

Welcome Spirit! My favorite movie from the 70's is The Warriors, followed closely by A Clockwork Orange.

Good to see you here Spirit. I love cross-pollination of online communities, it's fun seeing a different side come out of people.

As far as favorite 70's movie...it's probably Annie Hall. But I'm also hopelessly biased toward modern film (similar to music).

Don't make me answer that question! *dies*

You'll figure that out once I get more posts up.
Keep an eye out for the next song tournament. No idea when it'll be, but it'll be a great opportunity to put your stuff out there for all to see/mock/hate/praise/whatever.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Keep an eye out for the next song tournament. No idea when it'll be, but it'll be a great opportunity to put your stuff out there for all to see/mock/hate/praise/whatever.
I already saw! I'm definitely keeping an eye on that.

I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
Do people usually make threads when they join the site? If so, I regret not doing so.

Welcome anyway Spirit.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
i think i made one a few weeks AFTER joining. But then tardiness in threads is very much my thing
here, I'll prove it: WELCOME NARRATOR!!

WELCOME SPIRIT! serious reps for the Harpo avatar

and my fav is The Three Musketeers