top 5 submarine movies


My top 5 submarine movies of all time here s my list:
1_hunt for red october
2_crimson tide
3_das boot
4_k19 the widowmaker
5_ice station zebra
Ther are some more solid submarine action entries but i mentioned my current top 5
Have your say and give your top 5

Admittedly, I haven't seen enough submarine movies to answer this question properly, but Crimson Tide was definitely the first movie that popped into my head when I saw the title of this thread.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Enemy Below, Murphy's War, The Bedford Incident and 20000 Leagues Under the Sea are really good too.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have a sub movie that I can't remember the title. It was from the 1950s, maybe early 1960s, it was color. The mission was secret and had an old scientist and his attractive daughter also a scientist. She had a romance with the leading man who was an American secret OPs type guy. They sailed to an enemy base and used frog men to attack and then blew up the base.....Anybody know which one that is?

All I can think of is Up Periscope (1959)

Hunt for Red October and 20,000 leagues under the sea.

On a side note I liked this submarine SciFI drama back in the 80's SeaQuest DSV but only the first couple of seasons, when it was beamed interspace and then brought back with a totally new crew that last season was awful.

I didn't seen these 5 submarine movies but last weekend i had seen Black Sea movie.. This one is also pretty awesome movie.

I put Das Boot at #1, but it's got to be the original language version with sub-titles (hey, what other kind of titles would you have in a "sub" movie)?

The dubbed version just loses so much of the acting, emotion and inflection with fake voices for the actors. It adds an almost cartoonish quality that does not fit the movie.

I have a sub movie that I can't remember the title. It was from the 1950s, maybe early 1960s, it was color. The mission was secret and had an old scientist and his attractive daughter also a scientist. She had a romance with the leading man who was an American secret OPs type guy. They sailed to an enemy base and used frog men to attack and then blew up the base.....Anybody know which one that is?

All I can think of is Up Periscope (1959)
Rules, could you be thinking of the original Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961) movie?

The movie that made way for the TV series (1964 - 68)?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea was great fun, both the series and movie. Captain nope that's not it. I read about Up Periscope (1959) that's not it either.

Wow! Never heard of it! Which is weird because I thought I knew of all the sub movies from that era.
I'll have to put it on my "look for" list seeing as I love submarine movies!