Donald Trump for President?


I'm curious why people are so against Hillary? Genuine question, I don't know.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
^it's weird, for a nation that is "so against" Hilary, she's still winning

same goes for Trump. he gets so much hate everywhere you look... but he's a front runner

this whole thing is confusing

Look who they're running against.

Bernie Sanders looks like he's a hundred.

It's Trump versus the two Cubans. Cruz is as likable as a rattlesnake and Rubio looks like he's wearing his father's suit.

I don't really know why people are against Hilary over there. However, I am baffled by how much esteem she's held in (politically) considering how unremarkable her career has been thus far. Maybe that feeds into the extreme dislike of her with some people over there?

Other than that, I'd guess it's because she's a Clinton and she's a woman.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm curious why people are so against Hillary? Genuine question, I don't know.
Obviously this comes from a place of being a conservative guy so take it for what it's worth. I refuse to vote for anyone pro abortion. Unfortunately that has become an issue that many politicians have become indifferent towards. Not Hillary though. Her and Bill basically spearheaded the march towards partial birth when he was president. Which takes an issue I am already passionate about and makes it ten times worse.

The other reason I have never voted Democrat is they have no concept of trickle down economics. It frustrates me endlessly that they talk about the 1% as if that segment of society will go away with their policies. The consumer will always pay for any taxes that are put on the rich. They devalue the dollar with their policies.

On a personality note, I think she believes the voter is stupid and her job is to save us from ourselves. The e-mails and Benghazi situation are perfect examples of this. I'm not going to argue she made us less safe but she dropped the ball on both counts and has been so disingenuous about both situations. Deflecting and straight up lying, and she thinks we are too dumb to notice. That is how I have always felt about her. She is far from the only politician I feel that way about but we are talking about her specifically.

Originally Posted by honeykid
No one's supposed to be seen as the most 'pure' fan. This isn't a band you're were into before they even had a recording contract. You aren't meant to be a fan of someone and follow them blindly and, being a fan of someone and then blindly following them in a completely different arena is, frankly, ridiculous and, when it comes to things as serious as this, potentially dangerous.
This is exactly why I voted for Donald Trump....... here we have a liberal, yet again, telling me how I'm supposed to be behave. How I'm supposed to think and feel.

How do you feel about supply side economics, which hasn't worked too well for Kansas and Louisiana?

Thanks Sean. Insight is definitely appreciated. However, I'm more curious why Democrats/liberals seem to really dislike her, too? Like, it makes sense why a conservative who disagrees with her policies won't like her. But what about the people who do agree with her policies and ideas?

I've heard some people who I'm pretty sure are more liberal say they want Bernie to win, but if he doesn't and it's Hillary vs. Trump, they'll vote for Trump. I am so utterly confused by that sentiment.

I really have to wonder if it's at least partly due to the fact that she's a woman. Like, thought experiment here, if she was a male would people be giving her as much sh*t over stuff?

I think that meme where Bernie says something smart and she says something dumb is the most annoying thing. If she was a man I don't believe that meme would exist. That meme should be Bernie and Trump, not Bernie and Hillary.

And remember, I'm not even a Hillary supporter necessarily. I haven't been following the race at all up until now, though I have watched some stuff. Just not enough. Maybe I feel the Bern as well, I genuinely don't know. I have a lot to get caught up on, and maybe I'll find that she says a lot of really dumb stuff as I look into it.

Goofy Dude, please get an avatar. I love your username, but no avatar is really ruining your whole non-image.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@Swan I don't think that is unfair to bring up. Especially considering she is pretty much the equivalent of Bill, and that guy could do no wrong in the site of Democrats.

I don't dislike Hilary, but from what I've seen from here I think there's something condescending about the way she comes across, as if she's entitled to you support because she could be the first female president. I'd rather vote for Bernie Sanders who seems like more a real, relatable person, and from what I have seen has always been consistent, open and actually out their supporting social causes he believes in.

I find it very interesting the religion seems to play such a huge part in US politics. I've tried to pay more attention to this election, and that's probably the main thing I've noticed.

edit: I don't understand why someone would vote Trump over her though if she was the democrat candidate. I think people just make hyperbolic statements about her because they want her voters to come over to Bernie too. After the nomination race is over I would assume that the democrats would be a lot more united.

I don't dislike Hilary, but from what I've seen from here I think there's something condescending about the way she comes across, as if she's entitled to you support because she could be the first female president. I'd rather vote for Bernie Sanders who seems like more a real, relatable person, and from what I have seen has always been consistent, open and actually out their supporting social causes he believes in.

I find it very interesting the religion seems to play such a huge part in US politics. I've tried to pay more attention to this election, and that's probably the main thing I've noticed.
Thanks Daniel. I can appreciate that kind of sentiment, if it's true.

I don't see that point coming across through that meme, though.

I don't dislike Hilary, but from what I've seen from here I think there's something condescending about the way she comes across, as if she's entitled to you support because she could be the first female president.
It's the only reason why she's winning, basically. They want her as president so America can look even more progressive. We had the black president.... now we have to have the female president. Next, there will be a gay president, or a transgender president, etc.

I don't support her. I voted for her in the 2008 primary. No more of that.

Originally Posted by Daniel M
I'd rather vote for Bernie Sanders who seems like more a real, relatable person, and from what I have seen has always been consistent, open and actually out their supporting social causes he believes in.
I like Bernie Sanders. I strongly considered voting for him yesterday. Kinda glad I didn't because I don't see him going anywhere now. I like Trump and I wanted to have the chance to vote for him.

I find it very interesting the religion seems to play such a huge part in US politics. I've tried to pay more attention to this election, and that's probably the main thing I've noticed.
From my perspective, right now, the whole country's religious people vs. anti-religion people. Especially anti-Christianity.

Also I watched the 2011 Donald Trump roast last night as it was on Comedy Central over here. WTF? They joke about him running for president, they all act like his friends, they make jokes about people like Sarah Palin who is now part of his campaign, it's weird how so much has changed in a few years. I'd like to see all those people back on another roast now. That would be interesting.

Also I watched the 2011 Donald Trump roast last night as it was on Comedy Central over here. WTF? They joke about him running for president, they all act like his friends, they make jokes about people like Sarah Palin who is now part of his campaign, it's weird how so much has changed in a few years. I'd like to see all those people back on another roast now. That would be interesting.
It's surreal, isn't it?

I saw that roast. Where Marlee Matlin and Gilbert Gottfried roasted him together, right?

I heard that the comedians who participated had to promise not to make jokes about him not being as rich as he is.

Lots of reasons to think he's nowhere near as rich as he claims.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Thank God I'm British is the main thing I've learnt from this, although we have our share of idiots too, though.

I don't like Hillary, and I can't even take Trump seriously. I quite like Sanders though. I agree that Hillary seems condescending, and Trump makes Farage look plausible by comparison, and that xenophobe is anything but.

Also, and I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but how can people be so vehemently anti-abortion? Surely, a woman should have rights over her own body, someone else telling her what to do with it always seemed bizarre, archaic, and a bit creepy to me. Even before I kind of abandoned Catholicism etc. That was something I always believed in.
That being said, I support the most liberal party in the UK

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
@Swan I don't think that is unfair to bring up. Especially considering she is pretty much the equivalent of Bill, and that guy could do no wrong in the site of Democrats.
He was also a hell of a lot more appealing to the youth of the 90's. The dude smoked pot and plays a mean saxophone. But it's kind of funny to think how many people actually get elected into office simply because their supporters think their "cool" or "popular"

That was the case with our latest leadership race in Canada. I don't vote and don't believe in politics because I think it's mostly a sham, and even when people have good intentions it usually ends up that they're now broken promises. Our new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing a fantastic job of making my country more "hip" and "equal" for everyone who's just moved here, but doesn't care about the people born here. He pandered to the immigrant vote and the young and dumb vote and was able to achieve victory.

Now I'm not one for a mostly right wing, christian government we did have, but I did appreciate the PM's somewhat frugal spending and his want to push Canada as a major power in the resources game. Now I'm afraid we have a fop for a PM who's more concerned with public appearance than public policy and will ultimately smell of the same mistakes his father did when his father ran my country.

I know this is not American politics, but I'm just illustrating how "cool" candidates are basically worth sweet **** all. Clinton was a mouth piece, a cool mouth piece, but still a mouth piece.

Also I'm not entirely sure about your system in the states, but if it's anything like up here, even if the PM makes a motion it has to pass through and be approved by Parliament. So is it the same in the states? even if Trump won, he would have to pass all his outlandish policy through congress, and if they want nothing to do with it, he's technically powerless isn't he? If that's incorrect, could someone please enlighten me about that?
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