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gandalf26 05-02-12 06:52 PM

What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Well? What is it?

(In my Zombie Apocalypse the Zombie's are slow moving like NOTLD and DOTD and not the Super Zombie's from more modern Zombie flicks)

For me anyways, being in the UK it ain't easy to come by a Gun so I would probably have to make do with a large blunt instrument, perhaps my trusty 7 iron. I would most likely try to stock up a little and head for the Lake district, moving away from any Urban areas at the earliest possible convienience.

She-ra 05-02-12 07:08 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Well, my survival plan is simple at present.

Let my parents sacrifice themselves, and while the zombies are busy munching on them I get away.

bouncingbrick 05-02-12 10:29 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Poor King Randor and Queen Marlena...:(

Easy. My parents have a big patch of land out in the country with two houses and a huge barn/garage. There's room enough there for three families or more. We stock up on guns and ammo (already partially taken care of since my wife used to be a police officer), and head out to the lake! Easy to defend, animals and farms around for food, plenty of living, if I could just get my father to build a windmill so we could have power...:D

Deadite 05-02-12 11:06 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Acquire a few weapons. Avoid cities. Keep moving. Head for the coast. Get a big boat. Stock it with supplies (Basics first: medical supplies, hunting and fishing gear, ect. then whatever else). Find a small-to-medium size island to settle. Clear out any zombies already there. Start building a fence.

lundy1026 05-03-12 12:20 AM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
I love this thread, mostly because (as creepy as it may be) I often find myself fanticising scenerios of how to survive a zombie outbreak.

Just the other day at the golf range I said to my bf, "If there was a zombie breakout right now, we'd have to get to the upper level and seal the entrance. That way we'd have food, water, bathroom and roof acsess." (The range is connected to a sports complex with lots of vending machines.)

In my "zombie fantasy", they are slow moving and essentually stupid. They cant climb up walls/things like in the Resident Evil movies.

I would like to say in a Zombie Apoc. that I would gather up friends and fam, find a farm, dig a giant hole-like-moat around the property with a retractable wooden bridge (yes-like a castle lol) But realistically, I would use extra table and chair and misc. wood to completly seal ground level enterances to my house. I'd use the upstairs window to get of the house if need be. Id try to wait it out. If they didnt die off of starvation in 3 months, I'd have prepped the suberban parked in the garage by then and live "on the move" searching for fellow survivors.

Deadite 05-03-12 12:27 AM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Another idea that might work: having a residence above-ground with only drop-down ladder access. Zombies aren't good climbers.

The Rodent 05-03-12 12:43 AM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Dawn Of The Dead (1978) has it almost sussed already.

Find a locked and deserted Mall or indoor Town Centre (my local town centre is just perfect). Lock it off properly from the inside with only access to the outiside being the roof (skylight, maintenance hatch etc).

Find a nice little corner in the building (maybe an office or a security bay etc), that is basically a dead end apart from access to the roof and use said space to make yourself a little home... and, just like in Dawn, make a fake wall, to use as a door to said home so when you're in there, if any Zombies get into the main part of the Mall past your secured doors, they can't even see there's a doorway or anything there.

Live off tinned and frozen stuff from the supermarket and use the other various surrounding shops to get supplies like medicine and tools, weapons, power generators, DVDs, tellies, furniture etc etc etc.
Make sure your 'home' is fully stocked incase the Zombies get into the main Mall area, and, make sure you have an escape plan ready, just in case they discover your fake wall and get in.

With Zombies being bad climbers, maybe the escape plan could be making sure the only way onto the roof is through a skylight in your 'home' and you have a second fully stocked 'home' on the roof.


honeykid 05-03-12 01:05 AM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Well, there aren't zombies, so my plan is to do nothing. :D

The Rodent 05-03-12 01:20 AM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Yes there is, they're on film and get shown every Halloween on telly. The camera doesn't lie.

gandalf26 05-03-12 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 808824)
Well, there aren't zombies, so my plan is to do nothing. :D
One must have in place a most detailed plan to deal with this likely scenario.

lundy1026 06-02-12 01:08 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
I found a perfect article reguarding ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...was on yahoo news...

After the recent acts of cannabalism... the government says "we dont know of anything that would cause zombie-llike symptoms"... Sounds like a cover-up to me! ;)

They always say don't panic in the movies.... RIGHT BEFORE YOU SHOULD START TO PANIC!! lol..... check out the article it's not too long... interesting to say the least.

wintertriangles 06-02-12 01:29 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
Train in martial arts is the only thing people haven't mentioned that would be extremely useful, if not just for attentiveness and reaction time.

lundy1026 06-02-12 01:37 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
It's offical, If there is an outbreak... us Mofo's must meet up somewhere and with our combined skills and attributes we will fight our own war against the zombies!!!

wintertriangles 06-02-12 01:56 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
It's more likely than a Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter/Ender's Game type battle so I'm rooting for it

The Rodent 06-04-12 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by lundy1026 (Post 816749)
I found a perfect article reguarding ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...was on yahoo news...

After the recent acts of cannabalism... the government says "we dont know of anything that would cause zombie-llike symptoms"... Sounds like a cover-up to me! ;)

They always say don't panic in the movies.... RIGHT BEFORE YOU SHOULD START TO PANIC!! lol..... check out the article it's not too long... interesting to say the least.

Definitely a cover up going on there.
Read this... Zombie causing thangs have been around for a while already.

They've even been making Zombies out of creatures already too.

Mysticalunicornfart 06-04-12 09:04 PM

Assume these positions

and just proceed to wait it out.

will.15 06-04-12 09:30 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
A store advertises zombie preparedness. (Nati Harnik / Associated Press / October 10, 2011)

By Karin Klein June 4, 2012, 11:48 a.m.

You can relax now. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has officially announced that a zombie apocalypse is not upon us. The CDC included this assurance in an email to the Huffington Post, adding that there isn't even a virus making the rounds that turns people into zombies.

Sure there isn't.

After all, anyone who follows the world's worst weird news as reported on the Internet has these cases among the horrifying reports of late: A naked man in Florida attacked an elderly homeless man and ate much of his face off. A Maryland college student admitted to killing his housemate and eating parts of the bod. For some people, that brought up memories of a 3-year-old case in which a Texas mother allegedly killed her own baby and ate part of his brain.

Terrible stuff, indeed. And the timing comes as pop culture turns from vampire stories to zombies and begins to see the flesh-eaters as a source of comedy as well as horror. In the 2009 movie "Zombieland," Jesse Eisenberg offers helpful zombie survival rules, such as building cardiovascular fitness and avoiding bathrooms. The 2006 novel "World War Z," soon to be a film starring Brad Pitt, mocks military strategic error with its "oral history" of the fateful and fatal Battle of Yonkers.

Internet chatter and speculation about the real-life recent events were inevitable, but why did the CDC find that chatter worthy of addressing? Because, inexplicably, the Huffington Post found it worthy of asking the CDC. Maybe that in turn was prompted by the agency's online comic book on preparing for a zombie pandemic. After all, the things you might want in case of a fire, earthquake, hurricane or the like -- food, water, a plan for safely exiting the house -- would also be necessities in the case of a zombie virus, don't you think?

But then, if there were a zombie pandemic, would we really expect the CDC to tell us right away, or send out an announcement that everyone should remain calm?

Cream 06-07-12 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by wintertriangles (Post 816755)
Train in martial arts is the only thing people haven't mentioned that would be extremely useful, if not just for attentiveness and reaction time.

I agree with this. Staying fit is the best way.:D

DaMovieNoob 06-18-12 11:49 PM

My plan is to change my diet.....zombie brains sound like a very tasty meal.

Watch_Tower 08-25-12 01:28 PM

Re: What is Your Zombie Apocalypse Plan?
I have the best plan ever!

Take my cricket bat, bash in the heads of any zombies that get in my way. Possibly drive around as long as I can stock up on fuel. Save all the hot girls I know and some I don't. Then repopulate the planet with my healthy genes. Sorted!

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