
I use to belong to a board like that, very active and once a very tight knit community. Then it got bad, real bad and now it's gone or mostly anyway. So here I am, at least for now.
You're not leaving here... I wont let ya!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Who was talking dirty? not me, I'm a gentleman.

But seeing how you brought it up, does the girl know you're not attracted to her? I think you should be honest about that.

Ok apparently I cant see someone's post...

lol or am I reading things wrong..?
Someone deleted their post and it WASN'T ME!

Trouble with a capital "T"
He deleted his message. I don't know why? There was nothing wrong with it. In fact I thought it was an interesting topic. I was looking forward to discussing it. Maybe he meant it for another thread?

No... there are very few women I think are beautiful but Im not attracted to them...

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've read female posters on different boards say they're straight BUT they would be into Angelina Jolie.

I thought that was odd, until I thought about her looks, very masculine in a way. She has a strong jaw and sort of masculine behavior. So I'm thinking she extrudes masculinity in a female way.

I think Michelle Yeoh is a very beautiful woman... but its not just her looks... its her grace too....

If you ever watch a Michelle Yeoh movie.. (which are mostly Asian martial arts films and dramas) , she move gracefully as well..

I thin Ziyi Zhang is beautiful too

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've never seen either of those actresses. I haven't seen much Chinese cinema but what I have seen impressed me. The last Chinese language film I watched was The Flowers of War.

Damn, I caught you cold MovieGal, you should wash you hands before posting! ( joking of course, but I do have a rotten cold)

Well CR.. they are both in Memoirs of a Geisha and that is in English.. you might like that drama..

and they both are in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.... to bad your not a fan of foreign speaking films.. I know many good ones from Asia..


Am I showing up on the active users page for anyone? For some reason, I can't see myself on there. I checked and I'm not invisible.