Critique Our Top 10


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I've seen all six of your movies. There Will Be Blood, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest all made my last Top 100 and would probably do so again. Sin City used to be a huge favourite but it's gone down in my estimation over the years. The Master was good, albeit not as good as I'd hoped - really want to see it again, though. Clicking on the link reveals that you have listed the American remake of Funny Games instead of the original - I have seen the original, but not the remake. My feeling about the original is...ambivalent.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Interesting to see Munchausen take up your two top spots. I've only seen the second one and I've been itching to watch it again. Been tempted to see the first as well.
It's a brilliant film. I think it's been called the German Wizard of Oz, which isn't far off the mark.

Interesting to see Munchausen take up your two top spots. I've only seen the second one and I've been itching to watch it again. Been tempted to see the first as well.
It's a brilliant film. I think it's been called the German Wizard of Oz, which isn't far off the mark.
It's not a musical, is it?

The German Wizard Of Oz? Wow. Could I wish to see that less? Though I'd probably choose to watch that rather than the actual Wizard Of Oz, so maybe I could.

Dr.Soup, you're supposed to critique the person above, not your own top 10.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

you're supposed to critique the person above,

Gone with the Wind
I don't remember, must've seen it in class at some point a long long time ago.
Charlie's Angels
That's about as violent a shift as playing Final Fantasy X-2 after Final Fantasy X.
The Straight Story
What's that?
Taxi Driver
Don't see the appeal beyond some great mood elements.
Still gotta see.
Death Race 2000
Far more perplexing than funny.
Enter the Dragon
DEFINITELY still gotta see.
Man Bites Dog
Heard talked up quite a bit around here, but fairly unenthusiastic about it.
Interview with the Vampire
Haven't seen it. Still struggling with the whole Brad Pitt as a vampire thing. Also, easily one of the most boring movie titles to include the word, "vampire".
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Originally Posted by DrSoup007

Children of Men
Visually impressive, narratively forgettable.
Mad Max: Fury Road
12 Angry Men
Not seen.
The Breakfast Club
Charming and nostalgic if nothing else.
Stand by Me
Probably seen, but don't remember seeing.
Dead Man Walking
Nup. Don't know it.
The Thing
Assuming you mean the original, I agree it's good, though I didn't appreciate it's profound gore or it's far from convincing practical effects.
The Lego Movie
Held back only, I feel, by leaning very painfully on pop culture humor, with Batman being the most glaringly licensed distraction. Otherwise a far and away exceptional tribute to LEGO. Provided a re-cut, it would easily be a favorite of mine too.
Heard nothing but good things about.
Napoleon Dynamite
I get the jokes, but I don't think they're funny. Blades of Glory was a far better Jon Heder comedy.

The Gunslinger45's Top Ten

Taxi Driver
Still don't get the appeal.
Blade Runner
I definitely watched it all the way through. Don't remember much of anything about it.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Very deadpan comedy. I got a few chuckles.
Seven Samurai
Just watched. Pretty good.
Mulholland Drive
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Extremely memorable, for both good and bad reasons.
Red Dawn
Fun from what I recall.
Apocalypse Now
I always confuse that with Apocalypto. No, haven't seen. Either.
Clerks II
Some very funny moments despite drifting to some extremely crude humor.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Been on my watch list for a long time.

I love The Nightmare Before Christmas. I loved The Dark Knight the first few times I saw it, but at this point I pretty much only like Ledger's performance. I liked Inception, but wouldn't rank it as a favorite. I didn't care for Nausicaa (or, indeed, any Miyazaki movie). I didn't much care for Wonka or Hook when I was a kid, doubt I'd like them now. Not seen the rest.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Actually sounds interesting but not my cup of tea.

The Nightmare Before Christmas
I don't get the love for this film.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Love this one.

I need to see this someday.

Kind of liked it.

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
I avoid films with the words: Final Fantasy

Monty Python and Now for Something Completely Different
An anthology of Monty Python TV skits. I never seen the movie but I seen all of the Python's TV episodes many times over, so yeah great!

The Dark Knight
No interest in superhero films

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
The best anime and animated film I've ever seen.

Oh yeah! great one.

EDIT: Miss Vicky snuck in there, as I was slow typing, those are Omnizoa's Top 10 movies

Dr.Soup, you're supposed to critique the person above, not your own top 10.
I don't know how to read instructions. I'm sorry
Best of 2016 - 10 Cloverfield Lane -- Worst of 2016 - God's Not Dead 2
Best of 2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road -- Worst of 2015 - Jupiter Ascending
Best of 2014 - Nightcrawler -- Worst of 2014 - God's Not Dead

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
Actually sounds interesting but not my cup of tea.
I wouldn't think so (considering what you tend to watch), but it's worth mentioning that it's far more about it's characters than about the whole dream/nightmare thing it's frequently described to be about. That's really just a framework.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I don't get the love for this film.
It features my favorite art aesthetic and songs so moody and memorable I can sing along to every one even if I haven't seen it in over 10 years.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I need to see this someday.
Easily the most problematic of any of my favorites, I think. It's just really goofy and fun with a splash of Spielberg/Williams/Williams charm.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
I avoid films with the words: Final Fantasy
Never seen the dreaded Spirits Within (because I've only ever heard terrible things), but Advent Children is pretty awesome, even if you don't like the game. Which I don't. Which is heresy. Which I don't care.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
An anthology of Monty Python TV skits. I never seen the movie but I seen all of the Python's TV episodes many times over, so yeah great!
I think some of the best versions of them are here.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
No interest in superhero films
Neither did I until I saw THIS ONE.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules
The best anime and animated film I've ever seen.
As an ANIME MOVIE, I have difficulty finding anything that seriously competes with it. As an ANIME, I've enjoyed certain TV series far better.

Sadly, I can't say I've seen ANY of your favorites, CR. VICKY on the other hand...

Not seen, but looked up since our discussions.
Save a couple cool moments, the movie's a big blank spot in my memory.
The Big Lebowski
I can get the humor in this much more than I can get the humor in Napolean Dynamite... but I still didn't laugh.
Definitely not among my favorite Pixar movies.
Also definitely not among my favorite Pixar movies. At least Ratatouille retained consistency with the Pixar formula; it was telling a untold story from an inhuman perspective. I feel Up was the beginning of a decline for Pixar, even if I do credit it as having one of the best opening 10 minutes I've ever seen in a movie.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
This is the sort of surreal movie that should really hit the spot for me, but as much as I appreciate the ideas and the acting, a few too many serious disconnects got to me. Still, probably my favorite of the 10.
Bubba Ho-tep
My best guess is it's about an ancient Egyptian pharaoh.
Mary and Max
Gotta see again. I vaguely recall it being good.
Being John Malkovich
DEFINITELY not as bad as most other movies I've called [Just... Bad].
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Also not seen, but looked up since our discussions.

Re: Bubba Ho-Tep

My best guess is it's about an ancient Egyptian pharaoh.
Guess again.

It's about a soul sucking mummy dressed in cowboy duds who feeds on the residents of a nursing home in Texas. Two of the residents - a former Elvis impersonator who claims to be the real thing and a wheel chair bound black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy ("They dyed me this color!") - discover what's happening and team up to stop it.

It's a horror comedy.

It's about a soul sucking mummy dressed in cowboy duds who feeds on the residents of a nursing home in Texas. Two of the residents - a former Elvis impersonator who claims to be the real thing and a wheel chair bound black man who claims to be John F. Kennedy ("They dyed me this color!")
That's either really awful or really awesome.

The latter. Though given your opinion of other movies that I love, you'll probably hate it.
Damn, I already wasted that cone of shame gif. Uhhh... back up, back up... uuhhhh...

Sweet Jesus! What is THAT!? Uhhh... UUUHHHHH...

Therrre we go.

Ink: Never Saw

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Saw it in theaters during it's original run. Delightful film.

Willy Wonka: A great film. Gene Wilder is the man.

Hook: I liked this movie very much as a kid.

Inception: Overrated as hell.

FFVII: Advent Children: Okay, but I am not a Final Fantasy guy. I watched my brother play the game though so that is how I know the story. If you have not seen it yet, I suggest you check out Team 4 Star's produced FFVII: Machina Abridged series. A humorous take on the FFVII story using the game's gameplay. Pretty much what they do with DBZ, only with FFVII.

Monty Python: And Now For Something Completely Different: Good, but the sketches were better on the show IMO.

Nausicaa: My favorite Miyazaki movie

The Dark Knight: One of the greatest comic book movies and my favorite live action version of Batman.

Aliens: My favorite of the series.

Ok Slinger, since yours and my tastes have always been similar I am now downloading Dr Strangelove & The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Figure if theyre in your top ten then I should like em'.