Love it or Hate it


Being with your true love. The person you love more than life itself . . . but you only get ten years?!?
If those ten years end on a good note - even if it's through death - love it. Ten years ending on a good note is a good thing, even if it's sad. It's worth it. It's not worth it if you're with someone for 10 years ... and you shouldn't have been. That I would hate.


You can't watch a movie ever again.... but you can go to Outer Space and visit everything that's out there, without dying from being exposed to outer space (or anything else) if you fly around. You have total access to everything in outer space - every planet, etc. If you meet aliens, and they have alien movies, you can't watch those. You can do this until you're 100 years old. Getting to places in space can be done in an instant, or it can take time, depending on your wish. You can even return to Earth if you like (and go back to space if you feel like it at anytime) - you just CAN'T WATCH A MOVIE EVER AGAIN.

Inglis's Avatar
Love it

If you can't run, swim, exercise?

That would kill me. Hate it sooooo much.

You can only eat food that you really don't care for, but you will have a perfect body for the rest of your life.

This is neat.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hate it, I'd rather be in a 'working on it state' and have pizza and beer, instead of being in prime shape and eating lettuce. Wait a minute I like lettuce. Oh heck you know what I mean

You can have retractable fingernails like a cat?

With my luck, I'd be making fists, to get into a fight, and they'd pop out on me. I'll pass.

You could be in any movie you want, with any movie stars you want, but you won't get paid for it.

You could be in any movie you want, with any movie stars you want, but you won't get paid for it.
Love it. Sign me up now.

Death is cured. Nobody ever dies. Everybody is now immortal.

love it.

you can freeze your body to wake up anytime in the future but you have no idea what the world will be like when you wake up.

Make a better place
Love it, absolutely

Well, Travel in a time machine that'll take u to the cowboy era for at least a year
"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

Hate it. I wouldn't be able to do that at all, it would probably kill me in the end :')

You're thrown into the past/future at any random moment, and you would have to live there, (for an unknown amount of time, could be 5 minutes, could be 50 years) until you're thrown back and everything is exactly the way it was when you left (You've even gone back to the age you were before you traveled...
Whatever you do, don't fall asleep...

The future, yes. Maybe to see what dreams and goals come true. The past, not mine, man. Not knowing which would happen, makes me say no way. I'd possibly hate it, and I wouldn't want to take that chance.

Pick certain problems in your own life. Big problems. Problems that are impossible to solve. Now, you have to pick a charity. A physical charity. Something that could possibly take 2-3 months out of your life. Something that would be pretty physical and tiring on you. Each time you go through one of these charities, one of your impossible problems fix. Just like that.

Pick certain problems in your own life. Big problems. Problems that are impossible to solve. Now, you have to pick a charity. A physical charity. Something that could possibly take 2-3 months out of your life. Something that would be pretty physical and tiring on you. Each time you go through one of these charities, one of your impossible problems fix. Just like that.
I'd love it. 2-3 months doing something tiring and your problem is fixed? Easy street.

You lose a foot... but gain the ability to hear people's thoughts and see what they're imagining.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hate it! I would even hate to be able to hear people's thoughts if it was for free. It would be torturous....or comical, and overwhelming.

You get $1000 every time you push a button and make an animal species go extinct.

I got distracted, and missed out on the rest of that last one . . .

I wouldn't even do it for a million. You could seriously mess up the ecosystem, doing that.


Getting rid of ALL religion? No way!

You could win one million dollars, tax free, but you have to except it in one hundred dollar a day payments.

p.s. No other income is allowed in your home. Not even borrowing money from someone.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Love it! it's more money than I make now.

You can choose to replace one of the Presidential hopefuls (Trump or Hillary) with President Richard Nixon.

Inglis's Avatar
Love it - one Trump - I'm not a American citizen, so it's no concern of me

When Kanye West and Kim Kardashian run for congress in California in 8 years time, should TMZ be their media spokesperson.