Donald Trump for President?


I like Rubio a lot. I think I would have voted for Kasich as well.
Can't tell you how many times i've heard over the past few months the only republican i'd ever vote for is Kasich.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Would any of you vote for Trump if Rubio is his VP?
Nope, probably would kill my respect to the point that I wouldn't vote for him if he ran again either.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Jesse Ventura is too good for Trump. I predicted a couple years ago that Marco Rubio would win the Presidency. And he would have if he had the nomination.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Can't tell you how many times i've heard over the past few months the only republican i'd ever vote for is Kasich.
I like politicians who at least try to take a pragmatic approach to issues. Kasich and Rubio fit that pretty well. I'm really not as conservative as most here would probably think. However I am a hard liner on abortion and I don't think trickle down economics is a myth. That pretty much keeps me from ever voting democrat.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'll happily eat my words if i'm wrong but i've got a feeling this is going to be the biggest landslide victory (for HIlary) since the 1988 Election,
Yeah, certainly won't surprise me. I didn't think he had a prayer at the nomination though, so what the hell do I know.

I'll happily eat my words if i'm wrong but i've got a feeling this is going to be the biggest landslide victory (for HIlary) since the 1988 Election,
I soooo hope youre right

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've said it before, Trump didn't get to where he is in the business and political world by being stupid. I think he's dangerous, but not stupid. When he goes up against Hillary he will alter his tactics. If he takes my advice and gets a woman VP, he has a chance of winning.

Yeah, certainly won't surprise me. I didn't think he had a prayer at the nomination though, so what the hell do I know.
Yeah i thought he'd be out by christmas so i wouldn't listen to my predictions.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I've said it before, Trump didn't get to where he is in the business and political world by being stupid. I think he's dangerous, but not stupid. When he goes up against Hillary he will alter his tactics. If he takes my advice and gets a woman VP, he has a chance of winning.
I don't think he is stupid but he does seem unable to turn off the verbal diarrhea. Unfortunately that works pretty well in our Twitter culture. We get to find out how far that will take him.

As a person who is not American. I can say that Trumps popularity is actually scary, part of it I understand but not to the point of cheering for the guy. I get that we are a different culture over here but as much as I am unable to fathom the lack of gun control in the face of consistent mass shootings, I am even more unable to fathom why Trump with his racist comments, his ridiculous, disgusting (and usually illegal) ideas and immature stirring comments has a genuine chance of becoming the next President of one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

Although I predict it will be Hilary, I'm not certain it will be and that makes me nervous.

As a person who is not American. I can say that Trumps popularity is actually scary, part of it I understand but not to the point of cheering for the guy. I get that we are a different culture over here but as much as I am unable to fathom the lack of gun control in the face of consistent mass shootings, I am even more unable to fathom why Trump with his racist comments, his ridiculous, disgusting (and usually illegal) ideas and immature stirring comments has a genuine chance of becoming the next President of one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

Although I predict it will be Hilary, I'm not certain it will be and that makes me nervous.
maybe america needs people like trump to keep out the muslims . and if he can keep them out , trust me---he is worth his weight in gold . for my country's ( india's ) experience with muslims has been plain horrible , just horrible...

Guess who MoFo talks about the most

Trump Thread: 981 posts
Hillary Thread: 31 posts
Bernie Thread: 131 posts

all credit to me . i was the one who reopened the trump thread

I'm not so sure he will be the political disaster all the naysayers think. The political map is hard for any Republican. When the choices narrowed to Cruz and Trump, neither of them seemed likely to change that. If Trump is telling the truth, that he can really control himself and be more presidential, he could end up doing no worse than Mitt Romney and might even make it close. But he has got too many voters mad at him like Hispanic voters and women to completely turn it around. Most GOP voters who don't like him, they will bitch but end up voting for him, and the ones that do something else, stay home or vote third party (these are mostly conservatives who hate Hillary so they won't go there), the new Republican voters who love Trump will make up the slack. I still think Cruz would have been worse in a general election and the last few weeks confirms that. His numbers would have gotten so bad all those Republicans running would have kept their distance from him, too. The Republicans will keep the House and the Senate will go back to the Democrats. That is the same result you would have gotten with Cruz as the nominee. Cruz had no chance of picking up any states Romney lost. Trump has the potential to do that, but I don't know if he will. Pick a woman as VP? I'll tell you what he needs. Ohio. That would mean Kasich as VP, but Kasich may not want to do that. But he isn't dropping out yet and I don't see why he would still be in it if that's not what he's going for. Trump has more room than Cruz to moderate himself for the general. He can't do it too much. He is stuck with building that wall and sending all the Mexicans back, but he can soften the talk somewhat to peel off some Democrats. Emphasizing he wont cut Social Security will help him, too, and though he never put it into a policy position, reaffirm he doesn't have a problem with raising taxes on the rich. These were Republican positions that hurt Romney in the general. Trump cannily understands voters are not rigid ideologues. Most of them are gut voters and so is he. Don't raise my taxes, but I'm okay with raising them for someone who makes more money than me. Yeah, cut spending, but don't mess with my Social Security, either though you really can't significantly reduce the deficit if don't you don't touch Social Security. But party diehards are ideologues and so a Republican candidate traditionally has had to go with the program to get nominated. Trump bypassed that.