What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?


We've gone on holiday by mistake
I have the best plan ever!

Take my cricket bat, bash in the heads of any zombies that get in my way. Possibly drive around as long as I can stock up on fuel. Save all the hot girls I know and some I don't. Then repopulate the planet with my healthy genes. Sorted!
....and head down to "The Winchester" and wait for all this to blow over!

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I would grab Christina Hendricks, jump into a boat and repopulate the planet with buxom gilled redhead mermaids.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

One of my friends was asked this once and their reply "get in my car and speed to Naisy's house because it would be the only one standing in the street with Naisy on the porch blowing heads and weird spells" I was honored.

This thread made me want to play a game with zombies, but I don't know too many of them so I'll play Minecraft and build an ANTI-ZOMBIE REFUGE!

Acquire a few weapons. Avoid cities. Keep moving. Head for the coast. Get a big boat. Stock it with supplies (Basics first: medical supplies, hunting and fishing gear, ect. then whatever else). Find a small-to-medium size island to settle. Clear out any zombies already there. Start building a fence.
Watch out for Deadite.

My plan? I live near the gulf, so Id get my gun, food, water, fishing gear, get in a boat, and be like Sonny Crockett on the water thru the whole ordeal. Zombies cant swim

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I'd head down to Boots, get plenty of shampoo and soap (I cannot bare being dirty) then move near a lake or river to wash myself. I can swim as well, so if need be, I could wash myself whilst swimming away. Win win.

I'd work on my brain obliterating, one-shot punch (it's actually a palm-strike - the one that drives the nose cartilage up into the brain.)

I still like the idea of zombie-ism being spread to insects and the zombie mosquitoes. You won't know if you're being bit by a regular mosquito or a living-dead one. But the zombie mosquito bite will turn you into a zombie (the regular kind will just itch like hell.)

How about zombie squirrels? A whole scurry of them would consume you entirely in about 2 minutes!

Then there's the idea of zombie sex (which really hasn't been explored much). All you need is a pliers (to pull the teeth) and some rope to bind their hands - then you have a ready-to-go, non-stop partner you can have your way with on a guilt free basis! Imagine - they're just wiggling and writhing and making low moaning guttural sounds the whole time! When you're ready for more, you just open the closet door and your "partner" is ready to go again (without ever saying they're too tired or have a headache)!
Without teeth, they can try to "eat you" as much as they want! And that would be a good thing! (Maybe break their jaw first, just to be safe!)

Then there's the idea of zombie sex (which really hasn't been explored much).
Well... actually... the Japanese you see... well they're into some weird stuff let's just say. It's been explored.

Well... actually... the Japanese you see... well they're into some weird stuff let's just say. It's been explored.
I should have known.
I don't follow Manga or Anime too much, but if anybody's going to have gone the route of Zombie sex it would be the Japanese.
Don't tell me... Zombie Schoolgirls Wearing Animal Ears Sex?
Where's Mr. Minio?

I've seen a live-action exploitation film about a zombie virus that infects men making them rape women to death. And I know of a few anime hentai about zombie rape.


if the Walking Dead were to occur, the slow moving Romero kind............would mankind really be put on the ropes? I mean, they are slow, and people are itching to shoot stuff with their guns now. I think thered be a mass craze of zombie killing to where theyd be extinct in short time.

Have you ever tried biting through cloth, or tearing it with your bare hands (or finger nails)? You can't bite through a shirt. You can't claw through it with your hands. Zombies don't have the cognitive functions necessary to target exposed flesh or vulnerable areas or use any kind of precision or dexterity in overcoming obstacles or pursuing their food. Simply wearing pants, a long sleeved shirt, and keeping your door closed would honestly keep most people safe until the army deals with the threat. There is no chance of an actual zombie apocalypse turning the world into the chaos you see in these zombie movies. Not to mention the idea of zombies in the first place is absurd.

Originally Posted by Zotis
Well... actually... the Japanese you see...

Originally Posted by Zotis
Have you ever tried biting through cloth, or tearing it with your bare hands (or finger nails)? You can't bite through a shirt. You can't claw through it with your hands. Zombies don't have the cognitive functions necessary to target exposed flesh or vulnerable areas or use any kind of precision or dexterity in overcoming obstacles or pursuing their food.
This disregards the concept of "zombie strength" wherein zombies are capable or normally inhuman feats by virtue of ignoring typical human limitations like pain or exhaustion. You can rationalize zombies tearing clothing.


if the Walking Dead were to occur, the slow moving Romero kind............would mankind really be put on the ropes? I mean, they are slow, and people are itching to shoot stuff with their guns now. I think thered be a mass craze of zombie killing to where theyd be extinct in short time.
Everyone's infected though and turn regardless of how they die. Every unexpected death becomes a new threat.

What if there were zombies, but they didn't eat people? Like, what if dead people reanimated and walked around, but they didn't eat people/didn't kill? They were just a nuisance, a disturbing pest. Imagine that world.

Everyone always has zombies killing and eating people -- what if they didn't? What if they were just like bugs -- things that got in the way, but weren't a harm. They wouldn't be violent zombies, either. They would just slowly walk around if they could. Just walking. And walking.

What if there were zombies, but they didn't eat people? Like, what if dead people reanimated and walked around, but they didn't eat people/didn't kill? They were just a nuisance, a disturbing pest. Imagine that world.

Everyone always has zombies killing and eating people -- what if they didn't? What if they were just like bugs -- things that got in the way, but weren't a harm. They wouldn't be violent zombies, either. They would just slowly walk around if they could. Just walking. And walking.
I belive that's called Sunday Without God.