Most Memorable Moment in Recent Movies (1990 - Now)


Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
The Twist scene in Pulp Fiction

The speech William Wallace gives in Braveheart "...they can take our lives, but they will never take, OUR FREEDOM!!!" that one

The fight between the cow and The Chosen One in Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.

The Mexican stand off in Reservoir Dogs

The lobby scene in The Matrix

The D-Day invasion in Saving Private Ryan
any others?
We're sorta like 7-11, we're not always doin' business, but we're always open.

The Matrix- Neo in the hallway when he died and morpheus saying "He's the one"

Matrix Revos- Neo and Smith the final battle

Thats all i can think of right now.

Jurrasic park - the car scene with the T-Rex
Friday - the fight between Craig and Debo
terminator 2 - when Arnold takes the shotgun out of the roses box.

There are allot of great movies that came out in the 90s but i cant think of anymore now.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock


GoodFellas (d. Martin Scorsese)
MOMENT: The film's first freeze-frame moment, which leads smack-bang into the opening credits and Tony Bennett singing Rags to Riches: "As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."

MOMENT: The wonderful, horrible murder of Billy Batts.


Barton Fink (d. Joel & Ethan Coen)
MOMENT: The final shot and the falling seagull.

JFK (d. Oliver Stone)
MOMENT: The non-diagetic inserts that detail the convoluted construction of the Lee Harvey Oswald Life Cover.


Reservoir Dogs (d. Quentin Tarantino)
MOMENT: Stuck in the Middle With You and Mr. Blonde's penchant for torture.

Unforgiven (d. Clint Eastwood)
MOMENT: "I've killed women and children. I've killed everything that walks or crawls at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you done to Ned."


Jurassic Park (d. Steven Spielberg)
MOMENT: The rain-soaked introduction of the goat-consuming "T-Rex".

The Piano (d. Jane Campion)
MOMENT: Sam Neil's fit of absolute rage, which involves an axe, torrential rain and a couple of fingers on Holly Hunter's hand.


Pulp Fiction (d. Quentin Tarantino)
MOMENT: Travolta and Jackson discuss television pilots, foot massages and [most influentially] the infamous "Royale with Cheese". Dialogue will never be the same again.

MOMENT: Uma Thurman's Mia Wallace dances to Girl (You'll Be a Woman Soon), while Vincent Vega gives himself a lecture about "loyalty" in the bathroom.


The Usual Suspects (d. Bryan Singer)
MOMENT: The final, film-altering revelation, which ultimately set the standard for every "twist" movie here on in...


Fargo (d. Joel & Ethan Coen)
MOMENT: Marge's final, sad speech: "And it's a beautiful day."

MOMENT: Carl Showalter's showdown with Wade on the parking lot roof.

Trainspotting (d. Danny Boyle)
MOMENT: The high-octane opening sequence, which is accompanied by one of the most engaging voice over narrations in recent times: "Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family." And so on.

MOMENT: The slower, much more melancholy overdose sequence, which plays, so wonderfully, to Lou Reed's Perfect Day.


Boogie Nights (d. Paul Thomas Anderson)
MOMENT: Alfred Molina's rendition of Jesse's Girl [complete with fire crackers, firearms and the trashy excess of the early 1980s].


Saving Private Ryan (d. Steven Spielberg)
MOMENT: The masterful opening sequence.

Run Lola Run (d. Tom Tykwer)
MOMENT: Lola and Manni rob the supermarket and escape [in slow motion] into the streets: "What a difference a day makes.."


Magnolia (d. Paul Thomas Anderson)
MOMENT: The "matter of chance," Ricky Jay-narrated prologue.

MOMENT: The rain of frogs: "Things fall down, people look up and when it rains it pours."

Being John Malkovich (d. Spike Jonze)
MOMENT: John Malkovich enters his portal: "Malkovich!"

Eyes Wide Shut (d. Stanley Kubrick)
MOMENT: Bill and Alice, high on pot, discuss desire, sex and monogamy: "If you men only knew!"

MOMENT: The killer last line – and the final word to ever be spoken in a Stanley Kubrick picture.

The new decade tomorrow...

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
Reservoir Dogs (d. Quentin Tarantino)
MOMENT: Stuck in the Middle With You and Mr. Blonde's penchant for torture.[quote]

oh yeah, i forgot about that one too. I add that to mine

Silver Bullet said it all ...

Except The Shawshank Redemption. Moment: when he finally escapes in the pouring rain.

Cheers, Martin


Almost Famous (d. Cameron Crowe)
MOMENT: The morning after Russell's acid-induced evening of "real" people, the band, their manager and all their hangers-on engage in a rousing sing-along of Elton John's Tiny Dancer.

Requiem for a Dream (d. Darren Aronofsky)
MOMENT: As powerful as that final sequence is, the one of moment of the film that never fails to slay me is actually much more sad and quiet: "Harry, can you come today?"

American Psycho (d. Marry Harron)
MOMENT: Christian Bale's Patrick Bateman, wielding an axe and wearing a raincoat, murders

Dancer in the Dark (d. Marry Harron)
MOMENT: Locked up alone in her cell, Björk begins to sing songs from The Sound of Music.


The Royal Tenenbaums (d. Wes Anderson)
MOMENT: The beautiful moment, shared between Chas and Royal, after the latter has just given his son a new dog [to replace the one that has just been flattened by Eli Cash's car]: "I've had a tough year, Dad." "I know you have, Chassy."

Amélie (d. Wes Anderson)
MOMENT: Having made the decision to help mankind, Amélie offers an elderly blind man the chance to see again by leading him through the Parisian streets and describing the richness of all that surrounds him.

Moulin Rouge (d. Baz Luhrmann)
MOMENT: Le Tango de Roxanne.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (d. Peter Jackson)
MOMENT: Gandalf and the Balrog engage in an battle of the titans: "None shall pass!"


City of God (d. Fernando Meirelles)
MOMENT: The murder of Bené.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (d. Peter Jackson)
MOMENT: The Battle of Helm's Deep.

Minority Report (d. Steven Spielberg)
MOMENT: The bathtub of ice, the mechanical spiders and the long, slow bird's-eye-view tracking shot through the apartment building.

Bowling for Columbine (d. Michael Moore)
MOMENT: The harrowing What a Wonderful World sequence, which culminates with the juxtaposition between Louis Armstrong's wonderful voice and the terrible imagery of 9/11.

MOMENT: Charlton Heston's infamous cameo appearance [not to mention what he actual says, especially in regards to "mixed ethnicity"].


Lost in Translation (d. Sofia Coppola)
MOMENT: Bob Harris – tired, sad and bedraggled – gives a heartfelt karaoke rendition of More Than This.

MOMENT: Bob walks back to Charlotte and whispers something into her ear...

Dogville (d. Lars von Trier)
MOMENT: Grace decides to let the town of Dogville feel her fiery wrath...

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (d. Peter Weir)
MOMENT: The rounding of Cape Horne.

Kill Bill Vol. 1 (d. Quentin Tarantino)
MOMENT: The House of Blue Leaves, the blood-splattered Bride and the ritualistic massacre of the Crazy 88's.


Starsky and Hutch (d. Todd Phillips)
MOMENT: Whoops: "Are you okay, little pony?"

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (d. Michel Gondry)
MOMENT: Carrey and Winslet run off into snowy distance. And again. And again. And again. Fade to black.

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
The Boondock Saints - "And shepherds we shall be..."

Ferris Buellers Day Off - "Twist and Shout" , When the Ferrari goes right thru the window.

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
Oooh, thats right. My mistake. I thought it was made in 1990. I take mine back.

I think The Silver Bullet's list about hits the nail on the head.

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
lol. Man that was an awsome scene. Or, same movie, though less subtle, when you find out that Tyler was not real, and Norton's character shoots Tyler, and Tyler goes, "WOAH! You just SHOT at your imaginary friend!!" classic. lol/.

"I can't help it..."
Here are the most memorable moments in recent cinema, for me (in no particular order):

The Rules Of Attraction - The "Victor" scene

Almost Famous - The "Tiny Dancer" scene

True Romance - The scene with Dennis Hopper & Christopher Walken... Hopper knows he is gonna die, so he lights up a cigarette & tells the story of how Sicilians got their colour... Very cool.

Desperado - The bar shoot out & Tarantino's piss joke... The editing in both scenes is awesome!

The Shawshank Redemption - The scene where the warden realises that Tim Robbins character escaped with the help of a pick-axe & a Rita Hayworth poster.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 - The Bride takes on the Crazy 88

Kill Bill: Vol. 2[/i] - Pai-Mei.

Pulp Fiction - The scene in which Vincent saves Mia by stabbing her in the heart with a needle... and with the help of a magic marker.

Summer Of Sam - When the dog talks

Sexy Beast - Any scene with Ben Kingsley's Don Logan

Moulin Rouge - Spectacular! Spectacular!

will think of more...
Movies I Watched Last Week:
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004) ****
Drive Well, Sleep Carefully (Justin Mitchell, 2005) ****
Grilled (Jason Ensler, 2006) ****
An Inconvenient Truth (David Guggenheim, 2006) ****
The Family Stone (Thomas Bezucha, 2005) ***1/2
Rocky III (Sylvester Stallone, 1982) ***
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or, my myspace!

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that Pulp Fiction scene. When I first saw it I was sitting on the edge of my seat. lol. It's awsome.

Reservoir Dogs
1.the breakfast scene
2.Mr. Blonde with the razor and the ear. . .you know. (my fav. scene in the movie.)
3.Mexican standoff

Usual Suspects
1.Kaiser Soze flashback
2.the big twist at the end, which is the best movie twist ever IMO.

Jurrasic Park
1.the T-Rex's big opening number scene

Pulp Fiction
1.the scene where Rhames and Willis are in the basement, and. . .bad things happen
2.pretty much anything with Samuel L. Jackson
3.where Eric Stoltz calls Uma Thurman a "poo-butt"

Lord of the Rings: the Fellowship of the Ring
1.prologue sequence
2."YOUUUUU shall nooott, PASSSSSSSS!"
3.Amon Hen battle

Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers
1.opening continuation of Balrog vs. Gandalf (best opening scene ever)
2.Helm's Deep battle
3.Ents attacking Isenguard (best scene in the movie)

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
1.Smeagol and Deagol opening scene
2.Denethor's death (it sucked so bad, that's how it's memorable)
3.Battle of Pelennor Fields (AWESOME!)
4.Mt. Doom

Passion of the Christ
1.pretty much the whole movie

I will post more tomorrow because I have mucho homework. arrg
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Registered User
Titanic -- I am not a huge fan but the scene where kate winslet and dicaprio are in the water freezing there butts off. and she says "dont let go jack dont let go"

T2--- Asta la vista baby!

Matrix When trinity blasts herself onto the building and it shatters

Kill Bill Vol 2 Bride vs Elle

I will remember
Star Wars Episode 1 --- The door opens and darth maul is waiting in the hood, about to kick some jedi ARSE

Oh, yeah, definately, yeah.
Originally Posted by poeman
Titanic -- I am not a huge fan but the scene where kate winslet and dicaprio are in the water freezing there butts off. and she says "dont let go jack dont let go"
The next line should have been "...oops, my bad Jack."
Yeah, much better.

Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
3.where Eric Stoltz calls Uma Thurman a "poo-butt"
Personally, I fail to see how or why you would pick this as one of the most memorable moments of any movie, let alone of Pulp Fiction, which is brimming with far more memorable moments that are ripe and there for the taking.

Oh, well. Whatever floats your boat, I guess...

Lets put a smile on that block
Edward ScissorHands - When Kim dances in the snow as Edward carves the figure of her as an angel in ice

When Edwards creator dies just as he is about to recieve the hands he so desires.

Lost in Translation - When Bob says goodbye to Charlotte in the foyet of his hotel and smiles the saddest smile for the camera taking his picture.

Pleasantville - When David wipes the grey make-up off of Betty's face to reveal the true magnificant beauty of her colour

Beauty and the Beast - "A tale as old as Time..."

Bridget Jones Diary - "All by My self! Dont wanna be...All by myyyyy Self Anymoooooooore!"

Moulin Rouge - "Roxanne!"

Finding Nemo - When Marlen finally holds Nemo at the end and is reminded of when he first found him as an egg vowing to always be with him.

Cast Away - Chucks reunion with Kelly in the pouring rain outside her new home whilst her new family sleep.

Chucks realisation that he cannot have Kelly - [i]"I've lost her all over again. I'm so sad that I don't have Kelly. But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island. And I know what I have to do now. I have to keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?"

Kill Bill Volume 1 - When O-Ren Ishii, half way through her final battle, apologises to the Bride for insulting her earlier, when she is realy apologising for what they all done to her.

Unbreakable - When David finally uses his powers at the Train Station and sees the true horror of unknown monsters that walk among us.

When David pushes the newspaper towards his son Joseph and they both begin to cry in silence as David shows his son with the headline that he has got powers and he can put them to good use.

As Good As it Gets - When Melvin finally gives carol the compliment she needs to hear "And the fact that I get it makes me feel good, about me." and then blows it straight after.

American Beauty - When Ricky Fitz shows Jane the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and realises that "There is so much beauty in the world - it feels like my heart is going to cave in."

When Lester and Carolyn lie on the sofa and for one brief moment are in love again, and full of the life they used to have...until Carolyn thinks Lester may spill his beer.

The image of Lesters crying face as he lay dead whilst his family discover the awful truth and Carolyn cries in the bedroom through Guilt over what she was going to do.

The Sixth Sense - "You ever feel the prickly things on the back of your neck? - Thats them..."

When Malcolm realises the terrible truth as his wife lay crying in her sleep asking "Why Malcolm? Why did you leave me?"

Titanic - As Jack and Rose climb to the top of the sinking ship, and with the sweeping camera angle coming up behind them, we see the true horror of what is happening to them and what will ultimatly be there fate.

Se7en - Jon Does poignant speech to Detective David "
We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever. "

And his final words that stay with you way after the film has ended.
"Become vengeance, David. Become wrath."

Misery - "I thought you were good Paul...but you're not good. You're just another lying ol' dirty birdy."

Matrix Revolutions - When Trinity in one last ditch effort to avoid the approcahing Sentinals pulls the ship up and above the clouds and for the first time in her life sees the sunshine.

Agent Smith and Neos final spectacular fight "Mr. Anderson. Welcome back, we missed you."

Shawshank Redemption - When Andy plays the music over the Prison tannoy system and every man stands in his place, in silence and listens. "It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free."

Red's final narration as he walks towards Andy on the golden sand "A free man at the start of a long journey, whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border... I hope to see my friend and shake his hand... I hope the pacific is a blue as it has been in my dreams... I hope.."
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!