Why are modern movies still good but modern pop music not?


I already said everything I wanted to say in this topic, so let me just comment on some posts:

The Battle of the Century: 90sAce vs. Guaporense

Get your red hots!
Holy cow! The biggest troll currently posting on MoFo versus one of the most touchy and easy-to-get-offended MoFos!

Yes, i'm talking about the American music industry - I'm not aware of the state of Japan or Scandinavia's industry.
What I love about Japanese pop is that the producers are often appreciated more than the artists. Arguably not better known, but still really appreciated. Like Yasutaka Nakata. The guy is a genius. Just look:

The artists are supposed to look cute (you know, KAWAI and stuff like this) and sing (often with many voice improvement tools) + make a great show live. The producer is responsible for making good music. Japanese pop is very different from American pop and K-pop (which from what I heard gives me an idea they're just copying American pop, but I'm too ignorant of the genre to actually make such statement as a whole, it applies to some artists I've heard, though).

Also lol @ 90sAce's comment on my profile.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Registered User
Holy cow! The biggest troll currently posting on MoFo versus one of the most touchy and easy-to-get-offended MoFos!
Case in point about you just acting like a twit. By definition you were trolling here, getting offended because I used "the wrong word" in the title even when the meaning was clear.

If "trolling" a punk like you who didn't even come to this thread for serious discussion bothers you so much, then there are therapists who are willing to listen to you - there's no reason for you to vent your grievances here on a site you're not even forced to post on, unless you're just in need of attention you aren't getting from mommy or something, or are too cheap to pay for a therapist who actually wants to listen to that.

By proper definition though bro you're a troll, since you didn't come here to discuss the subject, just to derail onto a tangent about the obscure music you like, and how "not ALL modern music is bad" - when no one was saying so to begin with. (And yes, the music you've mentioned so far is obscure by the standards of the American music industry and has never been mentioned on any of the US Billboard charts, if that offends you sorry, but it's true).

What I love about Japanese pop is that the producers are often appreciated more than the artists. Arguably not better known, but still really appreciated. Like Yasutaka Nakata. The guy is a genius. Just look:
Again you were aware I was talking about the mainstream American music industry - you said so yourself - now you're just bringing up other modern music niches so you can find something to be offended about ("Wah! 90sace said modern music is bad! But I know tons of great modern music! Wah!")

That's all your posts here amounted to you - you didn't even address any of the points mentioned, such as the effect of the internet on the music industry vs. the film industry.

You seem to me just to be one of those hipsters who gets easily offended at the mere suggestion that someone is "dissing your music", and feels the need to vent your offense loudly to the world (in spite of that being a decidedly unmanly thing to do).

Not only were you wrong about me dissing the entirety of modern music in existence, but I've seen plenty of people on this site diss music, movies and art which I like, but unlike you I don't feel the need to loudly vent my butt-hurt rather than discuss the fine points of the argument, and unlike you I'm also not so lacking in common sense to see why doing that makes a guy look like a tool. lol

Also lol @ 90sAce's comment on my profile.
Hope it struck a nerve, if so then mission accomplished.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Lol @ this thread.

>I like x
>I don't like y
>explain to me why x != y assuming my opinions are fundamental truths about the world

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I went to 3 concerts last week... Neil Young, Eagles, Steely Dan - young people everywhere....

When given a chance, greatness won't be ignored. Most new movies I see are pretty bad, but you mentioned you avoided older films, which is eliminating a lot of greatness, joy that you're preventing yourself.. (I know so many people who refuse to watch B&W films, and it baffles me, for many reasons, but most importantly, because no one can give me a reason why)

Registered User
Lol @ this thread.

>I like x
>I don't like y
>explain to me why x != y assuming my opinions are fundamental truths about the world
I mentioned specific points here - such as how the rise of social media leads to artists being more likely to make record deals based on their 'online following' rather than their talent. You're free to discuss those.

If you're here just to troll like Mr. Minie because you assumed I was "bashing your music" then do it somewhere else.

Registered User
I went to 3 concerts last week... Neil Young, Eagles, Steely Dan - young people everywhere....

When given a chance, greatness won't be ignored. Most new movies I see are pretty bad, but you mentioned you avoided older films, which is eliminating a lot of greatness, joy that you're preventing yourself.. (I know so many people who refuse to watch B&W films, and it baffles me, for many reasons, but most importantly, because no one can give me a reason why)
I've been studying music, movies, and pop culture as part of a project - I'm toying with the idea of starting a critic or commentary business so I'm focusing primarily on entertainment which is relevant enough to be mentioned in magazines like EW.

I don't "avoid" older films just because they're old, but right now they're further back on my list as far as films to catch up on.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I mentioned specific points here - such as how the rise of social media leads to artists being more likely to make record deals based on their 'online following' rather than their talent. You're free to discuss those.

If you're here just to troll like Mr. Minie because you assumed I was "bashing your music" then do it somewhere else.
The point is that you're really starting with an answer rather than a question, even though you phrased it as one. This is all trying to reason or justify your taste in broader terms, the answer to which is almost always that you're not well versed enough Ito make that assessment. And that you misspelled my bro Mr Minio's name

EDIT: I figured out the answer, it's because 90s Ace has poor taste

Registered User
The point is that you're really starting with an answer rather than a question, even though you phrased it as one. This is all trying to reason or justify your taste in broader terms, the answer to which is almost always that you're not well versed enough Ito make that assessment. And that you misspelled my bro Mr Minio's name
I'm well versed enough to discuss the American Music Industry (the Billboard charts, etc).

This is what the thread was clearly about - not about Japanese, Indonesian or... Basque popular music, or music which has no chance of ever being on the Billboard Top 200 albums. I'm not aware of how Japanese popular music has changed today since the 60s, so that's a topic for another thread.

Basically you and him seem to be offended that it wasn't "all-inclusive" of the entire world, when it wasn't intended to be to begin with - it was about music which is relevant within the American corporate music industry today.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Sometimes I have to watch or listen to a lot of mediocre stuff to get at the great stuff, but it's worth it! Old, new, foreign, domestic, drama, adventure, etc etc.

Case in point about you just acting like a twit. By definition you were trolling here, getting offended because I used "the wrong word" in the title even when the meaning was clear.
I like the word, twit. I got another one for you: f*ckwit. You can use it on me, if you like. I like the word.

If "trolling" a punk like you who didn't even come to this thread for serious discussion bothers you so much, then there are therapists who are willing to listen to you - there's no reason for you to vent your grievances here on a site you're not even forced to post on, unless you're just in need of attention you aren't getting from mommy or something, or are too cheap to pay for a therapist who actually wants to listen to that.
So far it's you having a gigantic butthurt, so perhaps you need some help?

(And yes, the music you've mentioned so far is obscure by the standards of the American music industry and has never been mentioned on any of the US Billboard charts, if that offends you sorry, but it's true)
Cool. From now on, my definition of 'obscure' is anything that has never been mentioned (or rather I never heard being mentioned) on any of my friend's Facebook page. Scorsese wasn't. Guess, he's the most obscure director now.

Again you were aware I was talking about the mainstream American music industry - you said so yourself - now you're just bringing up other modern music niches so you can find something to be offended about
I already said everything I wanted to say about the topic... I mean your interpretation of the topic's meaning, well, I told you what you wanted to hear and I even agreed with you on this one.

That's all your posts here amounted to you - you didn't even address any of the points mentioned, such as the effect of the internet on the music industry vs. the film industry
Thanks to the Internet little known artists can actually easily become famous among fans of certain genres.

You seem to me just to be one of those hipsters who gets easily offended at the mere suggestion that someone is "dissing your music"
I haven't gotten offended in this thread even once. So far it's you calling me twits.

Hope it struck a nerve, if so then mission accomplished.

I wanted to stop answering your posts, but you're so hilarious I can't stop doing it and laughing.

If you're here just to troll like Mr. Minie because you assumed I was "bashing your music" then do it somewhere else.
This is beyond ridiculous. xDDDD Also, who the hell is Mr. Minie?

This is what the thread was clearly about - not about Japanese, Indonesian or... Basque popular music, or music which has no chance of ever being on the Billboard Top 200 albums. I'm not aware of how Japanese popular music has changed today since the 60s, so that's a topic for another thread.
Oh, hold on... wait a second... you only mean American music?! WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT IT INTO THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD?!

Registered User
I like the word, twit. I got another one for you: f*ckwit. You can use it on me, if you like. I like the word.

So far it's you having a gigantic butthurt, so perhaps you need some help?
That's cool bro - point is you weren't here to discuss the industry, just to shoehorn in your rant about "non mainstream music" and nitpick over a single word in the title.

Cool. From now on, my definition of 'obscure' is anything that has never been mentioned (or rather I never heard being mentioned) on any of my friend's Facebook page. Scorsese wasn't. Guess, he's the most obscure director now.
Scorsese is influential in the industry and has won several Oscars including ones for recent films like the Departed.

Feel free to show me where the Japanese pop you mentioned is influential on the American film industry, has topped the Billboard 200 charts, has won Grammys, etc.

It's common sense. The thread was about music artists which are popular or influential on the charts and in the corporate music industry here in the West - not about "underground pop music".

I already said everything I wanted to say about the topic... I mean your interpretation of the topic's meaning, well, I told you what you wanted to hear and I even agreed with you on this one.

Thanks to the Internet little known artists can actually easily become famous among fans of certain genres.
In theory they can yeah - currently I don't see them having any huge influence on the direction the industry has been heading in - and that was one of my entire points, that the industry is becoming more commercial and considering "talent" less relevant than ability to sell singles on Itunes.

The best example someone used in this thread is Taylor Swift - and she's no Eddie Van Halen

I wanted to stop answering your posts, but you're so hilarious I can't stop doing it and laughing.
Aw boo hoo

Oh, hold on... wait a second... you only mean American music?! WHY DIDN'T YOU PUT IT INTO THE TITLE OF THIS THREAD?!
I mean music which is relevant in the music industry.

There are plenty of foreign artists which are relevant in the industry and have charted successful artists and singles, or have influenced trends in the mainstream industry, but obviously not the music you were talking about

Better question is, why did you assume the thread was talking about all music industries worldwide when it clearly was referring to the American industry (it even mentioned "Breaking Bad" as an analogue in the American film/TV industry).

If you ran into a guy at a bar who told you the "economy sucks" - would you assume he's talking about the US economy, or would you immediately contradict him because you think the economy of... Tanzania is doing just fine. rofl

This is beyond ridiculous. xDDDD Also, who the hell is Mr. Minie?
My bad, I meant Miss Minie

Ensiferum is super big in Finland. They always top the charts there.
you know I listen to a lot of Finnish bands and only 5% of Americans may know of them.. and the only way people here know of them.. is because of me posting them... or recommending them to people who I think will enjoy them.

Registered User
Europe has had some good power metal bands like Gamma Ray, it never caught on in the US like it did in Scandinavia apparently

One of the lesser known bands was "Crumbland" .. they opened for "Disturbed".. in Finland.

Edit: another band that isnt popular at all here in the US.. I would say less than 1% actually know of them... and I learned of them from a German friend at a Finnish band's forum

They are a mix of old time cinema music with rock lyrics.

Music is a lot like cartoons. The ones from when you were between 7-14 are the best ever, the ones from before you were born are the overrated ones, and the ones from after you turned 21 are terrible. There's very little objective about music quality, it's mostly opinions about objective things. Rock is less prominent now than at any point since it's inception. That's a fair statement. Saying that statement is a bad thing is an opinion. In my opinion, I don't like how elements of EDM are dripping over into literally every other genre with relevance. I can't say that makes music today awful. The mid 2010s will always be better than the Right Said Fred/Vanilla Ice landscape of the early 1990s.

Registered User
Music is a lot like cartoons. The ones from when you were between 7-14 are the best ever, the ones from before you were born are the overrated ones, and the ones from after you turned 21 are terrible. There's very little objective about music quality, it's mostly opinions about objective things. Rock is less prominent now than at any point since it's inception. That's a fair statement. Saying that statement is a bad thing is an opinion. In my opinion, I don't like how elements of EDM are dripping over into literally every other genre with relevance. I can't say that makes music today awful. The mid 2010s will always be better than the Right Said Fred/Vanilla Ice landscape of the early 1990s.
Thing is I can't totally say I agree with that.

I like a lot of stuff that was made before I was born better than a lot of stuff I grew up with. And there is plenty of music which I "like" but wouldn't argue is critically good (ex. the song "Get Rollin' by Limp Bizkit); as well as plenty of stuff I hate but agree has critical merit (I'm not a huge fan of the Beatles but totally respect their talent and creativity).

Plus just as some "old folks" will say anything new is "bad", plenty of young or overly idealistic folks will just say it's good because it's "new" or current; that's why so many trends get started but few of them stick for long (like Disco in the 70s for example).

There was actually a study done on this but I forget almost everything about the paper I read except that music is getting worse every day. I'm way too lazy to search for it right now.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Registered User
There was actually a study done on this but I forget almost everything about the paper I read except that music is getting worse every day. I'm way too lazy to search for it right now.
I think it's an example of supply and demand at work - as supply of mediocre artists increases demand for talent goes down.

Prior to the information age someone like Soulja Boy couldn't score a platinum hit just by uploading a video onto the net. (Not to mention I just learned that song was actually nominated for a Grammy - if that's not a testament to the declining standards in modern music i don't know what is, lol)

To date though I haven't heard of an A-list Hollywood actor getting discovered from a video they self-uploaded to Youtube; if Hollywood decides to turn to Youtube as a talent pool for actors or directors we might see a similar decline in film quality.

If you're mature enough to fairly look at different eras and decide for yourself what you like or don't like, regardless of trends, then my post wasn't really aimed at you. I'm talking about the majority crowds. The young people that think any band that their father has on CD is gross and the old people that hate rap for not being singing are all irrational. To people who think like that, I'm saying that it's a pretty common cycle that will never change. If you're saying things like "music now isn't as good as it was when I was a kid", there's a good chance that your parents said the same thing. Neither of you is objectively right.