Hillary Clinton: Woman Enough


I saw that Obama 2016 movie when it came out, which was also when I was a "blind conservative." I at the time loved it but since then, I don't remember much of anything. I triedvreading some reviews of it to see if it really was a good documentary but they were all in angry prose I couldn't take seriously. Can someone here talk about the points made in that film since I trust you much more than random folks? I actually been maning to ask this for a while but never had a good opportunity before.

I saw that Obama 2016 movie when it came out, which was also when I was a "blind conservative." I at the time loved it but since then, I don't remember much of anything. I triedvreading some reviews of it to see if it really was a good documentary but they were all in angry prose I couldn't take seriously. Can someone here talk about the points made in that film since I trust you much more than random folks? I actually been maning to ask this for a while but never had a good opportunity before.
Just listen to Dinesh D'Souza say the word "WHY?" rhetorically and you'll quickly find that his charisma wears thin against circular logic, false ultimatums, tautologies, and misrepresentations.

Any documentary by Dinesh is worth less to me than an empty DVD case.

I saw that Obama 2016 movie when it came out, which was also when I was a "blind conservative." I at the time loved it but since then, I don't remember much of anything. I triedvreading some reviews of it to see if it really was a good documentary but they were all in angry prose I couldn't take seriously. Can someone here talk about the points made in that film since I trust you much more than random folks? I actually been maning to ask this for a while but never had a good opportunity before.
Just listen to Dinesh D'Souza say the word "WHY?" rhetorically and you'll quickly find that his charisma wears thin against circular logic, false ultimatums, tautologies, and misrepresentations.

Any documentary by Dinesh is worth less to me than an empty DVD case.
Thanks but I asked about the actual points he made and why they weren't valid.

I'm not trying to defend him, as the bits I remember I don't think are good. I ranked the film a five on Imdb.

Thanks but I asked about the actual points he made and why they weren't valid.
Couldn't say, I didn't watch it.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I have to ask - what's this all about?
Why is that guy even out of his house, no less in a public place, in a prominent position, on TV behind a presidential candidate?
He's the father of one of the worst mass murderers in U.S. history, and the massacre occurred only a couple months ago! Add to that, the guy is an Islamic Fundamentalist supporter of the Taliban terrorist organization. Instead of sitting behind Hillary he should be on a deportation list.

WikiLeaks Reward Fuels DNC Staffer Conspiracy


Julian Assange appeared to suggest Seth Rich, who was shot dead outside his home, was behind the Democratic email hack.

WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 (£15,000) reward for information about the murder of a Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer.

The reward fuels speculation Seth Rich, 27, was behind a major email leak which embarrassed the party.

Mr Rich was shot twice in the back outside his home in Bloomingdale, Washington DC, on 10 July in what police believe was an attempted robbery.

He had worked for the DNC for two years as director of voter expansion and his parents have denied the social media speculation that he had any involvement in the publication of 20,000 emails on 22 July.

Those emails revealed a party-led effort to undermine Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and subsequently lead to the resignation of then-DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Mr Rich's father, Joel Rich, said he hoped the reward "helps find out who did this".

But speaking to the Washington Post, he added: "I don't want to play WikiLeaks' game."

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said he would not confirm or deny whether Mr Rich was a source for his organisation.

"We treat threats towards any suspected WikiLeaks sources with extreme gravity," he said.

"This should not be taken to imply that Seth Rich was a source to WikiLeaks or that his murder is connected to our publications.

"We hope our efforts will contribute to the family's calls for information and to the separate reward issued by police."

But he appeared to suggest Mr Rich was the source of the leaks in an interview with Dutch TV show Nieuwsuur.

"Whistleblowers often take very significant efforts to bring us material and often at very significant risks," he said.

"There's a 27-year-old who works for the DNC who was shot in the back, murdered, just a few weeks ago, for unknown reasons as he was walking down the streets in Washington."

Washington DC Assistant Police Chief Peter Newsham said there was no information to suggest a connection between Mr Rich's killing and the WikiLeaks data.

Other theories have claimed the Russian government was involved in the DNC leak.

Nothing was taken during the alleged robbery. Police have offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.

Could we just declare a 'mistrial' and start over again with new Presidential candidates? please! The ones we have now are rotten in the brain.
Ha! I keep thinking the same thing. Too bad there isn't a "caveat" system to remove & replace the current candidates.

I would've liked to have seen a Cruz vs. Sanders race. It would've had much less scandal.

WikiLeaks Reward Fuels DNC Staffer Conspiracy


Julian Assange appeared to suggest Seth Rich, who was shot dead outside his home, was behind the Democratic email hack.

WikiLeaks has offered a $20,000 (£15,000) reward for information about the murder of a Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer.

The reward fuels speculation Seth Rich, 27, was behind a major email leak which embarrassed the party.

Mr Rich was shot twice in the back outside his home in Bloomingdale, Washington DC, on 10 July in what police believe was an attempted robbery.

He had worked for the DNC for two years as director of voter expansion and his parents have denied the social media speculation that he had any involvement in the publication of 20,000 emails on 22 July.

Those emails revealed a party-led effort to undermine Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and subsequently lead to the resignation of then-DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Mr Rich's father, Joel Rich, said he hoped the reward "helps find out who did this".

But speaking to the Washington Post, he added: "I don't want to play WikiLeaks' game."

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said he would not confirm or deny whether Mr Rich was a source for his organisation.

"We treat threats towards any suspected WikiLeaks sources with extreme gravity," he said.

"This should not be taken to imply that Seth Rich was a source to WikiLeaks or that his murder is connected to our publications.

"We hope our efforts will contribute to the family's calls for information and to the separate reward issued by police."

But he appeared to suggest Mr Rich was the source of the leaks in an interview with Dutch TV show Nieuwsuur.

"Whistleblowers often take very significant efforts to bring us material and often at very significant risks," he said.

"There's a 27-year-old who works for the DNC who was shot in the back, murdered, just a few weeks ago, for unknown reasons as he was walking down the streets in Washington."

Washington DC Assistant Police Chief Peter Newsham said there was no information to suggest a connection between Mr Rich's killing and the WikiLeaks data.

Other theories have claimed the Russian government was involved in the DNC leak.

Nothing was taken during the alleged robbery. Police have offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.
Last night on the radio they said there are now 34 names on the "Clinton Murder List."
Of course the list was compiled by conspiracy theorists, but all the names represent people tied to the Clintons who died mysterious or questionable unnatural deaths.
And the list is expanding. It previously had names of people who died in the 90's, but a whole bunch of recent new ones (tied to Hillary's various current scandals) have begun to be added!

Just looked on line to find there are lists with up to 90 names of people who were killed that were associated with the Clintons.
It's just weird that so many people who had inside info about them were murdered or committed "suicide."

I owe Slappy a response, which should happen soonish, but I just wanted to address the conspiracy stuff: I don't think it's odd. I think it happens when you're extremely powerful and well-connected. There are a ton of "dots" here, and the more dots you have the easier it is to connect them into any shape.

I owe Slappy a response, which should happen soonish, but I just wanted to address the conspiracy stuff: I don't think it's odd. I think it happens when you're extremely powerful and well-connected. There are a ton of "dots" here, and the more dots you have the easier it is to connect them into any shape.
I understand that - it's kind of related to the whole 6 degrees of separation (and the more public you are and the more people you know, then odds work out that you'll have known more people who were murdered or committed suicide).

The thing about this conspiracy that can't really be explained by numbers is the amount of people who had some sort of info on (or who allegedly had incriminating evidence on) the Clintons that were murdered or committed suicide. And the amount of suicides that are questionable - people who had no reasons, displayed no signs, left no notes, etc.

For the general majority of suicides there are indicators that can be observed in hindsight even when direct communication, like a note, is absent (long term illness or diagnosis thereof, depression, a history of mental illness, trauma, long term substance abuse, sudden loss of a loved one or break up of a relationship, past attempts, focus on death or despair, etc.)

I think the key is in the way these things are described. It's definitely suspicious if lots of people all commit suicide with no prior warning if they all have incriminating evidence. But what about when it's not all, but just a little higher than is normal for suicides? And what if you expand it from people who definitely have incriminating evidence to people who just may have it, or are "alleged" to have it? I'm not sure how suspicious that is. If you're the President, I think literally everyone in the White House could be at least "alleged" to have incriminating evidence.

And heck, that's even assuming general suicide stats are comparable in the first place. Would it surprise anyone to learn that suicides are more sudden or more frequent among people working in highly public, high stress professions?

Ha! I keep thinking the same thing. Too bad there isn't a "caveat" system to remove & replace the current candidates.
There is, it's called a worker's cooperative, and NOBODY REALIZES THIS.

I think the key is in the way these things are described. It's definitely suspicious if lots of people all commit suicide with no prior warning if they all have incriminating evidence. But what about when it's not all, but just a little higher than is normal for suicides? And what if you expand it from people who definitely have incriminating evidence to people who just may have it, or are "alleged" to have it? I'm not sure how suspicious that is. If you're the President, I think literally everyone in the White House could be at least "alleged" to have incriminating evidence.

And heck, that's even assuming general suicide stats are comparable in the first place. Would it surprise anyone to learn that suicides are more sudden or more frequent among people working in highly public, high stress professions?
No, the last part isn't surprising.

But going back to your Presidential analogy, it would be like if a large number of people closely associated to Obama's scandals (New Black Panther voter intimidation scandal; IRS targeting Obama opposition; statements on Affordable Care Act; "Rosengate"; "Fast & Furious"; Syrian "red line"; Benghazi video lies at re-election; attacking Libya without Congressional approval & various other "end runs" around Congress; Bergdhal / terrorist trade; Iran ransom for hostages, etc.) have continuously been committing suicide (or been murdered) since he took office.

It would seem a little more than "coincidental."