Movies About Rock or Pop Music


The songs are by Mick Jones from Foreigner and Spooky Tooth and the guy from Squeeze. Good original music.
Bruce Robinson the screenwriter and of "Romeo and Juliette" and "Withnail and I" fame plays a role.
About a popular 70's band who try to surf the nostalgia wave.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
American Graffiti

American Hot Wax

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

The Buddy Holly Story

More later.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I'm Your Man
While Cohen might not be considered a rocker by most people, This movie shows some of the Bands and Artists who have enjoyed or been influenced by his music. The Edge and Bono, Nick Cave, Rufus Wainwright, and Linda Thompson to name a few.

If you're a fan of Nick Cave, I highly recommend this.

I do like Nick Cave.
Have you seen Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders. Wenders uses performance clips of Cave and even gives Cave a few lines of dialog.

I do like Nick Cave.
Have you seen Wings of Desire by Wim Wenders. Wenders uses performance clips of Cave and even gives Cave a few lines of dialog.
I have, but I barely remember it.

David Lynch's Lost Highway

I'm Deranged- David bowie
Videodrones; Questions- Trent Reznor
The Perfect Drug- Nine Inch Nails
Red Bats With Teeth- Angelo Badalamenti
Haunting and heartbreaking- Angelo Badalamenti
Eye- Smashing Pumpkins
Dub Driving- Angelo Badalamenti
Mr. Eddy's Theme 1- Barry Adamson
Magic Moment- Lou Reed
Mr. Eddy's Theme 2 Barry Adamson
Fred and Renee Make Love- Angelo Badalamenti
Apple of Sodom- Marilyn Manson
Insensatiz- Antonio Carlos Jobim
Somthing Wicked This Way Comes- Barry Adamson
I Put a Spell on You- Marilyn Manson
Fat's Revisited- Angelo Badalamenti
Fred's World- Angelo Badalamenti
Rammstein (edit) - Rammstein
Hollywood Sunset- Barry Adamson
Heirate Mich (edit)- Rammstein
Police- Angelo Badalamenti
Driver Down- Trent Reznor
I'm Deranged (reprise) David Bowie