Worlds Best Vampire Movie?


Bram Stoker’s Dracula is world's best vampire movie....
I'm a Bollywood-loving guy

Aren't you forgetting that the main character was a "pure" vampire.
No, I'm not. Regardless of whatever kind of vampire she was she barely exhibited any vampire qualities.

And Blood is not the only vampire work to have monstrous lesser vampires. Haven't you seen Hellsing?
At least in Hellsing, Alucard was drinking people's blood, capable of transmogrifying into bats, and had an aversion to crucifixes.

You can do whatever you want with your "lesser vampires" or "thrulls", but your vampires should at least be vampiric. There was more bloodsucking in Twilight than Blood: The Last Vampire.

Which had none. Just unrecognizable monsters eating people.
That's what I liked about Blood: The Last Vampire.

I have to return some videotapes...
Yeah I would agree with the people who said Dracula was the best, even though I'm not in love with it.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

That's what I liked about Blood: The Last Vampire.

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Underworld series.

Both the original and the Herzog versions of Nosferatu are essential. Abel Ferrera's The Addiction creates a spectacular metaphorical kindship between Vampirism and the decadence of humans in societal structures. Jim Jarmusch's Only Lovers Left Alive shares similar philosophical undertones. Both highly recommended if you're looking for a unique interpretation of the mythos.

For something more light-hearted and comical I'd recommend Roman Polanski's The Fearless Vampire Killers. There's a great performance by Jack MacGowran in the film, and Sharon Tate's scenes are simply stunning.

It's difficult to say which I consider to be the best. I guess it's a toss-up between the aforementioned.

I'm not sure I would call it the world's best vampire movie but I really like A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night.


Solid pick. I really enjoyed that one.

The Underworld series just gets progressively worse after the first one. Van Helsing was also rubbish. Those are your typical Hollywood Blockbuster action movies, with never a thought given to the plausibility of what's going on, or any sense of technical quality in terms of acting, directing, cinematography, or any depth in it's subject matter. The most the first Underworld movie accomplished was some interesting visuals and a creative approach to the concept of vampires and werewolves. But it's really just mindless entertainment and glorified violence.

Well, I'm not talking about personal appeal though. I'm just saying they were going for entertainment value, not quality. I don't find them entertaining either, but I did when I was younger.

The Underworld series just gets progressively worse after the first one.
I disagree. I think it plays more along the lines of the Star Trek series, except inverse.

First one was passable.
Second one was ****.
Third one was pretty fun.
Fourth one was super ****.

Originally Posted by Zotis
I'm just saying they were going for entertainment value, not quality.
Quality is neither dependent on or independant of Entertainment.

You can have an extremely well made movie that's boring as sin, but you can also have endless fun with substandard ****.

Herzogs Nosferatu (haven't seen Murnau's) or Let The Right One In, for me personally.
Herzogs Nosferatu (haven't seen Murnau's)
Herzogs Nosferatu (haven't seen Murnau's)
haven't seen Murnau's
haven't seen Murnau's