Movie of the Month (Master Thread)


We're fast approaching the sixth month since this started, quite the milestone for something that I wasn't sure was gonna make it past the first month.

Another thanks to all the loyal members that have stuck with this idea and have made it successful!

Now it's time to announce the host for March—who is one of those loyal members I mentioned—and his name is Citizen Rules!

Looking forward to what you pick out.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks! False Writer. I really like your Movie of the Month idea and I hope we all can keep it going

For March Movie of the Month, I have what I hope is a film that is fun but though provoking. I tell you this it's an easy watch and only 90 minutes

The host for the April Movie of the Month will be Cricket!

Looking forward to your pick!

After giving it a lot of thought, I've decided to pull the plug on this. Sorry to anyone that may have been enjoying this, but I feel like it's the best decision.

A big thanks to Citizen Rules, cricket, and gbgoodies for their unwavering support of this idea. You all were great!

Another big thanks goes out to the podcast crew; Yoda, Slappydavis, and Bluedeed. You all did an excellent job and made each month better with your insight on the chosen film.

I don't look at this as a "failure" but rather an idea that simply ran its course. It was a fun 7 months and hopefully not too long from now a new, fresh idea will take MotM's place.

See you around!

Sorry to hear that, False Writer. I really appreciate your efforts, though.

We've done several versions of some kind of scheduled discussion off and on for a decade or more, and it's always surprisingly difficult to get a large number of people involved. The people who partake seem to really enjoy it, but I think people tend to use the forum in a more relaxed, free form way, only getting into deeper discussions when the mood strikes them or the topic is particularly interesting. So you end up with a few people who'll gladly partake no matter what, and a whole lot more than might be interested every fourth or fifth time.

I still wonder whether or not something like this can work, but I'm thinking it might involve something more like a sustained recruitment effort, rather than just a come-and-go, informal thing.

All that said, I've really enjoyed doing the podcasts, and I'd hate not to keep doing them, so I'm going to think about how best to continue those. Open to suggestions on that front, but it might be as simple as one of us just randomly picking a movie each month or two, with input from the community.

Thanks Yoda, I'm very glad that this encouraged you into doing your podcasts again. And I agree that you should definitely keep doing them!

Trouble with a capital "T"
A big thanks to you False Writer

We get lots of new members at MoFo, most of them make a few post and disappear. It's really great when someone like you shows up and wants to be part of the MoFo community...and works at making this place fun for all of us!

Your idea of a Movie of the Month was a success. Seven months is a long run! I enjoyed it, there were lots of neat movies that I would not have watched otherwise. And I enjoyed my time as host, even if only a few people watched my movie, it was still worth it.

Please, when you have the time come up with your new fresh idea for a MotM, do it! I know we talked about some of your ideas and I think you are on the right track and will get more people interested with them. So I hope you won't give up on your idea. Thank you for doing this for all of us!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I would love for you guys to keep doing the cast. I haven't even been watching the movies but have been enjoying those. The three of you are very insightful and have a nuanced approach. I hope you keep it going. I would love to hear you guys talk about some current stuff. If you don't get to the movies much, maybe one of the latest DVD releases or something like that.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
After giving it a lot of thought, I've decided to pull the plug on this. Sorry to anyone that may have been enjoying this, but I feel like it's the best decision.

A big thanks to Citizen Rules, cricket, and gbgoodies for their unwavering support of this idea. You all were great!

Another big thanks goes out to the podcast crew; Yoda, Slappydavis, and Bluedeed. You all did an excellent job and made each month better with your insight on the chosen film.

I don't look at this as a "failure" but rather an idea that simply ran its course. It was a fun 7 months and hopefully not too long from now a new, fresh idea will take MotM's place.

See you around!

I thought this was a great idea, and I'm sad to see it end. I was looking forward to seeing a new recommended movie each month, especially since several of these movies were hidden gems. I hope everyone who wanted to host this got a chance to do so before you pulled the plug on it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I thought this was a great idea, and I'm sad to see it end. I was looking forward to seeing a new recommended movie each month, especially since several of these movies were hidden gems. I hope everyone who wanted to host this got a chance to do so before you pulled the plug on it.
That's a good idea, keep the Movie of the Month going until everyone gets a turn.

What do you say FalseWriter? Or, if you don't want to do it, we can run it on the honor system. A person calls the month they want to host. Everybody gets one turn before a host does it twice. I would love to see what GBG would have come up with for a movie.

Shame FW, it was a great idea and seemed to be cool while it was going. People like you make the board tick. Sorry I'm such a lazy PoS and never participated.

I thought this was a great idea, and I'm sad to see it end. I was looking forward to seeing a new recommended movie each month, especially since several of these movies were hidden gems. I hope everyone who wanted to host this got a chance to do so before you pulled the plug on it.
That's a good idea, keep the Movie of the Month going until everyone gets a turn.

What do you say FalseWriter? Or, if you don't want to do it, we can run it on the honor system. A person calls the month they want to host. Everybody gets one turn before a host does it twice. I would love to see what GBG would have come up with for a movie.
Hey, I mean, if there was someone that really wanted a turn then by all means go for it. And if there's someone that would be willing to take the reigns on this then I'd fully support that as well.

I just can't say how much I'll be involved this time around. I'm at kind of a weird point in my life and I haven't been as active, which was part of the reason I decided to end this. I'll still try to support it as much as I can though.

Shame FW, it was a great idea and seemed to be cool while it was going. People like you make the board tick. Sorry I'm such a lazy PoS and never participated.
Thanks for the compliments Swan.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd love to see GBG's movie! It's her one chance to get me to watch one of her favs She'd be a good host too and was a loyal supporter.

I understand FalseWriter that you can't be really involved, that's OK. But is it OK with you if we carry on the Movie of the Month Idea?

I'd love to see GBG's movie! It's her one chance to get me to watch one of her favs She'd be a good host too and was a loyal supporter.

I understand FalseWriter that you can't be really involved, that's OK. But is it OK with you if we carry on the Movie of the Month Idea?
Of course it is! Gbgoodies definitely deserves a chance to host if she so desires. Bluedeed and slappydavis as well for their excellent work on the podcasts.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I would love to see what GBG would have come up with for a movie.

So would I. I expected this to go on for a long time, and I was waiting to host until everyone who wanted to host had a turn, so I haven't even thought about what movie I would pick for this.

If you guys wanna keep going, semi-informally, Slappy and bluedeed have told me they'd be willing to keep doing podcasts (when the film in question is a good fit, naturally, though most choices are).

Bump! Is anyone still thinking of keeping this going so that people still on the list can get their choices in? Slappy and bluedeed and I are still down for some more podcasts, if you do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes! I'm interested. I tried to support the Movie of the Month in the past and I would do so in the future. I would love to see False Writer keep doing this but he said
Hey, I mean, if there was someone that really wanted a turn then by all means go for it. And if there's someone that would be willing to take the reigns on this then I'd fully support that as well.

I just can't say how much I'll be involved this time around. I'm at kind of a weird point in my life and I haven't been as active, which was part of the reason I decided to end this. I'll still try to support it as much as I can though.
So if it's OK with False Writer I'll fill his shoes as the promoter. I would have to make a new Movie of the Month (Master Thread)
as only False Writer can edit and add the new host on his post on this thread. So if that's OK, I can do than now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Bump! Is anyone still thinking of keeping this going so that people still on the list can get their choices in? Slappy and bluedeed and I are still down for some more podcasts, if you do.
Yes, I'd like to keep this going. I was enjoying it.

So if it's OK with False Writer I'll fill his shoes as the promoter. I would have to make a new Movie of the Month (Master Thread)
as only False Writer can edit and add the new host on his post on this thread. So if that's OK, I can do than now.
I'm okay with CR taking over as the host, and starting a new master thread for this too. There's a list on the first page of people who wanted to host, but didn't get a chance yet.