What's Your Least Favorite/Most Hated Movie... and Why?


Without a shadow of a doubt my least favourite film is Norbit. It is seriously vulgar in every sense of the word, the comedy it attempts to execute is so cheap it honestly offends me to think that they paid millions towards creating it. It's literally an embarrassment to the industry and I am ashamed Eddie Murphy is involved in such a travesty. Other than that I don't like the original Alfie, I don't really have a reason though, just hate it.

Leonard Part 6, and I felt that way back when I really LIKED Bill Cosby, especially on The Cosby Show. Today, I won't ever watch that show or anything else from him again.

One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Without a shadow of a doubt my least favourite film is Norbit.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Welcome to the human race...
Starship Troopers is fantastic with or without the satirical elements. It's just fun, people!
Not that much fun, though.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Noah did suck.

I hated 300. It's literally softcore porn for homosexuals and women. Just a bunch of naked buff dudes fighting. The story lacked otherwise.

Welcome to the human race...
Noah did suck.

I hated 300. It's literally softcore porn for homosexuals and women. Just a bunch of naked buff dudes fighting. The story lacked otherwise.

I hated 300. It's literally softcore porn for homosexuals and women. Just a bunch of naked buff dudes fighting. The story lacked otherwise.
I hate 300, but there's nothing wrong with a little objectification of men, though most fans of that movie seem to be heterosexual men rather than women and homosexual men.

And if your idea of softcore porn is men in skimpy costumes, then you're not watching enough porn.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Noah did suck.

I hated 300. It's literally softcore porn for homosexuals and women. Just a bunch of naked buff dudes fighting. The story lacked otherwise.
I think it's time for someone to get some help

I never thought that I would ever walk out on a movie that had Meg Tilly in it, but I walked out of "Sleep With Me."

My life's a disaster zone.
A History of Violence with Viggo Mortenson. Not that it's a terrible film as such, it's just that it has a ridiculous and completely unnecessary sex scene really early on in the movie where Viggo Mortenson's character does a 'sixty-nine' with his wife who is dressed as a schoolgirl.

Not what you want when you've sat down to watch it on DVD with your mother in law.
You're only as good as the people you know.

A History of Violence with Viggo Mortenson. Not that it's a terrible film as such, it's just that it has a ridiculous and completely unnecessary sex scene really early on in the movie where Viggo Mortenson's character does a 'sixty-nine' with his wife who is dressed as a schoolgirl.

Not what you want when you've sat down to watch it on DVD with your mother in law.