Robin Williams is Like Marmite - Love him? or Hate him?


Lets put a smile on that block
I for one love the man.

i think my obsession with him started when he voiced Disney's 1991 Aladdin. I loved his voice and his gags and i was very impressed at how the animators created this blue genie who managed to pull of Williams jokes perfectly. Loved it. From then on, i was a fan. Maybe a slightly biast fan but still a fan.
I love his comedy in Mrs Doubtfire, his (some may say appalling) sentimentality and mushyness in Bicentennial Man, his creepyness and insightful monologues in One Hour Photo, his evilness in Insomnia and his superb acting in Good Will Hunting. He is a good, well rounded actor, which is the main reason i always look forward to seeing him on the big screen. He gets a lot of stick for his mushy films such as What Dreams May Come and Patch Adams but that doesnt stop me from having his smiling face on my door at my uni house.

To me, the guy is a legend, his up there with Jack. but to a lot of other people his on their hit Lists. I have found Robin Williams is like Marmite, (you yanks call it VeggieMite or somethin else i think... ) You either love it or hate it.

So what is it, Love? or Hate?

Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

More love than hate... I'm not a fan of all of his work but for the most part it's pretty good.

most of his comedic stuff is a little too over the top for my taste, but some of his stuff is brilliant for instance his performance in the fisher king

I was a fan of his work ever since Mork and Mindy. He has given us his own gift of humor and wit to entertain our minds. My favorite films of his are Good Morning, Vietnam, Aladdin, One Hour Photo, Mrs. Doubtfire, Cadillac Man and Popeye.
He also did work on Comic Relief on HBO which was excellent work as well.

Originally Posted by ArchibaldTuttle
most of his comedic stuff is a little too over the top for my taste, but some of his stuff is brilliant for instance his performance in the fisher king
He was indeed brilliant in The Fisher King.

One of his best performances ever.

Can't stand Marmite, but I do like Robin Williams.

He can over-do smaltzy but like any great actor, one must be prepared to expand their repetoir, without which how would an actor learn to express themselves fully, although Williams does not exactly have that problem.

Despite some of his 'bad' movies, Robin Williams has had his fair share of marvellous ones. Dead Poets Society and Awakenings to add to those already mentioned.

I never did like his Toys though.
'My mind is full of stars....'

You ready? You look ready.
He's a fav by me.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Lets put a smile on that block
Oooh i left some films off my list. I havn't see The Fisher King but i have heard lots about it so looks like its one to add to my list now.
Originally Posted by Revenant
I never did like his Toys though.
Lol yeah that is a weird film, but i think i quite like it. Its so colourful and bizarre. I love all the rooms that move around and Micheal gambon as that weird general guy. It certainly is a bizarre film though.

Has anyone seen Robin in the film Baaron Von Munchousen? I think ive totally spelled it wrong and it may not even be the correct titel but ive heard its quite a strnage film...

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Has anyone seen Robin in the film Baaron Von Munchousen? I think ive totally spelled it wrong and it may not even be the correct titel but ive heard its quite a strnage film...
he had a very small part in von munchausen, but i thought he was interesting..not my favorite of the trilogy (time bandits, brazil and munchausen) is a strange film, but it does have it's moments

i liked kind of grows on me everytime i watch it...and i love the title and ending christmas song by wendy and lisa (of prince fame)

I have given Toys a couple of viewings, it is quite different and a bit of a curio but everytime I watch it I feel a twinge of, the closest description I can come up with is nausea. I don't despise it I just feel uncomfortable watching it.

I have seen The Adventures Of Baron Von Munchausen it's a quirky film that I like of Gilliam's, infact I like most of Gilliam's films. Robin Williams spends most of his screen time there as a disembodied head on the moon, its not a big part but he certainly adds his unique humour to it, however it is far from a brilliant role for him. That said I love the film and all its oddities. It even has Uma Thurman and Oliver Reed in it.

Robin is a comedic genius! His voice just cracks me up everytime i hear it. I thought he was hilarious when he announced best animated film at the oscars.

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Mrs. Doubtfire was great. I see it every year since Fox runs it every year. I guess I love the guy. He's hilarious.

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by susan
he had a very small part in von munchausen, but i thought he was interesting..not my favorite of the trilogy (time bandits, brazil and munchausen) is a strange film, but it does have it's moments

i liked kind of grows on me everytime i watch it...and i love the title and ending christmas song by wendy and lisa (of prince fame)
I never realised Munchausen was part of a trilogy! Oooh i may have to see it v soon as im planning to watch Brazil soon enough. Although i found last time i watched a part of brazil it looked extremely odd, just as Munchausen does. Its weird, i didnt think Time Bandits was that obscure...

I know what you mean about it growing on you each time. im the same. I love Joan Cusack as his robot sister, its so sweet. I always get really sad when she gets blown to pieces

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
I never realised Munchausen was part of a trilogy! Oooh i may have to see it v soon as im planning to watch Brazil soon enough. Although i found last time i watched a part of brazil it looked extremely odd, just as Munchausen does. Its weird, i didnt think Time Bandits was that obscure...

I know what you mean about it growing on you each time. im the same. I love Joan Cusack as his robot sister, its so sweet. I always get really sad when she gets blown to pieces
yeah, gilliam planned all three films as a trilogy..time bandits being a young man, brazil being a middle aged man and munchausen an old man... my favorite is and always will be brazil, followed by time bandits..

the best thing about toys are the toys themselves and how they are used within the favorite has always been ll cool j's disappearing acts...

I think Robin Williams is a genius, myself.

As mentioned above, he's a great actor in all kinds of roles - take The World According To Garp, where he plays a goofy kid with a weird sense of humour and yet still shows some real anger and serious emotions while maintaining his character. Otherwise, you could say the same about Death To Smoochy, and his work in films such as Insomnia and One Hour Photo was remarkable considering how well he seemed to fit more comedic roles such as that of Aladdin, Mrs Doubtfire and suchlike.

And as well as movies like The Fisher King and Good Will Hunting were amazing, I personally thought What Dreams May Come and Toys were fantastic films.

And Bicentennial Man wasn't bad, either.

Long live Robin Williams, for the man is a God.

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Im not the biggest fan in the world. But he has done some great movies but 'What Dreams may Come' was beyond bad. Overall it depends on the movie, I love him in some, hate him in others.
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