Rate The Last Movie You Saw


War is stupid no matter what in my opinion, so it's hard to make a film that doesn't come off as being just that.

And yes, sean, maybe Spielberg do intent to show how dumb war is by putting up a plotline that depicts soldiers who have to follow orders no matter how stupid they sound. But a 3 hour movie about that? A 3 hour movie of every possible thing that can show the following: "is this really worth it?" No thank you, I had enough 20 minutes into the central plotline.

Beat the Devil (1953)

On the Ebert list, starring Humphrey Bogart, and directed by John Huston, so surely it must be good? Maybe I was just having a bad day, but I thought it was subpar in just about every way.

Thank you, that facepalm surely told me exactly what's wrong with that post. I'm so relieved now.

I just love when people tries to act a certain why and just post a facepalm. It's so cool, I wish I was that cool, but hey, I'm only daring to speak my mind about an unpopular opinion...

I don't think Cobpyth cares really whether he likes the film, but some of the things he said are worthy of a facepalm, perhaps.

"War is stupid no matter what in my opinion, so it's hard to make a film that doesn't come off as being just that."

I don't understand this statement. Okay, so you don't like war, or find it stupid, whatever... but how does that determine whether a film is good or bad... I don't get it.

A facepalm means that rereading the post itself should be enough to tell you why it deserves a facepalm.

I'll spell out the main reason why I facepalmed you:

You're treating a complex issue (war) and a complex film, like it has or should have one black-or-white message/outcome/solution/meaning and are ignoring the extremely rich variation of grey tints between those two extremes.

Your post lacked a clear amount of nuance. I thought it was too obvious to even point it out.

It annoys me when people criticise the content or the film or immediately assume that the actions of the characters and/or story are reflective exactly of the film and/or director. In the film the characters are conflicted about the value of the mission, in the film the characters share different views on war, some embrace it and some struggle, there's moral questions always being asked, the one with the German soldier etc.

Content shouldn't immediately restrict or determine a film before it's even began, judge a film or how it is as an actual film.

I have to return some videotapes...
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) -

A couple classic Linklater moments, but overall he is losing his touch and falling back on old properties and jokes. I would rather see more Boyhood's from him than ****** comedies.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have to defend the individuals right to have a difference of opinion, even if I don't personally agree with it. I loved Saving Private Ryan, but MM is entitled to have any opinion he wants of it.

Welcome to the human race...
The Travelling Players -

Very good film, but if you don't know about Greek history circa WWII then you're bound to end up feeling more than a little lost.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Hush (2016) - Mike Flanagan

- Cool Home-Invasion horror flick... not the best I've ever seen but it was an entertaining ride. The actress that play the deaf woman was nice and the psychopath was alright. The concept is nice because you put yourself in the place of the woman who can't hear anything and she cannot talk too and it makes it very cool for the viewer in my opinion. The ending was cool, I was expecting it but I still enjoy it.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Everybody Wants Some!! (2016) -

A couple classic Linklater moments, but overall he is losing his touch and falling back on old properties and jokes. I would rather see more Boyhood's from him than ****** comedies.
Okay now I am excited for this movie. Might go to a theater or something

Carol (2015)

"Half of these Cate Blanchett movies — they’re all just like these arty things. I’m not saying they’re bad movies, but I don’t think most of them have a shelf life." - Quentin Tarantino

What an average picture for the critics to spill so much ejaculate over. An absolutely banal narrative and execution compensated for with shallow visual talent and a period setting. Even the performances, which received so much praise, barely left an impression on me. Watch The Duke of Burgundy (2014) instead.

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I wasn't in a mood to discuss anything yesterday, that's why my opinions were really unclear and I said things that had nothing to do with the film itself, but more a random personal opinion; like war is stupid.

I. Don't. Like. Saving Private Ryan. That's all I need to say here. The end. And because I'm not in a mental state at the moment to go any further with that, without coming across as ignorant, stupid or whatever y'all think I am, then I better keep it at that.

Beterang (2015) -

This was my first korean movie and it was amazing. The acting spot on, scenes .. the whole movie itself was just perfect for me, but i didnt feel to give it that 5 out of 5 when i was watching the movie that it was that good. Lately i have been giving good ratings and i watched some pretty amazing movies i hope the movies ill watch will keep the momentoum going. This is a must watch guys, i felt myself at first this might be bad but it suprised me