Which song best captures the feel of your favourite film?


I'm looking for songs that match the feel a film gives you. The rules are simple:

- the song you choose for the film cannot be part of that film's soundtrack
- lyrics preferably have some clear relevance to characters/story

If I really like your choice I will edit the film and create a sort of music video for the film/song combo (where lyrics match visuals etc.)

Happy discussing!!

*sees Inception in elliott's Top Ten*

the song you choose for the film cannot be part of that film's soundtrack

Kind of a cheat, but Zack Hemsey's Mind Heist was used for the trailers to Inception an wasn't included on the official soundtrack since it's not actually in the movie. It totally sold me on the movie though and it's hard not to think of it when I think of Inception.

I'll try to think of some more legit ones.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

I'll start w/ 2

Pepe Deluxe - My Flaming Thirst ... for any Bond film

Jacco Gardner - Puppets Dangling ... for Alice in Wonderland

Edit: Reached 25 posts to embed links

I would say the intro sequence in top gun, highway to the danger zone as this film just wraps up the golden age of movie soundtracks artsy direction and overall feel of the 80s.

This would make a great theme for Mulholland Dr. Timber Timbre capture the Lynchian mood perfectly w/ their music IMO

The song everybodys got to learn sometime by the Korgis for the movie good morning Vietnam The reason I choose this it's because Adrian Cronauer is a kind hearted individual and The devastation and heartbreak when he looks into his friends eyes after he commits an horrific act of terrorism his friend being just a kid in a desperate world of survival. You could see the confusion heartbreak and empathy that he feels in that moment as his eyes filled up with tears. With the mixture of humour and horror you witness in that movie the song everybody's got to learn sometime pops into my head. war is so unnecessary and I think that song would send a strong message. And the lyrics I need your loving like the sunshine represent Adrian Cronaue love in the movie for the character Trinh meaning like she shines bright in the world of chaos and war. she is the only thing that makes sense.

When I saw the title of your thread, this was the first thing that popped into my head:

This is one of my all time favourite scenes and Paul Newman what a character. This scene makes my heart feel heavy for some reason it represents a time Long past a time when men were men ladies were ladies and romance was innocent. probably sound like an old man fact is I'm 22 years old and I love classic movies like these. And most of all I love Paul Newman as Butch he is the most charming and lovable criminal and the chemistry that him Catherine Ross and Roberts Redford have in this movie is electrifying. As a young child i used to watch a lot of Newmans films like cool hand Luke and the left handed gunman
In my mind he truly in bodied and symbolised what is to be a man I remember wanting to be just like him. RIP Paul Newman

My entry would be Burt Bacharach's “(The Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance”, which wasn't used in the movie.