Movie a Day by the Bay


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

The Theory of Everything

James Marsh
123 min.

A lovely biography of one of the most loved and recognizable scientists alive, told especially from the point of view of his first wife.
First, the good things: The story is beautiful, and even more astonishing for the fact that it actually happened! What Stephen Hawking had to endure to become what he is today and how important was the love of his wife during the whole process is as touching as is admirable!
Eddie Redmayne is perfect as Hawking - a true contender to the Best Actor Academy Award - and Felicity Jones is also very well as his wife, delivering a very truthful perfomance.
However, there are this filters that look like amateur photo editing programs which make some scenes look totally artificial! Also, the structure seems too focused on the romance at some points and could develop a bit more Hawking's career.
Overall, it's a very nice movie with some really emotional moments, fit to every kind of viewer!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I thought Theory Of Everything was fine, I am glad I saw it. The best part for me was definitely Redmayne's performance. One thing about the photo filters. Are you referring to the couple of montage scenes? Those were made to look like old home movies. Not sure if this is what you were talking about.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I thought Theory Of Everything was fine, I am glad I saw it. The best part for me was definitely Redmayne's performance. One thing about the photo filters. Are you referring to the couple of montage scenes? Those were made to look like old home movies. Not sure if this is what you were talking about.
I'm talking about the blue filter on the beggining, the yellow at the end... It seemed somewhat articial!

Still, I don't really get all the hate either - it's a sweet, humble film and a good watch.
Sweet? It's a horrible film.

Has anyone who's seen The Theory Of Everything also seen Hawking?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Sweet? It's a horrible film.
You don't find children being kidnapped and blinded sweet?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Has anyone who's seen The Theory Of Everything also seen Hawking?
Yes. I give them both
. Hawking is more interesting and more informative, but Eddie Redmayne is really good as Hawking, especially in the last half of Theory.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

You don't find children being kidnapped and blinded sweet?
Umm... No. No, I didn't.
Yes. I give them both
. Hawking is more interesting and more informative, but Eddie Redmayne is really good as Hawking, especially in the last half of Theory.
I should've just asked you, should I? Thanks, mark. That's pretty much what I expected to hear. I'll probably end up watching it someday when it's on tv.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Annie Hall

Woody Allen
93 min.

I never understood all the hype around Woody Allen so I watched this because most people say it's his best work.
Well, it has its moments and it's definitely unique on its own way but I didn't find anything special about it.
I can see why it's so admired and it made me laugh at some scenes (which is really rare) but for a 90 minute movie it had too much boring moments!
Acting is great, Diane Keaton and Allen are great as the dysfunctional couple in a very dysfunctional movie, the editing is very good, it's original is many ways but I didn't like the pacing very much. Still a good watch though I'm not sure I would rewatch it!

What other Woody Allen films have you watched? Annie Hall is nowhere near his best for me

Annie Hall is my favorite Woody Allen. I think it's far and away his funniest film. It's also the first Allen film I ever watched, so I hadn't yet grown weary of Allen's neurotic shtick. Blue Jasmine, The Purple Rose of Cairo, and Hannah and Her Sisters are the other Allen films I'd most recommend.

Hannah and Her Sisters is definitely one of his best and probably his most well-written. I love the script of that to death.

January 3, 2015:

Eraserhead (David Lynch, 1977) -

This is one of my favorite flicks. It's a wonderful surrealist poem and the black and white is stunning to watch. I love Lynch and you'd think he would be in my top three favorite directors of all-time, but he's not. He might make top ten, top 20 for sure, but anyone who knows my taste would think Lynch must be at the top. I can't explain why he's not. I do think he's a surrealist genius. He has an insanely wonderful imagination. I'd love to meet him. We'd get along well.

I looked it up on Wiki and this is listed as a body horror film. It makes sense, but I've only recently really started thinking about that subgenre, after watching some more Cronenberg flicks and loving them. I guess I love body horror.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Wish you had liked Annie Hall more Neiba. It is my favorite of his. You gotta be on board with the dialogue and neuroses when watching Allen because that is what he offers for sure.

Swan, 365 movies to choose this year and this is #3. At least rewatch Star Wars or something.

Swan, 365 movies to choose this year and this is #3. At least rewatch Star Wars or something.
That is not a bad idea.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That is not a bad idea.
I have been thinking we should try to plan a commentary for them with Raul, since he has to see them this year. I didn't mean all at once BTW.