Donald Trump for President?


If people want to jump on Trump for this I suppose it is tit for tat. It is the type of political story I absolutely despise though. Clinton, Bush, Kerry, and Obama. The list of presidential nominees that get dinged for their service or lack there of. Saying one person's combat was better than anothers. Dinging someone for not being in the military, I hate that stuff.

I could use a moratorium on that, pics of presidents golfing, and articles about presidential vacations.
Yeah I didnt like how they had went after Kerry either Sean, but this is the New York Times, and very relevant since The Donald is preaching about things he's too afraid to do himself.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
He certainly gets what's coming to him. I just long for the day when someone is finally above this kind of stuff. Not going to happen this year. I am so ready to hate watch some debates. It's going to be a train wreck of epic proportions.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah I didnt like how they had went after Kerry either Sean, but this is the New York Times, and very relevant since The Donald is preaching about things he's too afraid to do himself.
Democratic candidates like Kerry get more flack over 'military service issues', from Republicans, than vice-versa. Image if Trump was running as a Democrat, Fox News and the Republican spin doctors would be foaming at the mouth over his 'draft dodging'. Oh sure MSNBC and Democrat spin doctors will try and make an issue out of it, but they aren't effective at hammering the points home, until they stick like glue and become a major issue.

In the last few decades that I can remember, Republican/conservatives scream louder and longer than their Democratic counter parts. The stuff about Kerry was nitpicking but was turned into a national issue.

This is pretty much what I've been pointing out for the last 8 months:

This has been a recurring problem in every argument (if you can even call them arguments) for Trump: projecting ideas and qualities onto the man which he simply hasn't exhibited, and often has exhibited the opposite of.

This is why Trump supporters seem totally unphased by written proof of him lying: because they've already decided that his actions don't matter, and that he is whatever they want him to be even when those actions say otherwise.

Trump doesn't need to air ads. He is all that is talked about. The rich usually can get it for free. I am however LOVING the #TrumpTheMovie titles going around twitter. Classics Fifty Shades of Dismay, Harry Potter and the Chamber of secret tax returns

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Democratic candidates like Kerry get more flack over 'military service issues', from Republicans, than vice-versa. Image if Trump was running as a Democrat, Fox News and the Republican spin doctors would be foaming at the mouth over his 'draft dodging'. Oh sure MSNBC and Democrat spin doctors will try and make an issue out of it, but they aren't effective at hammering the points home, until they stick like glue and become a major issue.

In the last few decades that I can remember, Republican/conservatives scream louder and longer than their Democratic counter parts. The stuff about Kerry was nitpicking but was turned into a national issue.
Yeah, I don't agree with that. Bush was a fighter pilot and still got flack.

Here it is without the subs btw:

The last bit was funny... but it was pretty weak in general.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

A day after Trump refused to endorse Paul Ryan, Mike Pence says he "very strongly" endorses him.

Nobody's running this campaign.
Its just like watching a train wreck, over, and over again, but people still want to get onboard.

If people want to jump on Trump for this I suppose it is tit for tat. It is the type of political story I absolutely despise though. Clinton, Bush, Kerry, and Obama. The list of presidential nominees that get dinged for their service or lack there of. Saying one person's combat was better than anothers. Dinging someone for not being in the military, I hate that stuff.

I could use a moratorium on that, pics of presidents golfing, and articles about presidential vacations.
This is completely fair play against Trump after his McCain comments
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

ABC News Drops Bombshell: Trump Might Drop Out Of 2016 Race

Jon Karl, chief White House correspondent for ABC News, has reported that Republican leaders are “actively exploring” contingency plans in the event that Donald Trump drops out of the presidential race.

The news comes in the wake of what is perhaps the most erratically unpredictable few days in the famously turbulent Trump campaign, in which the Republican presidential nominee and his campaign has insulted veterans, loved ones of slain soldiers, victims of sexual harassment, top Republican leaders, and even a baby in a little over 24 hours.

While Trump has expressed no public desire to drop out, GOP leaders have become terrified by his unpredictable nature, Karl reports:

“First of all, I am told RNC chairman Reince Priebus is furious, that he has had multiple discussions with Trump telling him he needs to drastically change course. But here’s the news: I am told senior officials at the party are actively exploring what would happen if Trump dropped out, how to replace him on the ballot… He is so unpredictable right now, they are so unable to control his message, that they just don’t know and clearly think it is a possibility, which is why they’re looking at these rules.”

In an email, Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks wrote, “There is no truth to this whatsoever.”

However, there have been multiple reports of tensions within the ranks of the Trump campaign, with GOP sources telling CNN that many in the campaign “feel like they are wasting their time,” while others were even more frank.

A nominee dropping out of the race would be “new territory” that could potentially lead to a long term disenfranchisement with the Republican party and even the efficiency of the electoral process, according to Princeton political historian Julian Zelizer.

“The next election cycle, people would be very uncertain and uneasy about whether the nomination process is going to work,” Zelizer said. “It’s possible to imagine but we’re not there yet.”

There is no system in place enabling the party to force Trump out of the nomination following the convention, so he would have to exit voluntarily. It would fall on the 168 members of the Republican National Committee to decide a replacement in the event Trump voluntarily exits the race.

If the rumours i've been seeing about the next Wikileaks release are true i wouldn't be surprised if Hilary dropped out as well. That would be nuts if both candidates dropped out, i don't think anyone has dropped out after winning their party's nom, at least not since WW2. Then again those are just rumours, so are the Trump ones really.

Supposedly proof that Hillary authorized arming the rebels in Syria. She denied this under oath so it would be tough for her to not face a big backlash. Here is an article about it, mind you they are just rumours. Actually more than rumours to be honest since Assange is claiming he has them, it would be odd for him to do so without following up. We'll see.:

Now Assange says that in the collection of hacked emails his group has procured, 17,000 are "about Libya alone," and among them is proof that Clinton "pushed" for weapons to be sent to "jihadists within Syria, including ISIS."

"So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates," Assange told Democracy Now Tuesday. "So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails.There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone."

Proof that the Democratic presidential nominee helped arm ISIS? Not exactly the kind of "experience" the Clinton campaign has been touting. And, of course, this is just more evidence that Clinton's 2013 Benghazi testimony was riddled with lies.

During that testimony, Clinton told Sen. Rand Paul that she didn't have "any information" on any weapons transfer program with insurgent groups in Turkey or elsewhere run out of Libya. Here's the transcript (video below):

Paul: My question is, is the US involved in any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?

Clinton: To Turkey? I’ll have to take that question for the record. That’s, nobody’s ever raised that with me.

Paul: It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that they may have weapons. And what I’d like to know is, that annex that was close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries? Any countries, Turkey included?

Clinton: Well, Senator you’ll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. And, I will see what information was available.

Paul: You’re saying you don’t know?

Clinton: I do not know. I don’t have any information on that.