The Walking Dead: Season 6


Any predictions on character death's for the MSF?
Almost certain that a main character is going to die because of Morgan keeping a wolf. If not directly then indirectly for sure.

Here are some generic predictions:


Tara or Rosita - both characters could be on the chopping block but if I had to choose one or the other I would say Rosita.

Deanna - this is more so a hope than a prediction, but it would be fitting for the herd to get her I think.

Ron - don't think his situation is going to end well with Carl.

Serious injuries:

Carl - I have a feeling he is going to get shot (again) or at least injured.

Rick- the thing with his hand may or may not star manifesting, they might keep this waiting till the next episode though.

Morgan - something bad is bound to happen to Morgan, but not sure if it will be at the hands of a the wolf or a walker - maybe both.

Other predictions:

Carl sleeps with Enid, maybe not this episode, but it is going to happen if they both survive.

Father Gabriel explodes, he is going to go off either physically or verbally or both either solidifying his part of the group or ruining it.

I have not read the comics at this point in the story arc but I have heard a few things. Anyone else have any predictions?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I know some of the comic spoilers, but I'm not sure if the show will follow through with them. I hope they do as it will make for a fantastic episode.

My death predictions are: Deanna, Ron, Sam, Jessie, Alpha Wolf
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

I like this season, but I gotta say, Im actually more and more sick of Rick and his "leadership." I dont know - its kind of weird - I think theyve so played out the angle of the struggle of leadership now that they stop even trying to have the esoteric discussion, and now I feel like their group is almost cult-like with their Rick-worship.

Rick will save us. Save us, Rick! Submit ti Rick's all-knowing will, or die. If Rick says youre ok, youre ok - no matter how awful you are - in fact, his forgiveness is God-like, and wipes away all errors. Conversely, if he decides youre unworthy - well then, youre irredeemable. Because, you know. He's God now, and stuff.

I mean what is this? Group think???

Im still mad that he literally killed that woman's husband and took her as "his woman." In what world is that ok, and why is everyone acting like that's acceptable human behavior?

I get the guy was a wife-beating piece of trash, and something needed to be done to stop him - but is no one golng to address the fact that Rick wanted to kill him BEFORE he knew he was a beater - and it was because he had decided he wanted his wife. Im sorry. I dont care that the writers re-crafted the story to make what he did more palatable for the viewing audience, it doesnt undo the fact that he is corrupted from the inside - and the older boy knows it, which is why he's pissed.

Dad was a terrible guy, and probably deserved to get what was coming to him. Let's call it justice. but lets not pretend Rick's "justice" was done to "save" the children or the wife. Rick killed the doctor so he could nail his wife without impediment or guilt. He killed the doctor because he wanted what was his, and was strong enough to take it.

I LAUGH at the parallels between his behavior now, and his friends behavior in the first season. Because his friend had the EXACT same self-aggrandizing, self-deserving God-complex too - he even made the argument that he SHOULD have Rick's family because he was "stronger" and more willing to do what was necessary to protect them than Rick. So basically, Rick should just have stayed dead, and now conveniently roll over and die - or barring that, the final showdown, where Rick had to kill him.

Rick is now that man. Worse even. At least his friend actually loved his son, and wasnt just using his wife as a booty call. I have the distinct impression that Rick could care less about her sons - either of them - or if they live or die. And the people that are wishing the older boy dead are odd creatures to me. Seriously? Those boys are first abused then bereaved of a parent they love/hated - their emotions are all over the chart- how exactly are they SUPPOSED to feel? They probably wanted their dad dead, even imagined doing it, and now that he IS dead, they probably hate themselves for wanting him dead. Maybe they blame themselves. Maybe they hate Rick for doing what they feel they shouldve been stong enough to do for their mom. Maybe they just know the truth - Rick killed their father so he bang their mother.

So my thing is -- given that - Rick needs to really, really dial back the controlling step-daddy/guy who's banging my mother. And then telling the boy that they would teach him to shoot, then refusing to let him shoot --- well, they made an enemy of him right there, simply because they told him they didnt trust him. Goodness - they made an enemy of me watching it. The thing to do wouldve been to have an honest conversation with the boy about it all: "I liked your mother when I saw her. I wanted to take your dad out to have her, but I knew that was wrong. I found out he was an abuser and REALLY wanted to take him out then, but I didnt. Then he killed someone, and the Mayor ASKED me to kill him, so I did. And now, I still like your mother. Im sorry I hurt your heart, I never meant to hurt you, and I would never hurt you, but I cant be sorry I killed your dad."

That would've been a fair, true and completely understandable explanation. Here's the problem: he really DOESNT care about hurting those boys. And that really annoys me. Why do we have spend season after season, episode after episode on his wretched teenage son Karl and all wussing/crying/hurting/worrying over his emotional state, and no other child's emotional state is worth even having a conversation about? Give me a break. If Karl wasnt such a sweetheart I'd say kill Karl and keep the other boy. You wanna walk around with swagger because your daddy is a cop and youve shot a gun and killed some undead monsters? This kid LIVED with a monster, and wasnt allowed to kill him because the community wouldnt have let him. Cut him some slack.

And what in the world is going Carol?

I never thought I'd be sick of her, but Im to the point where I feel like in the comics, she was dead long ago, so why is she still standing?? Her little self-righteous murderous world philosophy is really grating on my nerves. How do you tell a child who is obviously traumatized that the answer to life's problem is to KILL?? Honestly, we all know the scars in that family go way deeper than an undead or wolf-man. Why dont you kill yourself Carol? Because Im no longer convinced she truly cares about that little boy - no person who truly cares about someone who is emotionally hurting tells them something so wretched, and obviously unhelpful in the situation. Its like saying "Hey! Im shot in an artery! Help!" and the person says "Put a band-aid on it and shut up and suck it up!" Ok. So you apparently want me to die.

When she followed Morgan and the doctor, I truly thought she should be put down. Like, my god - who in the world are YOU? Not 8 episodes or so ago, they excommunicated you from THEIR group because you are a murdering sociopath! She had to have a sit down with Rick to even be allowed back around "normal" people. Because you never know - she might go on a killing spree because "SHE" thinks its the right thing to do, with her self-righteous psycho mommy-knows-best view of things.

Bottom line? I am getting so tired of their aggrandized view of their own self-importance. I wonder if they've ever stopped to think that while they're so busy viewing themselves as the world's "Saviors," its awkward, because each person or people they come upon that needs "saving" was/were surviving just fine until they showed up. Funny that. I guess the world needs this little band of salvation to come and impose their world-view on them - and destroying them in the process.

Ah. we all know how it will end. Rick and company will walk away as the ashes of Alexandria, and ALL its people burn behind them. Because that's what they do best. DESTROY everything they come in contact with.
something witty goes here......

I like this season, but I gotta say, Im actually more and more sick of Rick and his "leadership." I dont know - its kind of weird - I think theyve so played out the angle of the struggle of leadership now that they stop even trying to have the esoteric discussion, and now I feel like their group is almost cult-like with their Rick-worship.

Rick will save us. Save us, Rick! Submit ti Rick's all-knowing will, or die. If Rick says youre ok, youre ok - no matter how awful you are - in fact, his forgiveness is God-like, and wipes away all errors. Conversely, if he decides youre unworthy - well then, youre irredeemable. Because, you know. He's God now, and stuff.

I mean what is this? Group think???

Im still mad that he literally killed that woman's husband and took her as "his woman." In what world is that ok, and why is everyone acting like that's acceptable human behavior?

I get the guy was a wife-beating piece of trash, and something needed to be done to stop him - but is no one golng to address the fact that Rick wanted to kill him BEFORE he knew he was a beater - and it was because he had decided he wanted his wife. Im sorry. I dont care that the writers re-crafted the story to make what he did more palatable for the viewing audience, it doesnt undo the fact that he is corrupted from the inside - and the older boy knows it, which is why he's pissed.

Dad was a terrible guy, and probably deserved to get what was coming to him. Let's call it justice. but lets not pretend Rick's "justice" was done to "save" the children or the wife. Rick killed the doctor so he could nail his wife without impediment or guilt. He killed the doctor because he wanted what was his, and was strong enough to take it.

I LAUGH at the parallels between his behavior now, and his friends behavior in the first season. Because his friend had the EXACT same self-aggrandizing, self-deserving God-complex too - he even made the argument that he SHOULD have Rick's family because he was "stronger" and more willing to do what was necessary to protect them than Rick. So basically, Rick should just have stayed dead, and now conveniently roll over and die - or barring that, the final showdown, where Rick had to kill him.

Rick is now that man. Worse even. At least his friend actually loved his son, and wasnt just using his wife as a booty call. I have the distinct impression that Rick could care less about her sons - either of them - or if they live or die. And the people that are wishing the older boy dead are odd creatures to me. Seriously? Those boys are first abused then bereaved of a parent they love/hated - their emotions are all over the chart- how exactly are they SUPPOSED to feel? They probably wanted their dad dead, even imagined doing it, and now that he IS dead, they probably hate themselves for wanting him dead. Maybe they blame themselves. Maybe they hate Rick for doing what they feel they shouldve been stong enough to do for their mom. Maybe they just know the truth - Rick killed their father so he bang their mother.

So my thing is -- given that - Rick needs to really, really dial back the controlling step-daddy/guy who's banging my mother. And then telling the boy that they would teach him to shoot, then refusing to let him shoot --- well, they made an enemy of him right there, simply because they told him they didnt trust him. Goodness - they made an enemy of me watching it. The thing to do wouldve been to have an honest conversation with the boy about it all: "I liked your mother when I saw her. I wanted to take your dad out to have her, but I knew that was wrong. I found out he was an abuser and REALLY wanted to take him out then, but I didnt. Then he killed someone, and the Mayor ASKED me to kill him, so I did. And now, I still like your mother. Im sorry I hurt your heart, I never meant to hurt you, and I would never hurt you, but I cant be sorry I killed your dad."

That would've been a fair, true and completely understandable explanation. Here's the problem: he really DOESNT care about hurting those boys. And that really annoys me. Why do we have spend season after season, episode after episode on his wretched teenage son Karl and all wussing/crying/hurting/worrying over his emotional state, and no other child's emotional state is worth even having a conversation about? Give me a break. If Karl wasnt such a sweetheart I'd say kill Karl and keep the other boy. You wanna walk around with swagger because your daddy is a cop and youve shot a gun and killed some undead monsters? This kid LIVED with a monster, and wasnt allowed to kill him because the community wouldnt have let him. Cut him some slack.

And what in the world is going Carol?

I never thought I'd be sick of her, but Im to the point where I feel like in the comics, she was dead long ago, so why is she still standing?? Her little self-righteous murderous world philosophy is really grating on my nerves. How do you tell a child who is obviously traumatized that the answer to life's problem is to KILL?? Honestly, we all know the scars in that family go way deeper than an undead or wolf-man. Why dont you kill yourself Carol? Because Im no longer convinced she truly cares about that little boy - no person who truly cares about someone who is emotionally hurting tells them something so wretched, and obviously unhelpful in the situation. Its like saying "Hey! Im shot in an artery! Help!" and the person says "Put a band-aid on it and shut up and suck it up!" Ok. So you apparently want me to die.

When she followed Morgan and the doctor, I truly thought she should be put down. Like, my god - who in the world are YOU? Not 8 episodes or so ago, they excommunicated you from THEIR group because you are a murdering sociopath! She had to have a sit down with Rick to even be allowed back around "normal" people. Because you never know - she might go on a killing spree because "SHE" thinks its the right thing to do, with her self-righteous psycho mommy-knows-best view of things.

Bottom line? I am getting so tired of their aggrandized view of their own self-importance. I wonder if they've ever stopped to think that while they're so busy viewing themselves as the world's "Saviors," its awkward, because each person or people they come upon that needs "saving" was/were surviving just fine until they showed up. Funny that. I guess the world needs this little band of salvation to come and impose their world-view on them - and destroying them in the process.

Ah. we all know how it will end. Rick and company will walk away as the ashes of Alexandria, and ALL its people burn behind them. Because that's what they do best. DESTROY everything they come in contact with.
Just wanted to add you started calling Carl "Karl" in there and it was weird lol

Being a comic reader, what I'll say about that final prediction is "Don't say that too soon"

The thing is Gimple (The Show runner) has a massive hard-on for the source material so he keeps trying to add in and remix the comic arcs into the show even though the show has become a lot different from the comic already. They just handled it very poorly which is why you and others are very displeased with it. I still don't hate the arc more than that terrible Hospital arc from last season where they gave Beth (A Glorified red shirt) a huge story line to carry which Emily Kinney (Beth) did not have the acting skill to carry herself. This Jessie arc is suppose to teach Rick that he can't have a normal life again like he did pre-apocalypse. What did he do after the Governor was defeated in Season 3 pre-season 4? He relinquished leadership to take care of his kids and have a normal life inside the prison without having to make big decisions like he use to, that obviously didn't work but on the way to Terminus that is what he had in mind. His head hasn't been right since the end of Season 4 and finding a place life Alexandria, that is "normal" has screwed with his head. He sees it as another chance to get that "Normal life" he craves so much for Carl and Judith, and of course he locks on a "Lori" like women (Jessie is essentially Lori 2.0 in his eyes because he isn't very stable right now). The ending to this arc is gonna teach Rick that he can't have the Husband, Wife, and kids with the white picket fence, and he is gonna learn in the most brutal way possible (I won't give away spoilers but Episode 8 and 9 will surprise so people probably) He wants Jessie because he wants a "Lori" for Carl and Judith. It isn't as black and white as some make it out to be. Everything he does in one way or another is for his kids.

Adam - yeah I read the comic version, and youre right - it is much darker. I kinda quit the comics after/during Negan, because that story arc dragged on way too long, and I lost a feel for the characters. If the show is trying to align with the comic? Its going to kill itself.


it was a let down. so they ran into a house and now they're walking out. i thought something significant was going to happen but there was no development regarding the community.

The only thing that happened was the one chick deanna dying, which I thought was such a dumb way to go out!!

Lets talk about that last bullet that she didn't save for herself. She killed 1 zombie with it. (aka -1 zombie)
Now she gets eaten alive in horrible amounts of pain and then becomes a zombie herself (aka +1 zombie)

So all she did was trade one zombie for another and in the process doom herself to a really agonizing death.


it was a let down. so they ran into a house and now they're walking out. i thought something significant was going to happen but there was no development regarding the community.

The only thing that happened was the one chick deanna dying, which I thought was such a dumb way to go out!!

Lets talk about that last bullet that she didn't save for herself. She killed 1 zombie with it. (aka -1 zombie)
Now she gets eaten alive in horrible amounts of pain and then becomes a zombie herself (aka +1 zombie)

So all she did was trade one zombie for another and in the process doom herself to a really agonizing death.
This is true - I thought she'd save a last bullet for herself. But didn't she kill like 5 or 6 zombies when they began to come through the door? (I'm assuming her gun was re-loaded to its max capacity since they came in from outside.) It seemed like she tagged a few of them in the head before she ran out of bullets.

I think she killed more than one, but maybe they were not head shots - I do not remember. I do think it fitting how she went out, it was bound to happen.

I am all for cliff hangers but there are just so many it is difficult to grasp everything in a way that is enjoyable. If they wrap some of them up quickly at the start when it begins again I will probably be cool with it.

It was difficult to like Deanna or to invest any emotions in her. Maybe that was on purpose, you know kinds of like a "zombie" - no real emotions, but she seemed so passionate without being believable. Maybe it was her acting, who knows but it did not feel like much of a loss as far as being a fan goes.

The Morgan/Carol story-line is the most exciting to me right now and I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

yeah she got a handful of them but i was talking in particular about the last bullet. she kind of reminded me of captain janeway from star trek voyager

yeah she got a handful of them but i was talking in particular about the last bullet. she kind of reminded me of captain janeway from star trek voyager
No joke - I swear I was just going to post on how she reminded me of Janeway a second before I read your post!!!

I guess it was a combination of her voice, her look, her mannerisms (and the fact that she was in charge).

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
Almost completely done with this show. This was the worst half season by far and there were maybe two good episodes out of either. Hopefully they do Negan some justice and not screw it up. At this point though, I have very little faith.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
How many seasons of WD will there be? Is this the last season?

No, it was renewed early and this has every appearance of going on for several more years, at least. Ratings are incredibly strong, and they've got a couple major story arcs from the comics still unused.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Hope so, despite some dogdy episodes this season generally its a great series.

This Season finale is gonna breath life back into this show (If they kill who I think they should), if you comic readers know what I'm talking about then I think I've said enough. This season has been pretty poor but the introduction of TWD's biggest Villain ever will increase interest. Also they've said they have this thing planned out for many seasons, we are nowhere near the end of this show unless the ratings take a huge decrease, this thing still brings in over 10 million viewers on a bad day.

I like this season, but I gotta say, Im actually more and more sick of Rick and his "leadership." I dont know - its kind of weird - I think theyve so played out the angle of the struggle of leadership now that they stop even trying to have the esoteric discussion, and now I feel like their group is almost cult-like with their Rick-worship.

Rick will save us. Save us, Rick! Submit ti Rick's all-knowing will, or die. If Rick says youre ok, youre ok - no matter how awful you are - in fact, his forgiveness is God-like, and wipes away all errors. Conversely, if he decides youre unworthy - well then, youre irredeemable. Because, you know. He's God now, and stuff.

I mean what is this? Group think???

Im still mad that he literally killed that woman's husband and took her as "his woman." In what world is that ok, and why is everyone acting like that's acceptable human behavior?

I get the guy was a wife-beating piece of trash, and something needed to be done to stop him - but is no one golng to address the fact that Rick wanted to kill him BEFORE he knew he was a beater - and it was because he had decided he wanted his wife. Im sorry. I dont care that the writers re-crafted the story to make what he did more palatable for the viewing audience, it doesnt undo the fact that he is corrupted from the inside - and the older boy knows it, which is why he's pissed.

Dad was a terrible guy, and probably deserved to get what was coming to him. Let's call it justice. but lets not pretend Rick's "justice" was done to "save" the children or the wife. Rick killed the doctor so he could nail his wife without impediment or guilt. He killed the doctor because he wanted what was his, and was strong enough to take it.

I LAUGH at the parallels between his behavior now, and his friends behavior in the first season. Because his friend had the EXACT same self-aggrandizing, self-deserving God-complex too - he even made the argument that he SHOULD have Rick's family because he was "stronger" and more willing to do what was necessary to protect them than Rick. So basically, Rick should just have stayed dead, and now conveniently roll over and die - or barring that, the final showdown, where Rick had to kill him.

Rick is now that man. Worse even. At least his friend actually loved his son, and wasnt just using his wife as a booty call. I have the distinct impression that Rick could care less about her sons - either of them - or if they live or die. And the people that are wishing the older boy dead are odd creatures to me. Seriously? Those boys are first abused then bereaved of a parent they love/hated - their emotions are all over the chart- how exactly are they SUPPOSED to feel? They probably wanted their dad dead, even imagined doing it, and now that he IS dead, they probably hate themselves for wanting him dead. Maybe they blame themselves. Maybe they hate Rick for doing what they feel they shouldve been stong enough to do for their mom. Maybe they just know the truth - Rick killed their father so he bang their mother.

So my thing is -- given that - Rick needs to really, really dial back the controlling step-daddy/guy who's banging my mother. And then telling the boy that they would teach him to shoot, then refusing to let him shoot --- well, they made an enemy of him right there, simply because they told him they didnt trust him. Goodness - they made an enemy of me watching it. The thing to do wouldve been to have an honest conversation with the boy about it all: "I liked your mother when I saw her. I wanted to take your dad out to have her, but I knew that was wrong. I found out he was an abuser and REALLY wanted to take him out then, but I didnt. Then he killed someone, and the Mayor ASKED me to kill him, so I did. And now, I still like your mother. Im sorry I hurt your heart, I never meant to hurt you, and I would never hurt you, but I cant be sorry I killed your dad."

That would've been a fair, true and completely understandable explanation. Here's the problem: he really DOESNT care about hurting those boys. And that really annoys me. Why do we have spend season after season, episode after episode on his wretched teenage son Karl and all wussing/crying/hurting/worrying over his emotional state, and no other child's emotional state is worth even having a conversation about? Give me a break. If Karl wasnt such a sweetheart I'd say kill Karl and keep the other boy. You wanna walk around with swagger because your daddy is a cop and youve shot a gun and killed some undead monsters? This kid LIVED with a monster, and wasnt allowed to kill him because the community wouldnt have let him. Cut him some slack.

And what in the world is going Carol?

I never thought I'd be sick of her, but Im to the point where I feel like in the comics, she was dead long ago, so why is she still standing?? Her little self-righteous murderous world philosophy is really grating on my nerves. How do you tell a child who is obviously traumatized that the answer to life's problem is to KILL?? Honestly, we all know the scars in that family go way deeper than an undead or wolf-man. Why dont you kill yourself Carol? Because Im no longer convinced she truly cares about that little boy - no person who truly cares about someone who is emotionally hurting tells them something so wretched, and obviously unhelpful in the situation. Its like saying "Hey! Im shot in an artery! Help!" and the person says "Put a band-aid on it and shut up and suck it up!" Ok. So you apparently want me to die.

When she followed Morgan and the doctor, I truly thought she should be put down. Like, my god - who in the world are YOU? Not 8 episodes or so ago, they excommunicated you from THEIR group because you are a murdering sociopath! She had to have a sit down with Rick to even be allowed back around "normal" people. Because you never know - she might go on a killing spree because "SHE" thinks its the right thing to do, with her self-righteous psycho mommy-knows-best view of things.

Bottom line? I am getting so tired of their aggrandized view of their own self-importance. I wonder if they've ever stopped to think that while they're so busy viewing themselves as the world's "Saviors," its awkward, because each person or people they come upon that needs "saving" was/were surviving just fine until they showed up. Funny that. I guess the world needs this little band of salvation to come and impose their world-view on them - and destroying them in the process.

Ah. we all know how it will end. Rick and company will walk away as the ashes of Alexandria, and ALL its people burn behind them. Because that's what they do best. DESTROY everything they come in contact with.
I feel that that Rick's savior-esque leadership is entirely intentional. "Because that's what they do best. DESTROY everything they come in contact with." Exactly. In past seasons, Rick was the person to rally behind, but I feel that in this season, the tables are being turned; for instance, the disastrous and questionable plan involving the walkers in the first few episodes of season six. Things aren't going to end well and I think Morgan is going to be the one to step in, just like we saw him do in the most recent episode.