Survivor 4: LATVERIA


No problem mate. I expected it, i actually said to SC if it ended up me you and Rhys and i ended up with immunity i would have picked you because i still felt that bad from what i did earlier, still i thought you would have given me one more round but i guess you didn't wan't to risk me getting immunity then deciding between you and Rhys.

Anyway, good luck hope you win

Wait a minute. Can Camo use the Duel Belt on me and if I win, I take his place in the Deadpool?

I cant send out this PM to you Camo cause your inbox is full.

Would 2pm EST Saturday 3/11 be good for everyone?

Duel belt with me, Camo. You're not gonna win the Deadpool Duel.

I gotta go to bed. If 2pm EST Friday 3/11/16 works for everyone thatd be great. Or else we'd have to try for sunday. Good night all.

Camo has a chance to get back in the game and he's gonna waste it........

You quit twice, your bitter that i may still return to the game because i picked Hard To Kill.

SC - Played 4 - lost every time
Camo - Played one still has a chance

I'm going to drop out of the deadpool, good luck to the three who are there. I have a few things i have to do so my elimination came at the perfect time i think.

I'm rooting for Daniel to win if anyone was wondering.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Can't do 2pm, I'll still be at work. I get home around 6:00 Can do anytime after that.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I'm going to drop out of the deadpool, good luck to the three who are there. I have a few things i have to do so my elimination came at the perfect time i think.

I'm rooting for Daniel to win if anyone was wondering.
Daniel???? The guy that I eliminated already? NEVER!!!!!!