

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?

Out of all my time at MoFo, I've never seen a thread dedicated to the show, Seinfeld. This cultural landmark of a show was created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld and it aired it's pilot on July 5, 1989. . If I had to define the show in a sentance, it would be: nothing, all this show is about is the adventures of four friends (Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Cosmo Kramer, and Elaine Marie Benes) in NYC.

After the not so well recieved pilot, the show was offered to FOX, but in as FOX does, it declined to pick up a good show. However, Rick Ludwin, head of late night and special events for NBC, took money from his budget, and the next four episodes, The Stakeout, The Robbery, Male Unbonding, and The Stock Tip, were made. They aired on May 31, June 7, 14, and 21 of 1990. these episodes highly rated and NBC got picked up.

The main character of Seinfeld, and where the show gets it's name is co-creater Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry is a successful stand-up comedian and dates many beautiful women (my favorite being Courtney Cox's Meryl,) whom he usually breaks up with for zany reasons. His neighbor is Cosmo Kramer and is archenemies with Newman, the mailman played by Wayne Knight. One of my favorite quotes comes from the episode The Voice, in which Jerry finds a cool way of saying hello.

Jerry's best friend since middle school is George Costanza, played by Jason Alexander. George is a loveable loser, he can barely keep a job and can loose a girlfriend even faster. George has had jobs such as, real estate agent, sitcom writer, Assistant to the Traveling Secretary for the New York Yankees (his longest running job,) a computer salesmen, and many many more. His longest relationship was with a girl named Susan (played by Heidi Swedberg,) he even got engaged to her. She died in the episode, The Envelopes, because of cheap adhesive on the wedding stamps giving her an infection. My favorite quote from George is a tie! I really like his answering machine, and his Vandelay industries scame.


Elaine Benes (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is another one of Jerry's friends, and they even dated for a little while. Elaine does date a lot and loads of men have been entranced by her. Some of the fictional characters that have been entranced by her are; Newman, a nerd named Ricky, George, Jerry, Kramer, a guy named Barry, a man who refers to himself in the third person named Jerry, and NBC president Russell Dalrymple. She has worked at the fictional Pendant Publishing, and assistant to the fictional Justin Pitt, as long with some more jobs. My favorite quote from her isn't much of a quote, it is a dance.

Cosmo Kramer (played by Mike Richards) is basically everyone's favorite character. He is a bit, how you say, cuckoo? He always tries to get rich quick, and can't hold a job for more then a day. He is neighbors with Jerry and frequently drops in (mostly unanounced.) Kramer has many bizarre beliefs which include, not going to be treated at a hospital, celibrating Festivus, not dressing up when he goes to the Opera, finds butter is a better protection for his skin after shaving, and many others. My favorite quote from him is to hard to pick, so just watch this.

Since the series ended with it's finale on May 14, 1998, there was a Seinfeld curse. They say there was a curse because both Julia Louis, and Richards both tried to launch a sitcom, and both failed not even getting a second season. Now Jerry just made Bee Movie last year with a starring role. Mike Richards also played a small role, but now is practically blacklisted in Hollywood because of his racial outburst at The Laugh Factory about two years ago. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, now has her own show called The New Adventures of Old Christine, which currently still runs, and Jason Alexander, has had roles in TV shows such as Everybody Hates Chris, The New Adventures of Old Christine, and a role in the movie The Grand.

I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
My favorite episode of Seinfeld is a tie. There is the episode named "The Bubble Boy" from Season 4, and "The Raincoats" from Season 5.

The Bubble Boy is an episode about Jerry agrees to visit a boy who lives in a plastic bubble on the way to Susan's parents' cabin. Jerry and Elaine, however, get lost; George and Susan visit the bubble boy instead, which later results in a fight after a misprint in Trivial Pursuit. ( I love this episode because the Bubble Boy is just a funny angry character and seeing him strangle George is hilarious.

The Raincoats is a two-part episode in which Jerry's parents are visiting before leaving for France. Jerry has a hard time connecting with his new girlfriend Rachel because his parents are spending so much time in his apartment. George uses the trip to get out of volunteering for the Big Brother program, but is stunned to learn that his Little Brother is searching for his dad in France. Kramer and Morty team up to sell Morty's old belt-less trench coat "The Executive" to a vintage clothing store. Elaine's creepy new boyfriend is a "close talker" who enjoys spending time with Jerry's parents. ( I like this episode because George's scheme is so crazy and then it backfires! Also, Judge Reinhold as the "close talker" is almost better then The Bubble Boy.

There are a bunch of Seinfeld threads...

My favorite is the one where George's old friend thinks he's insane and Jerry tries Lloyd Braun's chinese gum.

Look, a thread of Favorite "Seinfeld" Episodes.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

SEINFELD is another show that I only discovered when it went into syndication. I liked the show despite the fact that I think Jerry, Elaine, George, and Kramer are four of the most self-centered, self-absorbed, and selfish characters I have ever seen on a sitcom. I loved the series finale because it did address the way the characters behaved and gave their behavior consequences, which I thought was a wonderful way to justify the entire run of the show. If I had to pick a favorite episode, I would go with "The Hamptons."

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
I LOVE Seinfeld to death. I think it's some of the best comedic writing ever. The characters might be incredibly selfish, but that's what makes their situations that much more hilarious. I love George the best, and to a lesser extent Kramer. As cliched as this might sound, my favorite episode is "The Soup Nazi."

Seinfeld was a show that I didn't see initially. It was shown on BBC2 here in the UK but it was on very late at night and often would not be on or was not advertised even when it was so it was not a show that was easy to watch.

I am now starting to collect all the series DVDs and love most of the episodes but some were not wonderful. One of the best episodes for me was the Chicken Roaster episode where Jerry and Kramer swapped apartments and their personality's swapped, I also loved the line "mister bubbles?!?" from Jerry and he looks genuinely terrified.
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Decided to rewatch the show. I started at season three since I've seen the first two so many times. Watched the first five so far here are my thoughts and ratings.

The Note
- Decent start to Season Three just not anything special. It felt a bit rushed and Georges story didn't bring as much laughs as it should have. Highlights for me were Jerry's conversation with the masseuse (sp?), "So who looks after your boy during the day" , and Kramer's yelping noise. 2.5/5

The Truth - Slight improvement over the first still Season Three was a little slow to get going. George was pretty close to his ideal characterisation which is always a good thing, a little light on the laughs compared to the Seasons best though. Highlight were Kramer's swift exit after George says he dumped his girlfriend and Georges reaction to being told he's cheap. -3/5

The Pen - First really funny episode of the Season IMO, the only downside is that I feel myself missing George and Kramer. Its always great to see Jerry's family. Highlights include Jack of course, "Of course I wanted it. I love Spongecake." Love the delivery of that line. Also Elaine's "Stelaaa!!" Always makes me laugh. 4.5/5

The Dog - Another good but not great episode. I find this one very unmemorable, while watching it felt like I hadn't seen it before even though I know I have. The highlight was probably Kramer's break up and reconciliation scene. 2.5/5

The Library - Really, really love this episode, I tend to think this long goes a bit underrated by both fans and critics. Bookman is one of my absolute favourite one time characters. Its great that he comes across like an old time Prohibition Agent similiar to Rex Banner in The Simpsons episode Homer vs the 18th Amendment, personally I much prefer Bookman though. I remember reading that Jerry found it difficult keeping himself together during their scenes. Georges story was pretty good too. Highlights were everything that Bookman said. "listen here buddy boy" . 5/5

The Jimmy
Where Elaine accidentally hooks up with a guy named Jimmy who talks about himself in the third person ala "Jimmy likes Elaine." Tim Whatley, the dentist (played the future Walter White, Bryan Cranston), along with his female assistant is thought by Jerry to have violated him while he was under anesthesia. Kramer gets too much Novocaine at Tim's office and is wearing special jumping shoes that Jimmy is hawking and is thought to be mentally challenged and by hook-or-crook winds up being invited to a special benefit for mentally challenged people, hosted by Mel Torme. Still quote Jimmy from this.

The Wig Master
Susan has friends who are behind-the-scenes talent for "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." Kramer asks if he can wear it (one of the coats). He gets a cane from Elaine when her boss gets a new one. He gets a loaner car that's a pink Cadillac. A woman's broad-brimmed hat blows off in a gust of wind and Kramer picks it up and wears it. When he goes to the parking lot for his Cadillac, it turns out the attendant has been letting hookers service their johns in the car. He starts fighting with the hooker just as the cops show up. From everything he's wearing, he looks like the stereotype of a pimp! I still laugh so hard at this one.

The Bizarro Jerry
The one where Elaine decides to just be friends with her boyfriend, Kevin, and meets his two friends that are alike and unlike Jerry, George, and Kramer. They resemble them but are polite, like reading, actually knock on the door before coming in, bring groceries to Kevin's apartment etc. Elaine is fascinated by these guys before she starts acting like herself around them and they are appalled. My favorite part is that Jerry is dating a girl who is beautiful except for the fact that she has "man hands." The cameras cut from her lovely face then to her huge hands, for instance while they are at dinner and her hands are shown cracking a lobster in half with no effort. Needless to say, as he's done hundreds of times before, Jerry breaks off the relationship.

The Puffy Shirt
Kramer's has a female friend who is "soft spoken," in fact Jerry can't hear one word she says. He inadvertently agrees to wear a puffy shirt she's designed when he goes on TV for a live interview on The Today Show. He's made fun of and cries out that he hates the shirt, followed by Kramer's friend screaming, "You bastard!" Jerry says, "I heard that."

The Fire
George dates a woman, and goes to her son's birthday party where a fire breaks out. George knocks down kids and an old lady trying to get out. I know there was more in this episode but every time I see it, I just kind of phase out the rest because i"m laughing so hard at George being a coward.

That's just scratching the surface of my favorites.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Watched the next five episodes. Here are my ratings and thoughts.

The Parking Garage - Another fantastic episode that shows the show excel through its simplicity. As simple as you can get the four forget where they parked their car in a four story garage and spend the time looking talking and arguing. Highlights include Elaines attempts at getting her and her fish a ride home and Jerry's conversation with the security guard. While watching this I noticed for the first time that they are parked in a handicapped spot. 5/5

The Cafe - Really like this episode George and Jerry are in perfect character here. I love Jerry's obsession with the cafe and his evolving relationship with Babu, his thoughts are hilarious "I am a nice man". Highlights include Jerry's smug advice and Georges excuses to how he managed to spill food on the test, his line delivery during that scene is excellent. "I climbed out the window". 4/5

The Tape
- Another hit for season 3. Georges infatuation with Elaine after finding out she made the tape. The Chinese guys phone call is great too, the impotence line and the way he casually puts his feet up to continue the conversation. I love how Jerry gives George up right away, "You told him? He threatened me." 4/5

The Nose Job - George is dating a woman with a big nose who he helps convince to get a nose job which goes wrong. While Elaine is pretending to be Kramer's wife to help himget back a jacket he thinks is magic. Another very good episode. The best part about this season and episode, is that we are starting to see the truly despicable George that will regularly appear later on. Highlights include Kramer blurting out that Audrey needs a nose job hhe's just so hilariously oblivious to everything around him, I've always wondered if Jerry cracking up was scripted or not. Also it feels like some sort of justice to see Kramer get Audrey with the fixed nose at the end. 4/5

The Stranded - Jerry and Elaine go to a party with George but when he leaves with a woman both are left stranded waiting for Kramer to pick them up. Oh my god!!! I never noticed Michael Chiklis before, probably because he had hair. Anyway good episode its laughs and George was great in his conflict with the pharmacy. 3.5/5

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Cool your going back through in order Camo. Don't think I have ever done that with Seinfeld. I have a hard time picking favorites with Seinfeld because there is stuff in every episode I love. The Truth is probably my least favorite of these ten despite loving the swift exit you mentioned and George breaking up with her. The Cafe is probably my fave of these sets. I love Jerry's interactions with Babu and the IQ test is classic. Also the first mention of Kramer's jacket if I am not mistaken.

The Pez Dispenser
Hilarious all the way through. George is dating a concert pianist. While at the concert, Jerry sets a Pez dispenser on Elaine's leg and she busts out laughing, which messes up George's girlfriend on the piano. George spends most of the episode saying that he has to have "Hand" which means the upper hand in the relationship. When his girlfriend finds out that George's friend Elaine messed up her concert with her laughing, George's line and the girlfriend's follow-up line are classic.

The Boyfriend
The first of a two-part episode where pro baseball player Keith Hernandez befriends Jerry and starts dating Elaine. Jerry's insinuations about his and Keith's friend "relationship" are hilarious, as is Elaine's "real relationship' inner observations. Plus, Kramer and Newman hate Hernandez because they think he spit on them after a game. Jerry's breakdown of the incident, ala Kevin Costner in the film, "JKF," is one for the ages.

The Smelly Car
Just what it says. Jerry goes out to dinner and when he gets his car back from the valet, he notices a bad smell that gets worse and worse. He goes out of his way to get the smell away but to no avail. He decides it is an evil force. He exclaims, "It's the Beast!" George has broken up Susan, runs into her again after some time and finds out she has become a lesbian. Kramer meets Susan's girlfriend and they start an affair. The best part of the episode is Jerry's horrible realization that the smell in his car will never go away and his whining about it.

Just finished rewatching Season 1. I've been doing it slowly over the past 2 weeks, watching an episode every few days. Planning on doing the same with the rest of the show as i'm not sure if i've seen each episode more than once and i've been in the mood for it lately.

The Seinfeld Chronicles

The Pilot is pretty meh. Stuff like Kramer being called Kessler always throws me off even though i know it's coming, no Elaine in place of her the waitress who was supposed to be a regular. It's also not that funny, but it does have its moments. One thing it introduced right away was a character saying something that gets stuck in the others brain forcing them to overanalyze something fairly trivial, feels a bit like a role reversal here with Jerry instead of George; although it does happen to all of them except Kramer throughout the show George just feels the most natural at it.

The Stakeout

This was the episode that initially got me hooked, it's not brilliant or anything but it's a lot funnier than the pilot. The introduction of the go-to Seinfeld fake name Art Vanderlay and George desperately wanting people to believe he could be an architect is fantastic. it also introduces the character doing something insane usually for a date which it is here, with Jerry staking out a law office to get a woman who he talked to for a couple of minutes phone number. The best thing the episode did was get the Jerry and Elaine used to date stuff which has no place on the show over with right away. It of course returns at times particularly in the early seasons but then it is straight up played for jokes rather than the mostly serious way it is here. I've never understood why they made Jerry and Elaine exes, unless it was purely to say look this isn't going to be like other sitcoms because this isn't going to be a focus on the show.

The Robbery

On rewatch this is the best of the first season in my opinion. It's just the funniest. The first time Elaine was really in her element with her completely selfish i'm really happy that you were robbed because now i might get this apartment. And Jerry and George not wanting the apartment because the other one does is gold, the cointoss especially "It hit the table, that's an interference!", "You didn't call no interferences.", "You don't have to call that, that's a known rule".

Male Unbonding

Really sad to say that i remembered this one fondly but this time i didn't like it much. If it wasn't for the dull pilot i'd say this was the weakest. It is a funny episode but Jerry and Joels relationship makes me cringe bad, the whole faux break up scene at the diner is awful in my opinion. The Kramer subplot is pretty funny though probably the first true Kramer moment, love when he walks out the room on the phone talking about his dumb idea as if it is something truly groundbreaking.

The Stock Tip

Second best of the season and along with The Robbery it wouldn't feel out of place in the great seasons. My only complaint is we don't get to see the scene with George asking this complete stranger who is in hospital about the tip; that could've been Classic George material there.

Overall it's a good five episodes, it lays some of the foundations without ever reaching the greatness of the peak 3-7 Seasons. Should be making a Season 2 post in a few weeks.

01.The Robbery
02.The Stock Tip
03.The Stake Out
04.The Male Unbonding
05.The Seinfeld Chronicles