Movie You're Watching Tonight


Sorry if this doesn't fit the thread criteria, but I didn't feel like rating the movie I just watched or saying that watching it was what I was doing on New Year's Eve.

But I watched Midnight Run (1988) last night.

I remember really liking it when I first saw it in the theater, and it's still very enjoyable, but I was amazed how it reflected the difference technology has made between then and now.
  • The use of pay phones was a huge part of the movie (now they can't be found).
  • Robert DeNiro unlocks his rental car door with a key (as opposed to pushing a button on a fob).
  • Charles Grodin's character had a lot of embezzled money, was being hunted by the mob & lived in an affluent part of NYC, but apparently didn't have any type of alarm system on his home. (Then again, I don't have one on my home, but I neither have money nor live in an affluent area.)
  • No one's got a cell phone (not even the FBI agents).
  • Most of the major characters smoke cigarettes - and there's smoking allowed on planes, trains and in restaurants!
  • This might be a plot hole, but one guy cancel's DeNiro's credit card just by giving a name over the phone - I think in 1988 you needed to give more than just a name to cancel a credit card (like say the card number?)

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Wild (2014)

Thanks Cricket... I was planning on something else perhaps, but I always look at what people just saw on here, and I put this ahead of about 50 movies.. I'm a backpacker, so I think this should interest me.

Wild (2014)

Thanks Cricket... I was planning on something else perhaps, but I always look at what people just saw on here, and I put this ahead of about 50 movies.. I'm a backpacker, so I think this should interest me.

Even better if you're a whore too!

The Impossible (2012) - J.A. Bayona

- Look awesome
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Irrational Man (2015)

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

Wifey went shopping so I've got the day to myself.

For the documentary countdown-

Hearts of Darkness (1991)

Repeat viewing for the 50's Hall of Fame-

Rashomon (1950)

Repeat viewing for the 50's Hall of Fame-

High Noon (1952)

Repeat viewing for the B Movie Hall of Fame-

The Toxic Avenger (1984)

I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
One of my new favorite directors.

My wait is finally over. I am sure my eyes will well up when they hit that scroll and John Williams serenades my ears. Words cannot describe what this experience will be. This is why I movie.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) by J.J. Abrams

My girlfriend works at a book publishing firm which is owned by a big media conglomerate who also owns some of the big multiplexes here in Copenhagen, so she got free tickets. Tonight we are going to see Star Wars and next week we are going to see The Hateful Eight.