did because you wanted to push it this game so you could get attention.

I pushed for it after Raul was eliminated because Suspect temp banned himself and that was a red flag to me. I know Suspect -- he's not just gonna disappear for two days without the ability to affect the game. When he temp banned himself, that's when I took the alt account thing more seriously. That's when I started investigating. It had nothing to do with rigging the game for Raul. I doubt this, you pushed this right after Rauld got eliminated. I think you wanted use it as a failsafe, and pusherd it then as excuse to let Rauld back in though you still havent proved TUS voted him out!!

All I meant was that Survivor 4 was a total joke because Suspect was cheating by being Wolfsbane.
you were calling Survivor 4 openly a joke in the thread and me a joke as the host in the middle of the game
I wasn't blaming you for that. I was blaming Suspect. He ruined Survivor 4 by cheating in it. That's why I've been bashing your game now -- because Suspect cheated all the way through it.
Yet Dan overcame him and you crap on Dan as a player constantly, and he fought his way back into Survivor 4 - HE PLAYED SUSPECT!!! You know, the strongest player in Survivor
I wanted a Survivor that didn't have that kind of crap going on, so I stopped it.
Thats a lie you did want this Survivor as an excuse to have crap going on.

You still havent proved TUS or his Alts voted out Rauld
because you cant.

Theres not anything left to say on this.

Btw, I will not be playing in TUS's game. You should though Sexy, I wouldnt be surprised if you do well.

Did TUS and his alts vote out Raul? I don't know if I still have the PMs... actually, I'm pretty sure I don't because I trash my PMs constantly.... I don't think Suspect did. I don't think his alts did, either. But I don't care. I lost you,
No I was stilll in the game. I left AFTER you brought Rauld and Nope back in, without earning it with any gameplay. You were using the TUS drama to deflect attention that you were rigging the game to bring Rauld back in. Now youre changing your story.

Suspect and those alts that I thought were real people. I wanted to reboot the game so I wasn't down to less people. I felt it was smart to put Nope and Raul back into the game as replacements for the people we had lost. I considered it a twist. A necessary twist. And you got angry about it.... probably because you don't like Raul and you liked the fact that Raul had been eliminated. When Raul came back, you were pissed.
Now you are completely changing your story, just like TUS did when he was exposed (brother excuse), or facianado when he posted in general. YOU SAID TUS and his Alts voted out Rauld, and NOW youre saying that he didnt.

Raul had another chance, but he wasn't guaranteed to go far in this game. Nope came back and had the same powers as Raul -- he didn't last long. He was 9th place. They could have got rid of Raul, but they didn't. Raul won important challenges and I guess he managed to convince others he belonged in the game. Maybe they assumed he wouldn't win again, 'cause Raul never wins. He had a reputation as being a guaranteed loser in this game. Maybe this time, that reputation worked out for him.
People were afraid youd stop the game if Rauld was voted out. They just wanted to play and pass the time. I was of the same mind after I cooled off, but you said no.

Also -- a Survivor game without drama is dreadfully boring. I Thank God that Suspect had these alts and they were discovered. I didn't know that was gonna happen, but when it did..... wow. It's made the game and the thread so much better.
Well, it was all about your favorite subject. Im sure you did have a better time

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
His alts still affected my gameplay though. For instance I had no clue about the RedFoot situation, so i gave off information to RedFoot that he could have potentially gave to others. I have no clue what RedFoot said to others in PM.