Most Inaccessible Movies?


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Jeanne Dielman, 23 Commerce Quay, 1080 Brussels???

I saw that a year ago... I think it was 4 hours of a camera watching a woman hang out alone.. Heck, mine would be more accessible and more interesting, although I don't do SOME of the things she does!

I was surprised that it had a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I think they felt they were supposed to like it; trendiness..

I don't understand the topic.
The hardest to find? The hardest to obtain? Movies where they're very strict about ratings & age and the ushers won't let you in? Movies shown at the top of Mt. Everest? Movies you can't relate to?

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Big Short, I found it very inaccessible, I tried to follow the financial bank mortgage loan vernacular yakety yak. But I was lost. Within 3 minutes I knew I didn't want to watch it. After 12 minutes I yanked the DVD out of the player and said goodbye to it.

IMO! Heard there's some great visuals between 6 hours 28 minutes and 7 hours 11 minutes. You probably need to watch it all to get the context of the building reacting to the suns smile though.

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I don't understand the topic.
The hardest to find? The hardest to obtain? Movies where they're very strict about ratings & age and the ushers won't let you in? Movies shown at the top of Mt. Everest? Movies you can't relate to?
Movies you couldn't follow... Movies that confused you.. Along those lines.

Movies you couldn't follow... Movies that confused you.. Along those lines.
Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End
Mad Max Fury road is trash

Anything by the hardcore art directors like Michael Snow.
  • In a 1969 review of the film published in Artforum, Manny Farber describes Wavelength as "a pure, tough 45 minutes that may become The Birth of a Nation in Underground films, is a straightforward document of a room in which a dozen businesses have lived and gone bankrupt. For all of the film's sophistication (and it is overpowering for its time-space-sound inventions) it is a singularly unpadded, uncomplicated, deadly realistic way to film three walls, a ceiling and a floor... it is probably the most rigorously composed movie in existence."
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Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Swan's kinky shower tape.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.